Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Beth Caudill: Enchantress’ Destiny (Contest)
Friday, October 23rd, 2015

Writing for me is like have split personality disorder-everything is the opposite of the way it should be.  I am an organized person. I live by post-it notes, check lists and my calendar.  This is great, theoretically I should be plotter.  Outlines and structured plot points should be no problem.

Yeah right.  I get hives at character sheets and when I tried to plot a story ahead of time, I never wanted to write it. My muse was like “What’s the point? It’s all there in black and white.”

I love not knowing what will happen until I’m writing a scene. But I feel something is missing because writing wise, I’m not very organized. It gives me the heebie-jeebies not being in complete control.  So how do I cope?  Mindmaps!

My husband isn’t into fantasy like I am but he is the one who suggested I try organizing some of my timelines with mindmaps.  I couldn’t get a timeline to work but I love mindmaps for organizing my notes.  I keep everything in a mindmap now – characters, plotlines, places (maps, floorplans, names of cities), research and sometimes a glossary.

This is a screenshot of my mindmap for the current WIP tentatively titled Merman’s Curse, which is novella three in my Paranormals of Arilase series. I’m not sure this will be the published title but it works for now.  The program I use is a Mac only software called Curio. (You can do similar organizing with Microsoft OneNote)


I don’t have a lot filled in yet. Not even images for the hero and heroine. But that is what is so great with the mindmap and display board…it grows when I need it to. I always start with a story blurb and the main characters.  This story I had problems getting to know the heroine Kaycee, so I took a break from the mindmap and wrote a prologue.  It helped me figure out her powers and understand her better.

Now I can complete the initial information in the mindmap and start writing the rest of the story. The prologue won’t be in the final story but some of the information will be included in future chapters. Usually I know my characters before starting a story. This time that didn’t work out.  That’s both the joy and frustration with my writing process.  It’s always changing even when I wish it would stay the same.

So tell me, are you a post-it note, checklist or fly-by the seat of your pants type person?

I’ll randomly select a commenter to receive a notebook with the cover of my werewolf short story Informally Yours.



Enchantress’ Destiny by Beth Caudill


One dark curse, two elves and a destiny neither could escape.

Cursed at his birth by a dark elf, Rowe Calder avoids personal entanglements, especially his betrothal to Caliressa Bellehaven. Circumstances force them together and love won’t be denied. But the dark elf claims his vengeance and only the strongest enchantress can reclaim Rowe’s soul.

Series: Paranormals of Arilase – Novella 2
Genre: Paranormal Romance / Fantasy Romance
Length: Novella – 25,200 words
Heat Level: Spicy

Available for Sale at:
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About the Author

Although Beth grew up in West Virginia, she currently resides in North Carolina with her husband, two sons and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who makes an excellent lap warmer. Blending the analytical and creative sides of her brain, she delights in creating fantasy worlds for others. Catch her online most days except when NCIS and Once Upon a Time air.

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Siera London: CONVINCING LINA & a Little Q&A (Contest)
Thursday, October 22nd, 2015

UPDATE: Rbeey Swan is the winner of the gift card!

* * * * *

Thanks a bunch for the blog invite, Delilah! A big, down home wave is coming your way from the Southernmost point of the USA!

Since this is my first visit to your spot, let’s get acquainted with a little Q&A.  Afterwards, you can read an excerpt from my latest release in the Bachelors of Shell Cove series, CONVINCING LINA.

**Giveaway Alert!**

Plotter or Pantser?
I am a hybrid of the two–a plotster. I create a loose plot diagram for the beginning, middle, and end of my manuscript. It takes me about six hours to record the turning points, and then I start writing.

What’s on your desk?
Salt and pepper. I write at my dining room table.

E-books, print, or both? Any preferences? Why?
I love the feel of a book in my hands, but I can read about 400 pages per day. Translation-buying print books when you can read a book a day is a financial disaster in the making. Digital books are purse friendly.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever done in the name of research?
I travel to most of the destinations mentioned in my books. In the past twelve months, I’ve visited Ireland, the Dominican Republic, Peru, West Virginia, Florida, New York, and Texas. My husband is so over the novelty of research!

Music while you write? What kind?
Each one of my books has a soundtrack. Generally, the soundtrack is a mixture of rhythm and blues, country, and soft rock. I tend to listen to the soundtrack before I start my writing day.

Email/social media before or after you start writing?
I spend 15 minutes on social media, eat my breakfast, and then I sit down to write. This routine helps me to focus on the task to come-writing, not the fear of what will I write today.

What do you read? Do you read different genres when you’re writing vs not writing?
I read fiction and non-fiction. Typically, I read historical fiction to relax. I’m a retired nurse practitioner and I enjoy reading about nurses and the nursing profession. Currently, I am reading NIGHTINGALES, The Extraordinary Upbringing and Curious Life of Miss Florence Nightingale.

Thongs or bikinis?
In CONVINCING LINA,  the story starts in sunny Shell Cove, FL before the hero whisks Lina away to Waverly Falls, WV. Lina James is a curvy psychiatric nurse that has a lingerie drawer full of thongs. Curvy women rise up and take your rightful place in the Hall of Heroines.


Favorite beverage while writing?
I’m a southerner, so sweet tea is my coffee. I take this stuff intravenously during my writing sprints.

You’re a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?
I would be the color Sunrise. A combination of the sweetest Florida oranges, the energy of Gala red apples, and the happiness of yellow marigolds in full bloom.


CONVINCING LINA, is Book 2 in the Bachelors of Shell Cove series.


Lina James, psychiatric nurse and self-proclaimed independent woman isn’t going to allow another man to walk out of her life. Her love is officially off the market. She’s declared a preemptive strike on the male species with a man-fast. There’s just one glitch in Lina’s detox plan–Gideon. Her blood sugars spikes remembering the one kiss they shared.

Gideon Rice, is a veteran Marine and respected psychiatrist with more emotional wounds than his patients. He lives his life in camouflage–a wall between his rejection filled past and his new life ensures the two worlds never intersect. Gideon’s life plan is simple–give wounded warriors a place to heal and convince Lina James she’s the only woman for him.

When Lina’s past brings danger to her doorstep, she’s forced to accept Gideon’s help. His tender touch and determination to keep her safe, rocks the foundation of her man-fast, but she’s determined to resist her cravings.

How will she keep him at arm’s length when he is the safe haven she’s always wanted?

In a high stakes game of cat and mouse, how will they find the courage to risk their hearts in a fight for their lives?

Convincing Lina Excerpt

How many times had she believed a man when he said he was with her to stay? She had scoured the “sucker” tattoo off her forehead. Those words no longer held value. Words that were too easy to disregard, forget, or abandon. She knew from experience.

She exited the master suite dressed in a royal blue cotton sleep set with capped sleeves. The v-neckline was tasteful, rather than revealing. She expected to see him stretched out on the sofa when she descended the stairs from the master suite. Gideon was organized, so it was odd to think he required extra time in the bathroom. Her graphite color couch was unoccupied.

Crossing to the darkened kitchen area, she hesitated a moment outside of the guest suite. She gave a quick rap on the door and waited.

“Come in.” Gideon’s voice hit her ear in a perfect amount of base. Her body vibrated like a tuning fork. Read the rest of this entry »

Wednesday, October 21st, 2015

We head back to Colorado for an exciting adventure. Meet a real Madame with a shady past, a sexy billionaire and a former female Texas Ranger turned Covert Cowboy (er cowgirl, in this case). What do I love about the Covert Cowboys, Inc. series? I love the sexy men and women who have something to prove. Not to anyone else, but to themselves. My heroes are drool-worthy and my heroines are strong and feisty.

Psst! Contest information is beneath the excerpt!

Covert Cowboys Inc #8
Available now in print and in ebook Nov 1

ejClandestine Christmas

Amazon | Nook | Kobo | IBooks | GooglePlay

Sexy cowboy ropes in stunning secret agent!

A wickedly handsome billionaire rancher, Chase Marsden is past his dissolute playboy days. With Covert Cowboys’ Kate Rivers posing as his fiancée, he’s determined to find the culprits trying to murder an old—and notorious—friend many would kill to keep silent.

From the moment Chase eyes Kate—beautiful, tough, but vulnerable—he knows she’s the one. Kate, a former Texas Ranger, fears nothing but Chase’s reckless kisses. As they investigate together, each clue puts their lives further in jeopardy. Will Christmas find them under the mistletoe…or escaping kidnappers and dodging hit men?


Chase sat back in his chair at the Lucky Lady Saloon in Fool’s Fortune, Colorado, letting the three-hundred-dollar-a-bottle whiskey and the lilting sound of Sadie Lovely’s voice wash over him.

Today marked the anniversary of his obligation to his grandfather’s will. In order to inherit all of what his grandfather left him, he had to agree to live at the Lucky Lady Ranch for two entire years without leaving for more than one month out of each year.

Finally, he was free to choose wherever he wanted to go, whatever he wanted to do and whomever he wanted to do it with.

But he wasn’t really. In the past two weeks, he’d gone from anticipating leaving the ranch to his overseer to promising to stay until things settled down with Sadie.

Fifteen years older than him, she was a friend from his former playboy life, really an acquaintance who’d saved him from being mugged by thugs and drowning in a gutter when he’d been too drunk and stupid to help himself.

Tough as nails, with a heart of gold, Sadie had held off the thugs with a .40-caliber pistol she kept strapped to her thigh beneath her evening dress. She’d dragged him into her home, sobered him up and asked for nothing in return.

He’d offered her his friendship, and even got to know her grandson, Jake, a cute little boy with curious green eyes. He wasn’t sure what had happened to cause Jake’s mother to crash her car, hadn’t asked and Sadie hadn’t volunteered the information. It was clear she was raising the boy to the best of her ability.

When she’d come to him two weeks ago, scared and in need of his help, he’d opened his doors to her, set her up with a job at one of the businesses he’d inherited from his grandfather and helped her move her and her grandson into his big empty house on the Lucky Lady Ranch until she could get set up in a place of her own.

Sadie ended her song and descended from the stage to sit in the chair opposite Chase. In her late forties, she was still an attractive woman, with smooth curves and a sultry smile. “I’m glad you came.”

Chase sat forward, the mild buzz from the alcohol clearing as he leaned forward. “I came as soon as I got your message. I must say I’m surprised you agreed to perform tonight.”

She shrugged. “I never know when a threat is real or just a threat. All I know is that I can’t live my life like this. I have to work to support my grandson. Speaking of which.” She bit her lip, the lines around her eyes more pronounced than usual. “I want to make sure you’re still good for my backup should anything happen to me where Jake’s concerned.”

“I’m his godfather now. I’d do anything for the kid.”

She reached across the table and touched his arm. “Even raise him as your own?” Sadie held his gaze.

Chase’s chest tightened. “That won’t be an issue. He’s got you.” Read the rest of this entry »

Cover Reveals and a New Release!
Tuesday, October 20th, 2015

It’s me! Seems like forever since I had a day I could visit my own blog. 🙂 And I come bearing news! I have two books from two exciting series that are up for pre-order now. And I have a brand new short story I can’t wait for you to sample.

I hope all is well with you. I’m working on a cold—stuffy nose, scratchy throat. Had to have been all that fresh air I got this weekend sitting at my table during the artists’ tour. Our weather turned the first day of the tour. On Thursday, temperatures hit just shy of 90 degrees. On Friday, we maybe got to 72 degrees. And the mornings this weekend were cold! I had to bring an afghan for my daughter and me to huddle under. Turn out wasn’t great, so I’m going to have tons of new pieces to post to the Etsy store—when I get time. Ha!

Enjoy the sneak peeks! And what do you think of the covers? My sister, Elle James, did every one of them.

Next in Uncharted SEALs


After losing her partner and lover in a shootout, New Orleans police officer Aislin Dupree is tormented by memories of the past and the day she lost Marc LeBrun. At her darkest hour, she discovers that Marc had planned a romantic getaway on a Caribbean island before his death . All expenses paid. She decides to take the trip, hoping the island getaway will help her come to terms with her sorrow. Instead, she meets a man, a friend of Marc’s from his past when he served as a Navy SEAL.

Sam Blalock is like Marc in so many ways that he makes her ache for what she once had. Strong, rugged Sam is her rock, holding her when she breaks, encouraging her to move on, because he knows about the pain of loss and the horror of violence all too well. She soon finds her waking hours consumed by Sam while she roams her dreams in search of Marc. As the time approaches for her to go home, she’s afraid to let go of the connection she’s found, and she fears she might be holding onto Sam for all the wrong reasons while she imagines another reality where dreams do come true.

Free for Kindle Unlimited Subscribers**Pre-order Here

Next in the Night Fall Series


After the death of one of the members of the super-secret police unit aligned with the Vampire Council in southern Florida, werewolf Max Weir becomes the chief suspect. Sure a greater villain has used a were-clan’s hatred of vamps to strike against the unit, Max travels to the mountains of North Carolina to seek the truth and hopefully renew the centuries-old truce between the weres and vampires.

Alec Weir has a problem on his hands. The new sheriff on Dark Mountain must walk a fine line between upholding were-clan laws and saving his vamp-loving brother from certain death. Alec must find the traitor in the clan responsible for the attack on the vampires or watch his brother die. If that wasn’t enough, his chosen mate, Stasia McGwyre, seems to still hold a candle for Max.

Free for Kindle Unlimited Subscribers**Pre-order Here

Brand New Release!


A Viking jarl tricked into marrying a shieldmaiden sets out to tame his fiery bride…

Free for Kindle Unlimited Subscribers**Order Here


“That creature is a Jarl’s daughter?” Left unsaid in Lothar’s wide gaze was the fact she would also beTorvald’s wife.
Given the sight that beheld their eyes,Torvald might have felt it unfair to chastise his companion, but he couldn’t overlook the disrespect. So he jerked his elbow backward and up, neatly breaking Lothar’s nose. While the man groaned and bent at the waist to keep the blood streaming toward the rushes covering the rough dirt floor,Torvald stepped deeper into the taproom.

Read the rest of this entry »

Roni Loren: 5 Reasons to Give a Sexy Submissive Hero a Chance
Monday, October 19th, 2015

I’ve been writing kinky stories for a few years now. I love writing the male dominant hero and can’t resist that uber alpha character. However, for a while now, I’ve been itching to flip the dynamic and write a story with a female domme and a male submissive. And when my character Gibson showed up on the page in an earlier book, I knew I had to write his story.

It’s always a risk to write this reverse dynamic because many readers think—a submissive hero? Nah, not my thing. But I’m here to tell you that there’s a whole lot to love about a submissive hero. And I promise, Gibson Andrews is no less alpha than any of his dominant friends. In the boardroom, he rules. But when the doors close, he has a different craving.

So what’s so hot about a submissive hero?

  1. He wants to please. – The man wants to give his partner pleasure. He actually gets off knowing he’s driving her wild and is willing to do almost anything to get her to that lovely, sexy place. What’s not to love about that?
  1. He’s strong. – Like I said, Gibson is alpha in the rest of his life. But beyond being physically strong, it takes a hell of a lot of guts to turn the control over to someone and leave yourself vulnerable. This is actually part of his journey in BREAK ME DOWN. He doesn’t want to be submissive even though he craves that dynamic, so he’s going to have to find the inner strength to embrace that part of himself. (And Samantha is looking forward to helping, lol.) And as a side note, we often point out in BDSM books how strong the woman has to be to submit. But for some reason, when it’s a guy submitting, we have that knee jerk reaction that this somehow makes him weaker. Submission takes strength no matter what the gender.
  1. He’s confident enough to flout gender expectations. – Gibson does not start in this place. But in general, any guy who is willing to embrace a submissive side has to be really confident and brave to give the middle finger to society’s gender expectations. That takes a lot of spine.
  1. He’s protective. – No one is going to be more protective of a woman than her sub. Just see what happens when someone tries to mess with Samantha when Gibson is around.
  1. The lady gets to call the shots. – Okay, so yes, the fantasy of not having to make decisions and handing over control to a sexy dom is a fantastic one. However, I was surprised when I started writing how fun it was to get into Sam’s head and wield all that power over the sexy Gibson. We all have a little evil side that would have some fun coming out to play, right? 😉

So after writing BREAK ME DOWN, I know I’ll have to revisit this type of story again. It was way too much fun to write not to do it again.

So have you ever read a story with a submissive hero? Any favorite books to recommend? What are your thoughts on that dynamic?

About Roni:

Roni wrote her first romance novel at age fifteen when she discovered writing about boys was way easier than actually talking to them. Since then, her flirting skills haven’t improved, but she likes to think her storytelling ability has. If she’s not working on her latest sexy story, you can find her cooking, watching reality television, or picking up another hobby she doesn’t need–in other words, procrastinating like a boss. She is a former RITA award nominee and is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author.



Samantha Dunbar needs to forget Gibson Andrews. When he trained her to be a domme, she experienced just how hot things could get with the sexy executive. She was ready to hand him everything–including her heart. But Gibson backed away, declaring them incompatible. He’s a dominant, and Sam’s no submissive.

But after an attack shakes Sam to her core, Gibson tracks her down at her family’s rundown farmhouse and makes her an offer. He’ll stay the week and be hers in every way–a helping hand for the renovation and a willing lover in her bed. He swore he’d never give up control to anyone again, but he hasn’t been able to touch another woman since Sam. Maybe a week alone with her will cure him of his relentless craving. 

But one taste only makes them want more, and Sam and Gibson are drawn in deeper than ever. The man who won’t give in has just met the girl who won’t give up…


He banged on it again before she could reach it, so when she swung the door open, his fist was still hovering in the air. He blinked as if surprised she’d actually appeared, and then blatant relief descended over his features. “Thank Christ.”

Her jaw clenched, and she had to force it to relax to speak. “What the hell are you doing here?” Read the rest of this entry »

Jen Crane: New Fantasy Series Descended of Dragons (Giveaway)
Sunday, October 18th, 2015

Remember when you had time for movie marathons? You could watch five straight episodes of Gossip Girl or True Blood guilt-free and uninterrupted. Can you even recall the days when you could watch an entire movie in one sitting? (Without folding laundry.) Or maybe you have free time now, but miss your old shows—reality TV just doesn’t do it for you.

These days I have less and less time for television. Don’t get me wrong—I still make time for my favorites. There’s no way I would miss Outlander or Game of Thrones or House of Cards. Thank the TV gods for DVR’s and Netflix! But aside from the obvious benefit of unlimited access to shows and movies, my video on demand service has provided a bonus: I’ve learned a lot about myself from my queue.  According to my viewing history, my TV preferences are dramatic, exciting, emotional shows that are sometimes dark, and often feature girl power. Spot on! That’s what I love to read, and it’s a fantastic description of the new fantasy series I released this month.

The Descended of Dragons series is a whole new spin on shifters. I released Books 1 & 2 in this fun, sexy new series this month. The books are getting great reviews, and were even selected by the staff at iBooks/iTunes as an “Our Pick” for Fantasy/Sci-Fi.

**Sign up for my newsletter at and enter for a chance to win a signed copy of Rare Form (Descended of Dragons, Book 1).  The winner, chosen from subscribers, will be announced in my next newsletter set to go out November 1.

jc2015.10.12_RF and OE Scorching New Series Square FB ad smaller

Rare Form
Descended of Dragons, Book 1

A Secret Past

Fiery redhead Stella Stonewall can’t decide between a margarita and a manhattan.
The rest of her life? Please. Stella has never really fit in, and her pretty world comes crashing down when she learns it was never her world at all.
Rowan Gresham is domineering, brooding, and as sexy as chocolate-dipped sin. When he transports Stella to the magical realm of her parents she recognizes her rightful place immediately. Gresham’s motivations are less clear.

A Scorching Chemistry

The enigmatic Gresham aids in Stella’s metamorphosis and their chemistry ignites, though a long-time girlfriend and a significant age difference stand in the way.

A Battle for the Rest of Her Life

Stella’s life fast-tracks to extraordinary when she enrolls at Radix Citadel for Supernatural Learning, an enchanted college whose students turn furry on the regular. As Stella learns to navigate the magical new world of Thayer she must also find her animal form, a task as elusive as her ancestry. Stella soon faces an even greater challenge: staying alive long enough to learn to manipulate an animal form she never knew she possessed.

jcOrigin Exposed ebook cover 782x1251Origin Exposed
Descended of Dragons, Book 2

A Dangerous Secret

In fiery redhead Stella Stonewall’s new world magic and shape-shifters are everyday life. Scales, sorcery, shifters—no big. Stella has learned she’s not only descended of dragons, but of powerful skin changers. She struggles to keep this rare form a secret, even from her closest friends.

A Bitter Betrayal

Stella turns to her mentor Rowan Gresham for help. The charming but enigmatic Gresham forms a plan to improve her troublesome public image. The problem? The plan revolves around betraying the only family she has left.

A Potential for Something Real

When Gresham’s motives come into question Stella must rely on the new friends she’s made at a college for magical shifters. The feral bunch helps set Stella’s inner beast free. As these friendships flourish, so does the magnetism she’s always felt toward fierce and noble Ewan Bristol. But it’s so strong it threatens to overwhelm her.

Can Stella afford to open her heart now, when her entire future’s at stake, or is it bolted shut for eternity?

About the Author

Though she grew up on a working cattle ranch, Jen Crane has been in love with fantasy and science fiction since seeing a bootleg tape of Quantum Leap in the 90’s.

She has a master’s degree and solid work histories in government and non-profit administration. She’s been published in reputable newspapers and magazines.

One day, though, she said, “Life’s too real for nonfiction. I’m gonna write about love and magic.”

Jen is happily living out her dream in The South with her husband and three children, striking that delicate balance between inspiration and frustration.

Find Jen Crane online
FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest: JenCraneBooks

Gemma Juliana: My Muse Is Back!
Saturday, October 17th, 2015

This blog post could be about how an author tried to live a normal life when her muse abandoned her for an entire year. Instead, I’ll focus on the positive. She and I renegotiated our contract and she is back on the job! She demanded that more play time, more chocolate, more aromatherapy bubble baths, and an occasional glass of champagne are added to her contract. She also insisted ‘we’ travel more for inspiration, even just a day trip at times. She’s tired of humdrum routines and old patterns.

Who am I to say no? So, we’re back in the writer’s chair and enjoying it more than ever.

To kick it all off, we’re in three anthologies—two are releasing right now, with the third in November. And then there’s a fourth that is in the early stages of planning for Spring 2016.

I’d never been in a multi-author boxed set before but am loving it. There’s something special about joining up with author friends and shooting for the stars in a group effort.

gjEntice Me Anthology Book TourNow, if you’ll indulge me—and my muse—we’ll do just a little shameless self-promotion. Yesterday was my first Facebook party ever and it was way more fun than I expected. We’re asking for Thunderclap support and would be ever so thankful for yours—the more the merrier. And I support all Thunderclap campaigns if asked. If you are so inclined, here’s where to go:


And, if you are a Pinterest nut like me (my muse really, really loves Pinterest, per chance to dream), you may enjoy browsing the Entice Me Pinterest board:

And here’s my Riviera Rendezvous Pinterest board:

Thanks so much from us all!

ENTICE ME: Luscious Love Stories

by 9 of the 20 member authors of Romance Books ‘4’ Us

 My novelette, Riviera Rendezvous, takes us on a fast ride in a shiny sports car with the mysterious and magnetic Xandros Xenakis from Genoa, Italy—where Amalie Pallas abandons ship after a scary encounter—to a fairytale wedding in the sleepy town of Èze on the French Riviera. She’s a damsel in temporary distress; he’s a knight in a shiny Aston Martin coupe with the perfect solution—a win-win offer she can’t afford to refuse. Can a weekend turn into a lifetime?


The second boxed set is of a totally different nature. It’s a compilation of recipes and tips from busy authors. It’s available now for pre-order on several platforms and will be available in both ebook and hard copy. Can’t beat it for .99 and a portion goes to charity. What a fine gift this holiday season.

We’d Rather Be Writing: 88 Authors Share Timesaving Dinner Recipes and Other Tips


Last but not least, please take a peek at Autumn Masquerade, my autumn story that works for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the harvest season in general.

tdAutumn Masquerade

Anna Spencer learned long ago that she must separate her corporate career and her psychic gifts. Her boss is the one person she fears will find out. Richard Bentley, a wealthy widower, has come to mean more to Anna than she wants to admit. When Anna agrees reluctantly to fill in as a psychic at a masquerade ball, her secret world collides with her daily reality. Communicating with the dead is her greatest gift, and lands her in a huge predicament when Richard’s deceased wife shows up for a chat.

Thanks for listening to my shameless self-promotion! I wish each and every one of you a delightful season of gratitude and reflection, and lots of reading and writing!

GEMMA JULIANA is a multi-published author who writes love stories of all kinds, from contemporary to paranormal. She has a penchant for romantic international settings, whether real and fictional. Gemma lives in a cozy cottage in Texas with her very own hero, teen son, and a dog who rules them all. Chocolate and coffee nourish her muse and fuel her creativity. She enjoys traveling for research and spending time with family and friends. Gemma loves hearing from readers and making new friends.