Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'review'

Days four and five
Friday, July 25th, 2008

Here’s some happy news before I whine about my lack of progress today. During one of my many procrastinating surfs I found a new review of Sin’s Gift from Paranormal Romance reviewer, Sonya Harrison. Here’s a snippet. Follow the link for the full review (and of course, be sure to read the excerpt on my website!): Review for Sin’s Gift

“Delilah Devlin is her signature self with this novella. Hot love scenes and strong characters pull the reader into the story immediately. Paranormal elements are neatly woven into the story and well-timed comedic quips bring the characters to life. This novella seems to set the stage for other stories to follow as more is revealed about the body snatching demons on earth. Readers will be left begging for more and will no doubt want to read more about Sin and Jake’s on and off-duty escapades.”

Cool, huh? I especially liked the part where it said, “[DD] is her signature self,” which got me to thinking if the rest hadn’t been great someone who didn’t like me could read it to mean something very negative, like “DD is her signature self, dishing raunchy, pointless sex interlaced with ridiculous flights of fantasy,” or some such.

Whew! I survived to write another day. Which gets me back to the fact I wrote one bloody paragraph today. AND I wrote only five yesterday. What gives? I think I need to get to a printer and get my pages on paper, then take scissors to them and re-arrange the paragraphs. I just can’t visualize it without my great big screen.

So, I’m not going to beat myself up because it would only frustrate me more. Since I have two more days of my retreat I’m going to concentrate on brainstorming two more projects that are on the horizon. Those of you on my chat loop got a hint of what those two will be. Not sure yet whether one of them is a Harlequin Blaze or an Intrigue, but I suppose I will know when I start to write the opening pages whether I can dampen my enthusiasm for the sensual side of the story. *snort*

First Review!
Monday, February 4th, 2008

I’m as insecure as any writer when it comes to my “babies.” Writing a book is a very personal journey. You bare your thoughts, your fantasies, pieces of your personality to a world of strangers.

Then you sit back and wait to see whether anyone sees the world like you do. Whether they find something in you imagination that captures theirs. Reviews are death on a writer’s nerves and courage.

Well, after a long wait, the first review is in for Seduced by Darkness, and the reviewer loved it! If I get skewered with the next one, at least I’ll have this one to look back on to bolster my self esteem. 😆

Read what Romance Reader at Heart reviewer, Kay, had to say (this is just a snippet, follow the link for the full review):

“Lordy, Lordy, but it’s hot in here! I’ve just finished SEDUCED BY DARKNESS by Delilah Devlin, and I tell you, that woman writes hot!…The fact of the matter, though, is that even without the steam Delilah Devlin has an awesome story with SEDUCED BY DARKNESS. Take one vampire policewoman and an immortal intent of keeping the world safe from extraordinary evil, pit the pair against a newly awakened horror and you’ve got the gist of this story. What you haven’t got, however, is the intense plot twists, superior dialogue and so-realistic-they-jump-from-the-pages characters…SEDUCED BY DARKNESS has earned Delilah Devlin a spot on my keeper shelf!”