Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'game'

Sliding Puzzle: Fairytale Castle and The Ferryman (Contest)
Tuesday, February 11th, 2025

I’m not trying to be cruel. Some folks did actually enjoy the last sliding puzzle. LOL!

For me, it was completely frustrating, trying to move the tiles around to see the image. This time, the image will be so worth the effort! Trust me.

Anyway, I love castles. I visited many in Europe while stationed in Germany for seven years. I loved standing on a castle wall, looking over a valley or waterway, and imagining what it was like when it was inhabited. Grim, I suppose, but I prefer the romantic images in my mind.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle (if you can!), then tell me something about the image…a story you might tell…or elaborate on some aspect of the castle or the mysterious figure in the foreground. Have fun!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Super Bowl Sunday!
Saturday, February 8th, 2025

I’m not a huge football fan. I used to watch back in the day when my father was alive and huge Arkansas Razorbacks fan. The last time I followed pro ball was when Mike Ditka coached the Bears, and The Refrigerator and McMahon were the heroes of that game. Was that really forty years ago? I never so enjoyed a game, but that was it for me. Not sure why.

My family loves going to the high school and local college games. They love knowing the players and meeting up with friends to watch. The only time we gather for a pro ball game these days is for the Super Bowl. I’m embarrassed to say I’m there for the commercials. The girls love the half-time show, but we stay for the end—if the game is a nail-biter. We pick our sides and love ribbing each other when our favorite team makes a great play and scores.

However, if the power went out tomorrow night, we’d be okay. We’re not that invested. It’s just another chance to sit together and celebrate as a family and maybe eat some finger food (I’ll have to talk someone into hitting the grocery store for some goodies!).

How about you? Are you big fans? Who are you rooting for to win this time around? Are you gathering with friends and family or heading to a sports bar? Solve the puzzle then post your answers below for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Saturday Puzzle Contest: Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day & Open Contests!
Saturday, February 1st, 2025

This is definitely a holiday I can get behind! I looooove ice cream. Ice cream with waffles, crepes, or pancakes sounds divine!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me how you would eat your ice cream for breakfast!

Open Contests

Since I have a guest on my blog tomorrow, I’m posting the contest list early. Be sure to enter while you still can!

  1. Flashback: Tailgating at the Cedar Inn (Contest–3 Winners!)Last day to enter! Win a FREE story! THREE winners!
  2. Word Search: Hot Sauce Day (Contest)Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Anna Taylor Sweringen/Michal Scott: Ellen F. Eglin — Inventor of the Wringer Washer (Contest)This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: A Wishing Well — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. A Tale of Two Cats (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  6. Flashback: Hook (Contest–3 Winners!) — Win a FREE book! THREE winners!
  7. Memory Game: Happy Chinese New Year! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  8. Get your F*R*E*E download! — Everyone, get your FREE download!
  9. Tell me a story… (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
Saturday Puzzle-Contest: A Wishing Well
Saturday, January 25th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Deb Brown.

It’s Saturday—so, it’s puzzle time! I promise the picture in the puzzle is much prettier than this one.

I know what wish I would flip my quarter into a wishing well for, but I’d love to know what your wish would be. So, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what you’d wish for.

Word Search: Hot Sauce Day (Contest)
Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Janelle!

Today’s another obscure holiday–Hot Sauce Day! Since I’m a lover of hot sauces, I thought celebrating them would be fun.

Did you know that chili peppers originated in the Americas? They were spread around the world by Spanish and Portuguese traders. They get their heat from something called capsaicinoids. They’re rated, too, on something called the Scoville Scale. Reading the rating of some of the hot sauces I looked at, I’m a bit of a weenie with my favorite sauces (Cholula, Tabasco, and Frank’s) only rating in the 1000s. Tabasco is the hottest in my fridge at 7,000. Da Bomb, which I listed in the puzzle, is a scorching 119,000 to 1.5 million!

So, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether you’re a fan of hot sauces and which ones are in your fridge!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Dream Dinner Table
Saturday, January 18th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Carol!

Sorry, I’m so late posting! My website was down this morning, and I had to wait for the hosting site to do whatever they did to fix it. It’s all good now. ~DD

Yesterday, I underwent a PET scan to see how all those rounds of chemo did. I read the radiologist’s report and instantly went into “Google-MD” mode with my daughter, but I’ll wait to see whether my pieced-together diagnosis matches my oncologist’s on Monday. Damn, I hate waiting! I’ll share whatever he tells us. You’ve followed me, supported me, and encouraged me all along the way; you deserve to know the good or bad that comes of all this.

So, onto today’s puzzle!

Maybe you don’t know it, but I love food. I’m a huge foodie. I’ll try anything. Traveling to so many different countries in my younger days, I was game for anything. I remember eating a shared sheep’s head sitting in the middle of a bed of couscous on a huge tray with half a dozen Saudis around me—so delicious. A Greek woman, who I visited in her home, made a lovely Greek salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, olives—and octopus. I tried it, and guess what? I loved it! I have so many fond memories of food adventures.

These days, I’m a bit homebound, but my daughter has my foodie gene and finds exotic things to cook. The kids aren’t always so eager to experiment, but they probably have a more diverse palette than their peers at school.

I am a huge lover of pasta. The photo above? I make ravioletti with sundried tomatoes, onions, spinach, pine nuts, basil, oregano, olive oil, tons of garlic, and it’s so good. It’s one of my dd’s favorite things to eat. I like it with chopped up artichokes, too, but she doesn’t like them. *sigh* In that picture, she made the homemade focaccia bread. So yummy.

Of course, I make a very tasty spaghetti with meatballs. The 11-year-old recently went to the local Italian restaurant and ordered theirs and couldn’t finish it. She said mine was much better. Proud grandma moment there.

I’m always perusing pasta recipes on Pinterest. This looks so incredibly easy. Pasta with spinach, and it looks like bits of walnuts? I’d be all over that.

I digress because I’m hungry, and you’re here for a puzzle and contest…

Today’s puzzle features an aspirational (for me) dinner party. Pasta, seafood, all kinds of sides… For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me your favorite pasta dish that you think belongs on this table. If you have a link to the recipe, it would be much appreciated, but if it sounds good, I’ll Google the heck out it! Have fun!

Memory Game: Places I would like to go… (Contest)
Thursday, January 16th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Stephanie!

I’m thinking about vacation destinations this morning because my daughter and I were talking about it this morning while she was getting the kids ready for school. Last year, the family had to cancel a cruise they’d planned for two years due to my diagnosis. I still feel guilty about that, but they never said a thing about being disappointed about not going, and we made the best of December, which was when they’d planned to go and still had a lot of fun.

My future’s up in the air, but I do still have a few places in the world I’d like to see. I traveled so much during my twenties and thirties while in the military. I did see a lot of Europe, and I have been on a few cruises all around the Caribbean. I decided to share some of the places I’d still like to go and see whether any of those destinations appeal to you!

So, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether any of the photos you uncover appeal to you or where you’d like to go!