Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for June 24th, 2012

Favorite Things
Sunday, June 24th, 2012

First, make sure you go to the She Shifters blog.
Everyone who posts a comment gets a free book!

* * * * *

I’m neck deep in stories at the moment, so not a lot of chat in me today. I asked folks who followed me to send me pictures of their favorite things. I might make this a regular feature because I loved what I got!

From Patricia K: “I’m in love with Thor at the moment.”

[Patricia, I’m not into blond men, but he makes me swoon! I’m right there with you!]


[Pretty picture, but am I the only one worried about it getting windy? :)]

From Bridget: “Here’s my favorite thing. My backyard folly! I dreamed it, and my hubby had it built. A lot of it is composed of reclaimed materials. Perfect for reading!”

[Now are the rest of you with SO’s wondering how you can get your own folly? Since I’m single, I’m gonna have to hire a handy man. Hmmm…]

From Kathleen C

[Her expressions says it all!! I want to be on that beach!]

I’m looking for more pictures! If you have a favorite thing, place or person, send me a pic!