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Archive for December 12th, 2016

Sukie Chapin: The Best Pet I Ever Got…For My Pet
Monday, December 12th, 2016


That’s right, the crazy cat lady has struck again. For any of you who frequent Delilah’s blog, you might remember me as the writer who broke my ankle tripping over my cat right before my story, Sanctuary, released in the Crazy Cat Ladies anthology. Well, I’m here to report that my ankle has healed remarkably well, and to look on the bright side, the injury gave me tons of writing time.

During my recovery, I had to accept certain facts: 1) I am not an island – I both need and must accept help (graciously when possible 😛 ), 2) mom’s really do have a magic healing touch, 3) Gilmore Girls is just as good, if not better, the third time around, and 4) my cat needed a playmate.

So, enter my new fluff-ball, Morris. Well, okay, technically not my new fluff-ball. He’s actually my cat Posie’s new fluff-ball. How many times can I say fluff-ball in one paragraph? #gifted

Does the fact that I got a cat for my cat make me extra crazy?

Who knows, but isn’t he cute? Posie thinks so, too.

This little guy has been keeping me company through revisions on Sanctuary Part Two, and I have to admit, there’s nothing quite like kitten cuddles. He’s not nearly as well behaved as Loki, the lion in the story, but he’s more portable and less likely to maul the livestock.

So, with a little help from Posie and Morris – head-butts, purrs, and some sandpaper baths – I’m officially finished with Sanctuary Part Two, and it’s ready to be released into the wild.

If you’re into a rough-and-tumble man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to show his woman how special she is, a heroine with quirks galore and a serious drive to succeed, and enough steam to keep you frosted in all Christmas break, this might be the holiday read for you. Just be sure you check out the first part of the story in the Crazy Cat Ladies anthology!

Come say hi anytime:

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Twitter: @SukieChapin
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To preorder Sanctuary Part Two:
iBooks, Nook, Kobo:

For Sanctuary Part One in Crazy Cat Ladies anthology:
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