UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Todd!
First, thank you to everyone who picked up their copy of Preacher! Thank you, thank you! And bless those who left a review. Very much appreciated! But if you’ve already read the book, you should be asking for the next story, and I didn’t leave that any big mystery whose story it will be…
His name’s Pierce Hardman.
This former SEAL thought BUD/S was hard, but convincing his new trainer that all work and no play doesn’t make a bigger, badder bounty hunter might just be the greatest challenge of his life…
I’m not satisfied with that blurb, but blurbs are torturous and I suck at them. I’ll work on it.
In the meantime, can we celebrate the fact that we’re well into the Dead Horse, MT spinoff series now? I love everything about the town. Coming up with kooky names for the town’s businesses was completely fun and some readers helped with that! This is the reading order and includes the short story, “In the Wild”…
Click on the covers to learn more about these stories!

And then comes,

For a chance to win a copy of one of the original Montana Bounty Hunters stories, answer me this…
Since I have this wonderful, crazy little town of Dead Horse, should I plan to write some stories that don’t necessarily center around the bounty hunters just for fun? Would that be something you’d like to see?
Oh, and take a look at the cover reveal my dd put together for Hardman. Is this hot or what?
HELL YEAH, that would be AMAZING
Woot! I’m thinking Rhonda at Dem Bones Package Store might need her own story. Maybe she even wants to get the attention of one of the bounty hunters, but another local decides he’s had enough of waiting around for her to notice him… And eventually, crusty old Nadine needs her own story…
I haven’t read this series yet (just downloaded Preacher through KU), but I say the more the merrier. 😊
I really like your little town. I’m sure you will find some great characters there.
Fig Newton needs a story at least.. And poor Caleb is getting dumped? Did you know when you wrote In the Wild you were not going to have them be a forever couple?
I love seeing secondary characters have their own stories… that cover is drool-worthy!!!
Cindy, I had no idea Caleb was getting the boot until Marti perked up around Hardman. Not sure I’ll work in a love triangle or not, just yet. Caleb’s a long way from Dead Horse. 🙂
Glad y’all are loving Hardman’s cover!
Yes. I’ve often wondered about the towns the bounty hunters live in and hang out in. It could be fun to have characters that have tangential stories. It would be fun to have the bounty hunters make guest appearances.
I would love to read them
Oh, yes!! Please!
The more the better!
And that cover is fire!!!
Wow that guy is totally ripped! Hey your quirky little town would be awesome to right about, go for it I would love to see stories about some crazy townspeople and their quirky pets🥰👍🌹🙏❤️
Oops write about lol
Oh hell yes I haven’t read any of them yet but I will
I think that would be a blast, Delilah, to include some of the not-bounty-hunter peeps! Can’t wait to see what you do!
I think it would be good to see some others from the town and keep up with the people from the first books.
Would love it! Retired military? Think silver foxes 🙂
Okay, so I have marching orders. Dead Horse stories to write, with or without bounty hunters. Thanks for the feedback!
The winner of her choice of one bounty hunter story is…Jennifer Todd! Jennifer, congrats! Email me at delilah@delilahdevlin.com to let me know which story you would like a download of.