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One on One by Cathryn Fox
Thursday, February 5th, 2009

My very good friend, Cathryn Fox, has a new book out with Samhain, so I’m providing you a tease of an excerpt to whet your appetites!

It was just a sexy game. Then things went south…

Taylor Dayton has been holding back a secret from her best friend, firefighter Christian Bain: he’s the only man who can douse the flames inside her. It’s time he noticed her as more than an ice cream and movie pal. What better way to melt the blinders from his eyes than propose an irresistibly sexy grooming session?

Christian can hardly believe the woman from his erotic dreams has just issued a siren call no red-blooded male can resist. He’ll give her what she wants, and when he’s done with her, she’ll need more than a fire hose to cool her down.

When their little game leads them to discover their secret fetishes and fantasies, they realize that this sexy seduction is no longer just a game.

This time, it’s for keeps.


I loved this friends-to-lovers short story because it was written in a fun, quirky sense that had me smiling through most of it. The sex scenes were intense and erotic while also carrying forward that sense of fun and adventure…That made the relationship work on so many levels. I highly recommend One on One for anyone looking for a sexy fun short read to warm your body and soul!
~ The Romance Studio, 5 Hearts


“Okay, what do I have to do to get Christian to look at me like that?” Taylor Dayton asked her two friends as they all sat around The Hose, the local watering hole where the firefighters from Station 419 gathered for a nightly game of eight ball.
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Man-Day: Just relaxin'
Monday, February 2nd, 2009

I scooped this from my favorite “man-watch” site, Just Beautiful Men. Tell me this man doesn’t have a totally lickable chest—sand and all! What sort of writing inspiration do you think he’s giving me?
😎 DD in the groove and writing her ass off today

Promises to myself
Saturday, January 31st, 2009

With one book down and another to start, I’ve been straightening my desk, setting up new folders, and clearing my mind. I have an idea for the next project; a starting point. By Tuesday, I intend to have the first chapter thrown down, and then I’ll stand back and see what I think of the course I’m charting.

In the meantime, I’ve finally had time to do those “New Year” things that I couldn’t while I was still deep in DR4. I decided rather than resolutions, I’d call mine promises. And they are ones I intend to keep.

Promises to Myself

* Every story I write will be my best effort and something I can take pride in
* Every story I write will be fresh, inventive, and reflective of my natural voice
* Every story I submit will display the hallmarks of a professional: clean, well-conceived and presented
* Every story I see released will be promoted to the best of my ability
* I will diversify my writing: fiction-nonfiction; erotica-erotic romance-romance
* I will continue to improve my skills and seek criticism
* I will start every day reflecting on my priorities and stepping out according to plan
* I will end each day reflecting on my progress and preparing my desk for the next day’s work
* I will give back to the writing community
* I will be responsive, professional, and well-intentioned in all my correspondence and communications

There. I committed to them all in public, so spank me if you ever see me backslide.

Dark Realm4 is done! What's next?
Friday, January 30th, 2009

Yeah, I finished DR4 last night and shipped it to my editor. Today, I’m working at catching up on everything I let slide while I pounded out those last chapters. That includes catching up on plans.

This is what February looks like for me. Listed in priority. It’s a lot and has to be managed around a trip to Oklahoma for a plotting bootcamp my sister and I are leading. But it’s doable–IF I write 50 pages a week.

I was doing that and more for DR4, but I’m in need of a break. I don’t have time for one. When I turned in that book, I satisfied my last contract. So, now I have to search for the next big idea, the next hottest thing to snag an editor’s attention. If you have any ideas, pitch ’em my way. I’m thinking something “cowboy” next since I just dragged my hero and heroine out of Hell. I need a change of scenery.

I'm too braindead to be clever…
Thursday, January 29th, 2009

I’m pages away from being finished with my current work-in-progress. By now, I’m thoroughly sick of it. Sad, but true. It happens when I’m closing in on the finish line for a long project.

I want it over. I feel as though I’ll scream if I read what I’ve already written one more time. I’m ready to wrap this sucker up, toss it at my wonderful editor, and let her throw up all over it before she ships it back to me again. I think I tell her that every time too, although I do it in much more tactful language (I hope).

Comparing writing a book with giving birth to a child is so cliche’, but it’s sooooo true. You’re scared and excited when you’re building up to the big day. Your manuscript is bloated, you look like hell, everything hurts—but once you’re on that table it all boils down to, “Jesus, would you just jerk it out of me already!” Okay, I’m taking a deep breath. Didn’t mean to get so graphic, but maybe you can follow what I mean.

Once it’s over, I’ll want a drink or two to unwind. I’ll swear this is the worse job in the world and ask myself why, oh why, would I want to put myself through it again.

But a couple of days later, I’ll forget about all the pain and be eager to conceive that brand new shiny project, and off I’ll go again like that crazy woman in Arkansas who just gave birth to her 18th child!

Deep breath. It’s almost over. Damn, don’t I at least rate a morphine drip?

Man-Day: Dirty
Monday, January 26th, 2009

So, he’s not the handsomest guy in the world, but I imagine plenty of Gallactica fans drool over him. What I like is that he looks like he could be that cute guy next door, working under the hood of his car with his dirty hands and grease smeared on his cheek.

I love me a dirty man.

Sunday Report Card/Playing at the Cave!
Sunday, January 25th, 2009

Progress on Dark Realm-4

As you can see, I’m closing in on the finish line for this book. After I turn it in, I have some smaller projects to work on, but I really have to get in gear to put together the next big project. I’ll have my head down next week revising, revising and plan to ship this sucker out on Thursday.

Today, I’m taking a break until late afternoon to play on Ellora’s Cave’s chat loop. Join me there if you can. I’ll be sharing excerpts of my latest (Jane’s Wild Weekend) and am not above offering bribes (prizes) to get you to come keep me company! ~DD