Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'General' Category

A Wedding Today!
Friday, May 16th, 2008

I’m a bit buzzed today. Can’t write. Can’t hold a conversation. Can’t concentrate worth a damn. In a couple of hours my little girl will be a married woman again. Yeah, first time was a disaster. I’m hoping this one takes!

We’re doing a low-key ceremony outdoors. The weather here is cooperating. It’s sunny, but a lovely mid-70s. I’ll let you know how it goes. There’s always an unexpected little adventure in any of the Devlin household’s celebrations.

I do have some news. Not big news. But something nice. Can’t talk about it until the contract’s signed. But it looks like I’ll be adding another release to my already crowded schedule soon. And my EC readers will be happy. *huge hint*

Y’all take care and say a little prayer for my redheaded hellion’s happiness!

A Winner!…and guess what Kensington said?!
Thursday, May 15th, 2008

Thanks to everyone who came out yesterday to play with me at Access Romance’s All-A-Blog! You know I have a stash of goodies to give away from the Romantic Times Convention, and I’d love to send some to the winner of yesterday’s little contest. The winner must email me–use the “Contact Form” on this website to let me know you’ve read this notice and to give me your snail mail addy!

And the winner is…well, I chose two, because both Masha and Valerie totally worked it! I have the bare bones of a fun story that I might have time to write in the near future (we’ll see if anything I have floating actually sells, first!)! So, ladies, send me those addresses!

Now the Kensington thing. I’m soooooo vain. Someone send me the lyrics to that song because I swear my name must be there hiding subliminally in the song!! My webmistress updated my website and wrote the most lovely thing about my new upcoming book, Down in Texas. I wrote her saying how much I loved it (but thinking folks will know I’m starting to grow out of these britches). She said, “I didn’t have a thing to do with it. It was in Kensington’s catalog!”

This is what they said, and why I was so excited:

“From erotica superstar Delilah Devlin comes a sizzling hot story about a little town in Texas called Honkeytonk, where the women get exactly what they want…and the men know just how to give it to them.”

Chance to Win!
Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Today, I’m blogging at Access Romance’s All A-Blog! Be sure to stop by and comment. If you do, you’ll be in the running for a Romantic Times convention prize pack!

Random 123
Sunday, May 11th, 2008

I hopped over to Erin the Innocent’s blog and found this fun little challenge.

She found it on A Day In the Life of An Ambulance Driver’s blog. I’ve since bookmarked his site because he made me giggle with his version of this challenge!

The rules of the challenge go like this:

1. Find the nearest book of 123 pages or more. No cheating!
2. Turn to page 123.
3. Find the first five sentences.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five other bloggers.

The book I chose was Baddest Bad Boys, featuring Shannon McKenna, E.C. Sheedy and Cate Noble.

Her laughter redoubled. “So I won’t have panty lines, you puritanical lunk. Are you going to get on with it, or what?”

Okay, hmmm…Now, I need to start the book from the beginning and see what that’s all about!

I’m tagging Myla Jackson, Cathryn Fox, Shayla Kersten, Charlene Teglia, and Lisa Renee Jones.

Post your own three sentences here if you like!

Friday, May 9th, 2008

You’d think having three books out in the same month might motivate me. Ha!

I’ve let my Internet/email/(and now) satellite TV issues distract me. And of course there are my two new toys—my ultra-compact little ASUS ePC (7″ screen, wireless, pretty celery green!) and new Canon Elph camera (SD1100 in metallic brown)—to play with.

I wanted more portable technology for a couple of reasons. I’d love to find someplace, not my office, to work in every now and then just to change it up. Also, I wanted a camera small enough I would be encouraged to keep it in my purse—not just for Blog pics, but I’m thinking of trying my hand at some freelance photojournalism and I want pics to help me develop new story ideas.

And did I mention my daughter’s pregnant? That’s been weighing on my mind. Yes, I’m excited. Another munchkin for the 3 1/2-year-old to torment. The technology will help me be a more flexible babysitter. Gawd, did I just say that? Have to watch that impulse or I’ll be buried in diapers.

So what should I be working on? I have edits of the next Dark Realm story and a quickie I’d like to finish up for The Cave. Better get my page counters ready—and you be sure to nag me too!

Last, here’s the cover for the November book. Got a great quality jpeg for it today, so now I have to start thinking about promo materials—another tangent for me to follow!


Date with a Psychic–and there's a baby on the horizon!
Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

I’m still having Internet issues, so seeing as it’s working right now, I have to jump in and say something!

The big news in the Devlin household is that my daughter is expecting. Since she just quit her job a few days ago to look for something a little more flexible so that she can attend school, we are all reeling a bit. Happy news for daddy, but us girls are already worrying about how to organize for the arrival later this year. And yes, I am the Guiness World Record holder for youngest grandmama (I go by Nina, not G-ma!).

If you didn’t know it already, PURPLE PANTIES is out! I received a package with my author’s copies today, and it’s gorgeous!! Can’t wait to read all the other wicked entries.

I visited a psychic today. She was soooo good. Had me nailed inside five minutes—long life, aura of success around me—oh yeah, she’s good! Well, she did say first that she saw me sitting in front a mass of papers with ideas scribbled all over them (how did she see my desk?!). She said I don’t spend enough on promo—people have to find me before they will love me. Point taken. Of course, I didn’t mention that I write until after she said all this. What gave me away? The nubby fingernails? The aura of stress? The glassy, dreamy expression?

Cinch to say I’ll be seeing her before my next book releases.

Y’all have a great day. I hope I’ll be back tomorrow to chat—kinda depends on whether gets their shit together. Don’t they know I live and die by the Internet?

I'm baaaack! And a winner…
Monday, May 5th, 2008

Obsessed for Zane is complete!

I’ve been offline for a while. It’s very weird actually. First, my satellite/email provider did a system upgrade that crashed everything for several days (April 26)—so no way to get online, get on the web, send an email…

Then, the telephones in the house crapped out. Both lines. So, I was completely cut off.

It turned out to be exactly what I needed to plow through the final chapters of OBSESSED. I finished it on the 29th and shipped it, then waited for everything to come back up.

First, the email day before yesterday. Today, the Internet and the telephone. I caught up on plans and brushed off old projects while I was incommunicado, and to tell the truth, didn’t go as nuts as I thought I would.

So, I have lots to catch up on. Photos to upload from RT; news about a Bachelor’s Auction I attended Saturday night (I bought a judge)! But for now, I’m just glad to say hello and thanks for all the posts.

The winner of the RT prize pack of cool “stuff” is…Carol Woodruff! Congrats and send me a message at!