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Archive for 'ojibway'

Maggie Blackbird: Living in a remote Ojibway community
Monday, April 10th, 2023

That’s where my latest release takes place—a remote Ojibway community in Northwestern Ontario, where spruce trees cover the land, lakes are everywhere, dirt roads go unpaved, and there are ditches instead of sidewalks. The only way in and out is by plane. Even the landing strip at the small airport is gravel-covered. In the winter, you can take your vehicle to your destination, but that depends on what the beginning of the season is like. Such as this year. No cars or trucks can travel on the ice road because there’s too much slush underneath thanks to the mild weather when freeze-up began. As for food, that can get costly. Think triple the amount if you live in a town or city.

But this place has many facilities. There is the band office (think a town administration centre). A recreation centre for kids and adults. A multi-use centre for community events. A primary and secondary school (where my heroine works). A local police station (where my hero used to work). A gas and convenience store. A northern store that supplies groceries, hardware, and furniture (like Walmart but not as big).

Of course, there are traditional places, such as the powwow grounds, the roundhouse, and the sweat lodge.

Being in such close-knit quarters with two thousand people, gossip can run rampant, and that’s what happens to my hero Jordan after that awful night.

I give you The Circle is Small, my contemporary, cultural romance. I hope you enjoy.


An ex-cop returning to face his horrendous past, the woman who won’t forgive him, and the family who’ll never let him forget that he killed their son.

First Nations Constable Jordan Chartrand’s guilt can’t handle the accusing stares from the family left to mourn their son after that horrible night…so he flees from his Ojibway community and the woman he loves. Two years later, his mother’s cancer diagnosis forces him to return to help her.

Devoted schoolteacher Ellie Quill wants nothing to do with Jordan after he bolted to the city and left her behind. Her life goals are set. As for her secret, she’ll keep that to herself, even if Jordan’s begging to know the truth about her child.

When the two are compelled to work on a community project to address the rampant drug problem, their forced proximity slowly melts Ellie’s icy walls. But no matter how much her heart desires to give Jordan the second chance that he’s begging for, she refuses to because providing a life for her son in the tradition of the Ojibway culture is her top priority now, not moving to the city where Jordan continues to hide.

Genre(s): Contemporary Romance, First Nations Romance, Native American Romance
Heat Rating: Level 3
Publication Date: March 17, 2023
Publisher: eXtasy Books

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About the Author

An Ojibway from Northwestern Ontario, Maggie resides in the country with her husband and their fur babies, two beautiful Alaskan Malamutes. When she’s not writing, she can be found pulling weeds in the flower beds, mowing the huge lawn, walking the Mals deep in the bush, teeing up a ball at the golf course, fishing in the boat for walleye, or sitting on the deck at her sister’s house, making more wonderful memories with the people she loves most.