**Just one day left to enter to win a Dragon and a Cup of Joe**
I have a brand-spanking-new Facebook Fan Page!!!! What’s that, you say? I can’t explain it, except to say that the fan page will allow me to reach more people than my personal page which is nearing capacity. I am switching to the Fan Page and will slowly wean readers from my personal page by offering bribes to make the change. I’ll be running a contest, very shortly, that only the folks who have “Liked” my page are eligible to enter. There will be a Kindle Fire and a slew of smaller prizes up for grabs!
So what do you have to do? 1) Click the Fan Page link. 2) Click the “Like” button. Simple as that.
So what’s up today? I have to start a new story today. Have to, have to! Or rather finish the one I already have started. You’ve seen the cover:
Help me figure out what the story’s about!
Is it contemporary or medieval, or contemporary with a medieval feel? I started it in the present, where there’s a mysterious man who has reconstructed his European castle here in American. Does that work for you?
It’s a given there will be a ménage, but what flavor of ménage do you want? m/m/f or m/f/m?
My young, aspiring reporter is a virgin. How can that be?
Ready for the challenge?