Psst! Remember! This Thursday is the close of the Amazon Gift Certificate Contest!
So be sure to post those comments! ~DD
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Such a crazy time for me! I’m trying to get my office straightened so the piles of books and papers don’t make me crazy. Clean desk = fresh start, for me, and I want to be ready to dive into NaNoWriMo on the first. Don’t know what that is? Imagine thousands of crazy writers, hunkering over their keyboards for a month. Family, friends and lovers told to take a rain check because, hey, we have a job to do! The goal? 50,000 words of story in one month.
I’m trying to declutter in preparation. I also have that Super Alpha collection to get out the door. My own short story isn’t finished! Bad author, me! But come Thursday morning, I’ll be ready. Even revitalized. Expectant. Something wonderful will happen. All that positive energy zinging around the web, some of it’s bound to leak through my connection and flow right over me.
Or at least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Anyone else planning to “NaNo” all November? Want to be my buddy? My NaNo name is DelilahDevlin. I’ll be your buddy if you promise to kick my ass when I fall behind!