Ooops! I was supposed to have a guest today, but she must have forgotten all about me. So, very quickly, I’m posting a question. I love these, because you all cheerfully come to play. Now, I have to go pack!
What is the one attraction or place you’ve visited that didn’t live up to all its hype?
You know I have to say Vegas…but only because I never won the millions they promised. LOL
I’ve always wanted to do Vegas, but I don’t gamble. Not even lottery cards. I’d go to see the little white chappel, a couple of shows, and then drive around the nasty parts for story ideas. π
There has not been a place visited that hasn’t lived up to expectations. Most probably, when a trip is planned , I re π search it out. If it doesn’t sound good- no go.
Suzanne! You’d hate my road trips. My dd and I love to get in a car, choose a destination, then take forever to get there. We watch the road for those kitschy little signs–“Pearl Farm”, “Quigley’s Castle”, “World’s Best Fudge.” The journey’s what we enjoy most because we’re constantly surprised.
I would have to say that I’m never disappointed. The reason being is because I’m an eternal optimist: The glass is always half full. We travel to a place we have never been before – whether it’s a day trip, a few days, or week long vacation. It’s always something new to discover! π
I’ve never been disappointed because our children are always with us and their excitement is contagious! π
Jamaica!!! ugh I think we went at a bad time because it was some kind of holiday and most of the shops were closed. This happened twice! We took a tour and the guy showed us the rich neighborhood and then the poor neighborhood and they looked the same to me.
Ohh about Vegas lol, it was nice but very smokey in all the Casino’s so I am not raring to go back but true story…it was my bday I’m all dolled up going to see a show with the showgirls big headresses and all. We get into the theater and my girl friend who is always checking and double checking starts to read the tickets/program, she looks at me and says read this, I excited, its my bday I m in a silk halter dress so I read but don’t see, she says read it and i read and it says….TOPLESS!!! LOL we had no clue but hey we had spent our money we were going to see that show!!! After a while I didnt even notice the little boobies cause they were singing show tunes and I got lost in the magic.
I would a casino that is outer bank in new york .. I was so excited to go and just didn’t turn out the way i wanted to . π
Don’t tell anyone since I working for a casino company, but I don’t gamble and thought Las Vegas was too much hype. I haven’t been for many, many, many years, but I can’t imagine it would impress me any more today than it did then.
Can’t say that there has been. Places are what you make them. I can tell you I don’t like the desert, but I lived in the LA area for 20 years and I currently live in Texas. I see the beauty of the dessert. Yes, I prefer the green of Seattle, but there is beauty here too. Just different. I don’t believe hype, so am not usually disappointed. The experience is what it is and/or what I make of it.
Spending three months in the British Isles in 1984 was everything I thought it would be…even more so. Those lands are steeped in history and the setting is beyond compare. What disappointed my hubby and I was when we visited Jerusalem in 1988. All of the religious sites were so covered with souvenir shops and vendors… and with elaborate gilt painted props…that you couldn’t see anything of the natural beauty of the sites…or what it might have looked like eons ago. It was all trivialized and materialized and was a real letdown. When we visited Jordan and Egypt, however, the sites were “original” in scope and look and were infinitely more awesome to visit. I’m glad we went, but you did want to know what disappointed us…so I shared! π
I’d have to say vegas because it’s just not my thing… gambling, crowds, smoke, drinking, clubs…
Last trip we rented a large house with a pool and had a mini family reunion. enjoyed the house and pool more than the strip..
Los Angelos was a big dissapointment for me.We had to be so careful even in the “good” neighborhoods” that It got to the point where I was almost afraid to talk to anybody,and I thought the beach and piers would be so cool,but they weren’t they were dirty and smelly,it was so disappointing,a lot of people said,oh you just didn’t go to the right places,well we visited all the famous places in LA and traveled over 200 miles of the coast and so Im still trying to figure out where we were supposed to go to not “miss” it,next time Im going to try the east coast,already did the west,south and north!!!! Maybe I need to go where there are less people lol
Off hand none that I can really think of…. :-/
South Center in Seattle…. I had this picture it would be better than what it was.. I was disappointed in it. I actually like The Commons in Federal Way better.
Maybe I am just strange. π
I would say we were most disappointed at a Convention in Washington, D.C. because even though we asked for a non-smoking room, the floor was not considered non-smoking. We had to change rooms early in the morning. We decided never to go to that Convention again!
I went to an amusement park that everyone raves about, but I could not see the appeal. Mind you it rained & I got sea-sick on the ferry ride over. I see where I went wrong.
Y’all are bein’ too polite. Not naming, not ragging. Oh, I didn’t either. But then the only place I’ve ever been that I have no desire to return to is anywhere in the Middle East. (Too much uncomfortable attention, although the deserts are quite compelling.)
Egypt. The pyramids of Giza are right outside the city and there’s just no atmosphere. I felt no awe, nothing. Big, big disappointment for this budding egyptophile.
Machu Picchu was the exact opposite though, with the morning clouds hanging low over the mountains and then the sun coming out and highlighting the city. The verdant colors. Wow.