A while back, I shared pictures of some of the things I’ve made, just to show you there’s more to my life than writing (I hear the hisses and boos! :)). I asked folks to share their artistic passions too! Several of you responded so I’m sharing those pics today!
Ilona Fenton shared the following pictures. She loves crocheting toys and cross-stitching bookmarks.
I love Thor! I need one of these for my little Thor collection!
Ronnie shared a picture of this and had this to say:
“As an example of my cross-stitch stuff I have attached a piece I made for my husband’s powerchair. I stitched it onto the back of his headrest. Everyone loves seeing it. I also have one on the side of his seat that says ‘I Don’t Do Stairs!'”
She’s so talented at the cross-stitch, she makes her own patterns. Here’s one!
Kristen Jones crochets when she’s not looking after her little ones. She even does it for others through a Facebook swap shop and fan page!
This is one my daughter asked her to make for one of my Christmas presents! It’s glorious and of Ganesh! See the elephant at the center?
Melissa Porter sent in her friend’s creation and I can see why! I need one of those on my desk!
Author MJ Frederick has a crafty side as you can see here! She made most of these using transfers, and the t-shirt with the sprigs on it was something she used Elmer’s glue to draw, and then she died the tee green around it! Fantastic! You can check out her creations on Pinterest!
Ronnie Cornett has a very artistic side!
So that’s the wrap-up of the surprising talent we have out there. This is something I made this week. Loved the frog clinging to the top of the bead! (I didn’t make the bead, but that’s something I’ll learn to do some other day. LOL)
Thanks to everyone for sharing their pictures!