So many authors are at RWA this week, I’m feeling a little jealous. Especially since RWA is in San Antonio, which is my previous home town. I’m missing friends and familiar places. Ah well…
I have a question for you. Those are always fun. I love seeing your answers, but first, I want to post a few reminders…
For Writers
I have two current Calls for Submissions for short story anthologies which will be published by Cleis Press. Pay attention to those deadline dates. I am still in need of stories!
**In Vikings’ Arms — Deadline: August 10th — find details HERE
**Rogue Hearts — Deadline: September 15th — find details HERE
For Readers
I have two current releases. Both of which mean a lot to me. If you haven’t ordered them, please do. If you’re read them, please post a review or tell your friends. And thanks to those of you who already have! Mmmmwah!
The Question
If you had time, had energy, and the money to start a new hobby…
what would it be?