UPDATE: The winner is…Betty Sue Payton!
©Diana Cosby 2018

Several years ago, I receive a digital camera for Christmas. I had no idea how to adjust the settings, so I kept the camera on auto. A couple of photographers, plus a night class at a local college, helped me understand a bit more about using my camera, a Canon SX60HS, but I admit having a long way to go. One thing that I have learned is the composition of the photo is as important the correct settings.

Though I had zero knowledge when I began taking photos, I did have a background in art; I can draw and paint. So, when I look through the viewer, I try to create a ‘painting’ through the lens. This has me trying to find a background that will compliment the subject, or make it stand out in a unique way.

For example, if I’m taking a picture of a bird and it’s late in the day, I’ll shift my camera so that I have shadows behind the subject, which makes it stand out, and in a sense ‘frames it.’ When the background is brighter than the subject, I use the ‘backlighting’ to create an interesting picture.

Another thing I’ve learned is when taking a photo of a vibrant subject, like a skipper on a Black-Eyed Susan, I angle the camera so that I have a solid background which keeps the focus on the subject.

I also love taking photos of birds, bees, and bugs. When you zoom in, which is a fun challenge as often your subject decides to move, I’m amazed at the micro-detail. The trick I’ve learned is if the subject moves, take a lot of pictures. Digital cameras are forgiving, and any unwanted pictures are easily deleted.

I hope you’ve found my tips helpful, and I want to thank Lyn Washington who asked me to write this blog about how I take photos. My favorite advice, when you’re taking pictures, have fun!
About the Author
A retired Navy Chief, Diana Cosby is an international bestselling author of Scottish medieval romantic suspense. Books in her award-winning MacGruder Brothers series have been translated in five languages. Diana has spoken at the Library of Congress, Lady Jane’s Salon in NYC, and appeared in Woman’s Day, on USA Today’s romance blog, “Happy Ever After,” MSN.com, Atlantic County Women Magazine, and Texoma Living Magazine.
After her career in the Navy, Diana dove into her passion – writing romance novels. With 34 moves behind her, she was anxious to create characters who reflected the amazing cultures and people she’s met throughout the world. After the release of the bestselling MacGruder Brothers series, The Oath Trilogy, and the first two book of The Forbidden Series, she’s now working on book #4, Forbidden Realm, of the five book series, which will be released August, 6th, 2019.
Diana looks forward to the years of writing ahead and meeting the amazing people who will share this journey.
***ONE winner will be drawn from everyone who posts on my guest blog post about photography on Delilah’s blog between 11 November 2018 – 17 November 2018. The winner will receive one of Diana’s mugs and a tote.

Diana Cosby, International Best-Selling Author
The Oath Trilogy
MacGruder Brother Series
Forbidden Series:
Forbidden Legacy/
Forbidden Knight/
Forbidden Vow/Forbidden Alliance‒Aug. 6th 2019/Forbidden Realm TBA
I love the photography. I have a few cameras. I should try and do more with them.
Great pics I saw in my email. Like u I like to take pics but not savy with a camera.
My deepest thanks, Delilah, for having me back on your wonderful blog. An honor. I sincerely hope that your readers will find my tips helpful. I wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season filled with friendship and laughter!
Happy Veteran’s Day!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN, Ret.
Debra Guyette wrote: I love the photography. I have a few cameras. I should try and do more with them.
~Hi Debra, thank you so much for stopping by. Neat that you have a few cameras. I agree, take one out and have fun seeing what photos you can get. I wish you a wonderful holiday season!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW) USN, Ret.
Betty Sue Payton wrote: Great pics I saw in my email. Like u I like to take pics but not savy with a camera.
~Hi Betty Sue, I appreciate your stopping by, and thank you so much for your kind words about my photography. I’m on a huge learning curve with my camera, but I’m slowly learning how to take photos. Take care, and I hope you have a terrific holiday season!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN, Ret.
I’ve said for years you need to make a book of your photos. They’re awesome. Hugs, VB
Always love looking at your photos.
Those are some stunning photos! I love taking pictures of nature and capturing it’s beauty.
All of the pictures you’ve shown us here are beautiful but I especially love the first one and the last one. My husband used to take a lot of photos and back in the early 80’s he won a professional Nikon outfit in a contest. Digital cameras have kind of made that a very expensive memento but he hasn’t been able to part with it yet. lol
I’m not good a composing pictures but enjoy using my iPhone to snap things I find interesting. I managed to get several good ones when I was in Alaska in late May.
Thanks for sharing your work on Delilah’s blog and happy Veterans Day.
Vicki Batman wrote: I’ve said for years you need to make a book of your photos. They’re awesome. Hugs
~*Hugs* Vicki, thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words about my photos. Always wonderful to see you. One of my future goals is to create a couple of coffee table books for my photos. Take care, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN, Ret.
Margaret Murray-Evans wrote: Always love looking at your photos.
~Hi Margaret, thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words about my photography. I hope you found my tips helpful. Take care, and may your holiday season be wonderful!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN, Ret.
Tamara Kasyan wrote: Those are some stunning photos! I love taking pictures of nature and capturing it’s beauty.
~Hi Tamara, I appreciate your stopping by, and thank you for your kind words about my photography. That’s wonderful that you’re a photographer as well. I agree, nature is amazing and beautiful, and a fascinating challenge to catch through the lens. ^5 Take care, and I wish you a fabulous holiday season!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN,Ret.
ButtonsMom2003 wrote: All of the pictures you’ve shown us here are beautiful but I especially love the first one and the last one. My husband used to take a lot of photos and back in the early 80’s he won a professional Nikon outfit in a contest. Digital cameras have kind of made that a very expensive memento but he hasn’t been able to part with it yet. lol
~Hi ButtonsMom, thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words about my photography. Wow, congratulations to your husband on his photo winning a professional Nikon outfit! Tremendous achievement, more so when he didn’t have the luxury of deleting photos as with digital cameras of today. I understand him not wanting to part with the camera. 🙂
I’m not good a composing pictures but enjoy using my iPhone to snap things I find interesting. I managed to get several good ones when I was in Alaska in late May.
~:) I believe like drawing or painting, learning how to take good photos is a continued process of discovering what works and what doesn’t. Sounds like you’re doing great. Way to go on the good shots you took during your visit to Alaska! ^5 No doubt you saw many amazing sights. Alaska is gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing your work on Delilah’s blog
~It’s an honor to share my work, and I thank Delilah for having me back on her wonderful blog.
and happy Veterans Day.
Thank you so much. I deeply appreciate your support to our troops. Take care, and I wish you a tremendous holiday season!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN, Ret.
Gorgeous pictures.
Nice pics, Diana! You are so lucky to live where you have an abundance of wildlife passing through your yard.
I, too, have a background in art, and love taking photos of nature with my digital camera.
It’s addicting, isn’t it?
N.J. Walters wrote: Gorgeous pictures.
~Hi N.J., I appreciate your stopping by. Thank you for your kind words about my pictures. I have fun seeing what photos I can take, and I’m humbled that you enjoy them as well. Take care, and I wish you a wonderful holiday season!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN, Ret.
Janet Pepsin wrote: Nice pics, Diana! You are so lucky to live where you have an abundance of wildlife passing through your yard.
~Hi Janet, I appreciate your stopping by, and thank you so much for your kind words about my photography. The wildlife where I live is incredible, and I’m thankful to have such an amazing array of birds and animals nearby.
I, too, have a background in art, and love taking photos of nature with my digital camera. It’s addicting, isn’t it?
~:) ^5 That’s wonderful and very helpful with taking pictures. Yes, wildlife photography is addictive. Take care, and I hope your holidays are wonderful!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN, Ret.
Beautiful photos, Diana–and thank you for the suggestions! I’m a mediocre photographer at best, but thanks to tips like yours and nudging from DH, at least the picture are generally passable and in focus now 😉
How lovely that you have creative talents to express not only with words but with images!
flchen1 wrote: Beautiful photos, Diana–and thank you for the suggestions! I’m a mediocre photographer at best, but thanks to tips like yours and nudging from DH, at least the picture are generally passable and in focus now 😉
~Hi flchen1, I appreciate your stopping by. Thank you so much for your kind words about my photography. That you found my tips helpful is wonderful. It sounds as though you have fun taking photos, and that’s key. ^5 I bet your photos are beautiful.
How lovely that you have creative talents to express not only with words but with images!
~:) I believe each of us have artistic venues we’ve yet to explore. Take care, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN, Ret.
A huge thanks to everyone for stopping by, deeply appreciated.
Delilah, thank you so much for having be back on your wonderful blog. An honor. *Hugs*
After a random drawing, the winner of the mug and tote is Betty Sue Payton – congratulations!
Take care, and I wish each of you a wonderful holiday season!
Diana Cosby, AGC(AW), USN, Ret.
Ah–you have a background in art! That makes sense, given how reliably beautiful your photos are. 🙂