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Archive for May 10th, 2020

Happy Mother’s Day! (and a Puzzle!)
Sunday, May 10th, 2020

The winner is…Christine!

First, Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers out there!

I spent last evening working with the 6-year-old to make a special mom’s day gift for my dd. It was “super-secret” and mom was warned away from the craft room. The little one chose the beads—a very pretty, dainty, black hematite accented with silver and rhinestone spacers. Then I cut the elastic and supervised her as she strung all those little beads (took forever, and she dropped a few), until I could tie the knot for her. She was very proud of herself. Then I let her work with my Derwent watercolor pencils to draw a special card for mommy. I loved every minute. She was soooo excited about making something she knew her mommy would wear often. I was excited to share something I know how to do with her.

I imagine she’ll be begging to “bead” often now. 🙂

My own mother passed this last January. So, this is the first Mother’s Day of my life that I’m not celebrating with her. I, too, remember making her paintings that she hung on the fridge. I miss her every day, but more so today. Happy Mother’s Day, mom.

A Puzzle

And just for fun, and to play to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle and tell me what it’s about!