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Archive for May 29th, 2020

Childhood Fears — and check out the open CONTESTS!
Friday, May 29th, 2020

“We kids feared many things in those days—werewolves, dentists, North Koreans, Sunday school–but they all paled in comparison with BRUSSELS SPROUTS.” ~ Dave Berry

So, I was looking for an inspirational quote to share today, but I found this one instead. Since it made me smile, I figured it was worth as much as any uplifting quote. And it got me thinking about what I feared when I was a kid…

Heights (still have that one), being called on in class (I got over that one because I was almost always smarter than the teacher–or so I thought), nuclear bombs (I did those “get under your desks” drills in school), being left behind at a rest stop by my parents (they did that one time with my little brother), or my parents being taken over by aliens. I never feared werewolves or vampires because I wanted to be turned into one; didn’t matter which.

So, how about you? What did you fear when you were a child?

And speaking of children, here’s the 6-year-old feeding goats. The goats were one of our stay-at-home projects. 🙂

These contests and offers are still active!

  1. Diana Cosby: Nature – Amazing Muse Inspiration (Contest) — Win a SIGNED book!
  2. Open Contest–Reminders–A New Puzzle/Contest! — Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Two Important Notices about FREE Reads! — Everyone gets 2 FREE reads!
  4. A Puzzle & a Contest! — Win an Amazon gift card!