Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for December 17th, 2022

Saturday Puzzle-Contest! Counting Down to Christmas!
Saturday, December 17th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Peggy Fowler!

Eight days to Christmas in the Devlin house! My daughter has all her gifts bought and wrapped. I bought my last gift last night online. I have ALL my gifts to wrap. Does anyone LIKE wrapping gifts? That’s the thing I procrastinate over. If I could, I’d pay one of the kids to do it for me. I know—bad Nina! Anyways, I have some editing to do today. Some WRAPPING (if I can make myself do it), a bunny cage to clean, maybe a fish tank to freshen… I think I’ll skip making my bed because I might try to slip back into it for a nap (something I never do, but it really sounds kind of wonderful right now). I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Good luck with the contest!

Solve the puzzle, then tell me how you’re getting ready for the holidays for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!