Folks a while back were saying blogs were dead. That no one reads them anymore. That they’re a waste of an author’s time.
I didn’t believe it then, and I don’t now. Lately, what with the chaos over at Twitter, the rumblings are...blogs may be the only social media platform we can control. When something goes sideways, if you’ve already built your online blog community, you still have a place to connect with readers.
I’m lucky in that I enjoy blogging. I’ve been doing it for years! I open up my daily post, see that white space, ready to be filled, and I let my fingers do the talking. Yes, I still have Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. I have a TikTok account I haven’t yet put to use, but in the mornings, when I start my day, I find my rhythm here. Sure, sometimes I’m only posting games (I love puzzles!) or talking about my wacky life, my collections of junk that are so dear to me, my animals, my family… Everything that’s me. Do I overshare? Probably. I try to make it fun. I’m generally a very happy, upbeat person, and I hope that comes across. I love leaving folks with a smile.
So anyway, I do have a purpose today. I thought I’d remind you all that you can SUBSCRIBE to this blog. What does that mean? Every time I post a new blog, you get it sent directly to your email inbox. You don’t miss my free stories, the notices about my new books coming down the pike (what does that phrase mean?!), contests for gift cards. I ask you questions, and I READ your answers. I do love to get to know you. Plus, I love to share this space with other authors, so you get to meet a wider community of writers. I vary it as much as possible so it’s not boring!
How do you subscribe? Look to the left of this post. See that FOLLOW MY BLOG at the top? Enter your email, and you’re done. Yes, I post once a day. Every day. You can decide to delete it if the topic isn’t to your taste. I try to alert you in the subject line when there are contests, excerpts, guest bloggers, puzzles. You can choose the content you want to open.
There. That’s my PSA (public service announcement). Now, go about your day. And remember, there are several open contests, a couple of them involving fun puzzles just below today’s post. Have fun, and I’ll see you tomorrow.
See? That wasn’t so painful, was it? ~DD