Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Sunday’s Tarot Card — & Open Contests!
Sunday, July 16th, 2023

I pulled this card, and my stomach dropped. This does not augur well for me.

Just looking at the card, I can see danger. There’s Jason (you know, of Jason of the Argonauts fame) and his girlfriend, the sorceress, Medea. He’s facing the dragon that has captured the Golden Fleece, Jason’s goal in this particular trial. It does not look good for him. For me. To win his prize, he must be brave, be quick on his feet, and he MUST slay that damn dragon.

How does this relate to my situation? Well… I finished and published a book last week. During the days that followed, I had a very difficult time keeping my attention on my work plan/schedule. I wanted to piddle and rest. So, I’ve fallen behind on my editing schedule, and the only way to conquer “the beast” now, is to dedicate myself to the task, and power through. Whether I have the stamina is the real question.

Let me take a quick look at the book that goes with my cards, The Mythic Tarot

Yup. This isn’t good. This next week will be a “time of struggle” where I have to “battle with the dragon” and push aside “mundane” activities as they begin to go wrong and “make compromises” to get the job done. F**k.

Now, I have to ignore the family and sequester myself in my “mole hole” to work. I probably will have to sacrifice some sleep. A lot of sleep.

Do you have any words of encouragement? When you find yourself in a deep, dark hole of your own making, how do you dig yourself out?

Open Contests

  1. The Final Countdown — and a Big Fish (Contest) — This one ends soon! Win a FREE book!
  2. Saturday Puzzle-Contest! — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Happy Pandemonium Day! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Saturday Puzzle Contest: A Pretty View & Claim to Fame — Win an Amazon gift card!