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Archive for October 23rd, 2023

It’s Mole Day!
Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Okay, not this kind of mole. Although, I think it would be a fun holiday to celebrate although my only interaction with this mole is when I skim them out of the pool (poor things).

What mole are we celebrating? Not the dark spot on your skin. Not the insectivore. Not the double-agent variety. Only a science nerd (chemists, in particular) would know what I’m talking about.

By definition (Merriam-Webster): A mole is “the base unit of amount of pure substance in the International System of Units that is defined as having exactly 6.02214076 x 1023 indivisible units (such as atoms or molecules) of that substance.”

Yeah, that went over my head, too. I prefer believing we’re celebrating the insectivore. BECAUSE…when I saw it on a list of holidays, my mind went straight to my “mole hole” of an office in the basement, which is devoid of windows and natural light where I can claim silence and privacy to do my work.

So, I’m celebrating the mole who digs the underground holes like the place where I create.

If you were going to celebrate this holiday, which mole would you choose?