Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for October 5th, 2023

Too little time. Too much to do!
Thursday, October 5th, 2023

That picture’s not me. My desk doesn’t look that good!

I’m just popping in to journal, I guess. Yes, my blog is just sometimes my place to put my thoughts on a page. I think better with my fingers clacking on a keyboard. Put a pen in my hand, and my brain goes blank. I’ve told friends and family that I never have a clue what I’m going to write until my fingers start moving. I couldn’t tell you where the letters are on the keyboard, but somehow my fingers find them. I’ve had fortune tellers tell me I have three muses/angels who hover over my shoulders, so I think they’re pretty much responsible for what ends up on the page—and I know that makes me sound nuttier than squirrel turds.

Anyway, I’m facing my keyboard right now. I have new edits to begin (I finished a set last night! Whew!), and I have a book to finish, but I got a really late start today. I slept in. Something I don’t like doing because morning is my most productive time. I can’t look to the right because the L of my desk, which is the flat, working area of my desk, is completely covered with tchotchkes and toys, a plant that needs watering, a laptop I have open but haven’t used in days, and stacks of paperwork. If I looked right to see it, I’d have an anxiety attack. I’m not the “dig in and get it gone” girl; I’m the avoider. If I don’t see it, it’s not a problem. But I do know there are some bills under there. A calendar that needs updating. Story notes that I should read, although the story I’m writing is far different than what I thought it would be.

So, here’s to another day of letting the piles get higher while I keep my gaze focused on the white screen in front of me.

How’s your day going so far? Do you keep a neat or messy desk? Any ideas for how an “avoider” can stop avoiding?Â