Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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My Animal Totems
Monday, September 21st, 2009

If you’ve followed this blog for long, you know I’m always experimenting/studying alternative metaphysical and spiritual traditions. My friend Shada Royce gave a presentation at the Diamond State Romance Authors meeting on Saturday, which included something about animal totems. She sent me to Lin’s Domain to learn more. The following are the the very interesting results of my totem reading, which I did under my real name. Lin chose nine animal totems for my spirit guides, each having significance for the “directions” they guide me. There are a ton of animals she could have chosen, but look at which ones popped up.

The East totem guides you through spiritual challenges. Your East totem is:

Frog: Transformation
The frog is the totem of metamorphosis. It symbolizes coming into your personal power. It reminds us not to become bogged down with day-to-day living. It is the totem of water. Its voice calls forth the rains. Emotions are associated with water and a frog totem may be telling you to get in touch with your feelings. People with frog medicine give support and energy where it is needed. They can cleanse the negativity from an environment.

How wierd is that? You all know how much I love water—my pool, rainstorms. How many times have I chased frogs around my pool to rescue them when they can’t escape? I love to hold them, love the look of them, have froggie earrings and pins. Huh

The South totem protects the child within and reminds you when to be humble and when to trust. Your South totem is:

Coyote: Wisdom, Folly
The Coyote teaches you how wisdom and folly go hand-in-hand. In the folly of others, we see our own foolishness and we learn from their mistakes. Coyote energy is tied to simplicity and trust. It stimulates and renews innocence and reawakens a childlike wisdom in the world. A Coyote’s howl touches your soul, reminding us of our primal connections. Coyote people are very adaptive to new situations and have close-knit families, especially when children are involved.

Before I received my reading, I thought about what animals might be my spirit guides. The first that popped into my mind was the frog. The second was a dog/wolf—so coyote feels right to me! And since I’m both smart and ditzy, the wisdom/folly thing really fits.

The West totem leads on your path to personal truths and inner answers. It shows you the path to your goals. Your West totem is:

Crocodile & Alligator: Primal Energies
The Crocodile or Alligator totem contains the unbridled creative forces of the world, the fury and ferocity of Primal Energies. It is the symbol of creation and destruction. The Crocodile or Alligator is the keeper and protector of all knowledge. She is the primal mother in whom all knowledge rests and waits to be born. People with a Crocodile or Alligator totem have the opportunity to develop new wisdom but they must be careful not to be consumed by this wisdom. Study each bit of knowledge carefully before going on to the next. Care of the eyes is important for Crocodile or Alligator people. Also beneficial are breathing techniques like those practiced in Yoga. When a Crocodile or Alligator shows up look for an opportunity to touch very primal energies. There will be an opportunity for new knowledge and wisdom.

Unbridled creative forces? Primal energy? Sounds like what I write, right? Care for the eyes? Let’s see, I wear glasses, have Graves disease and have to worry about developing the accompanying eye disease. I also was recently diagonosed with a mini-stroke that blotted out part of my vision—not that I knew it!
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Sunday Report Card
Sunday, September 20th, 2009

First, I know I said I wouldn’t share any more pictures of my obsession, but with all the rain we’ve had in recent days, these beauties popped up. They sat at the base of the huge oak tree in my backyard. Love the colors against the dark moss and bright green ivy. And don’t they look like cinnamon rolls? They’re just about as big. Oh, and they’re mushrooms if you hadn’t already guessed.

It’s out of my system. Now onto the progress report.

Good news—the releases of Frannie ‘n’ the Private Dick on Monday, then Altered States on Wednesday.

Not much accomplished on the writing front, I’m afraid. I finished a chapter and half on one project. Mostly, I researched castles, Medieval clothing and maps.

I’ve been looking at my plans and trying to figure out where my effort would be best spent. It’s a tough time in the publishing business and contracts are harder to come by. Trying to figure out what will hit next is like reading a cloudy crystal ball—so I ordered a new set of Tarot cards.

Another one of my questions…
Saturday, September 19th, 2009

I’ll be in Little Rock today meeting with the Diamond State Romance Authors. After that, I’m housesitting for the night at a lake house in Hot Springs. What can I say? I love the water.

Here’s a question to keep you thinking…

If you were to die tomorrow, what would you want people to remember you for most of all?

Pics from Underground Seattle
Thursday, September 17th, 2009

A winner has been selected, but I’m gonna show off my good time first! read to the bottom.

I know most of you have watched Grey’s Anatomy a couple of times at least, right? And you’ve seen the opening credits and probably wondered what dreary city they filmed. Well, it was Seattle. Not that I think Seattle is dreary, but the crew must have given up on seeing a sunny day.

Did I get pics of the road and the port or even of the lovely green mountains? Ha! I went underground. If you’re reading this in Facebook, you’ll have to go to my blog to see it.

For those of you who don’t know, Seattle was originally built at sea level. When the town started to grow, they built a public sewer system. When the tides rolled in, people had to be wary about flushing, because they’d get geysers erupting from the their toilets. So when much of Seattle was destroyed by fire, they built the roads high, encouraging people to build their shops and houses with deep basements so that their upper floors were accessible from the street. As a result, there were shops and walkways underneath the streets and sidewalks that you either had to access by ladder or through the shop’s stairways.

Today, much of the Underground is walled up. This is one entrance and where the official tour begins. I trekked down into the bowels with Sasha White, my cousin David and his partner, Greg.
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Insane in the Membrane
Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Uh, yeah. That’s the title of today’s blog, but you’ll have to read it over at Access Romance’s blog! Hope to see you there! ~DD

Sunday Report Card…and winners!
Sunday, September 13th, 2009

It’s odd that the whole time I was away (nine freaking-awesome days) I kept to my usual schedule despite the time zone change. Which was pretty cool. I rose at 5-ish and had the lake house to myself until the others began to stir.

Yet, when I returned home, my body clock went haywire. Every night since I’ve been back, I’m up past three in the morning, sleeping far too late to get the kind of start this morning girl enjoys. So ever since Wednesday, I’m fighting fatigue. Translation=terrible productivity.

However, since this is my first report card since I returned, I’m going to claim the work I accomplished on the trip! This is my blog, hear me roar.

Gah! How much coffee did I put into this pot? No amount of creamer will turn it the right shade of mud.

Anyway…the day before I left for Seattle, my new editor at Samhain accepted two new cowboy stories—Unbridled and Unforgiven. I completed the contracts and cover art sheets while I was on the lake. The first will be out in November, the second in January.

On the 5th I wrapped up MIK-7, retitled Knight of My Dreams. Ellora’s Cave has already accepted it. Now, I just have to wait for the editor to edit and to get a date for publication that I can share. Readers will be happy to know that Quentin and Darcy are back together, but of course, they have a new set of problems to contend with. I know, I’m mean that way.

I did some brainstorming with the amazing brain trust at the cottage on a story that has been giving me fits for months. It’s a Medieval fantasy and I have about thirty pages written on it, but I couldn’t get to the center of the story. Now I have a new direction and should be able to pull it out of the toilet.

I started another short story at the cottage and am about halfway through it. I added pages to a historical I’m determined to finish this year. It’s a Medieval and has Normans and Saxons and Vikings, a siege and a battle, and assorted swiving. Gots to have sex, ya know.

So lots accomplished; lots planned. I did some sightseeing with Sasha, my cousin and his partner. So plenty of fodder for new books.

In the next few days, I’m going to dive into research since I’m a little burned on writing. I ordered three books from Amazon on castles and castle-building. Was in Books-A-Million yesterday and bought a huge illustrated volume on mythology and can’t wait to dig into those stories.

Until next week… Sure hope I have progress to report!

You’ve suffered long enough. Following are the names of the winners (selected by a random number generator) of my “Flashback” novels. The winner of All Knight Long…is Jeanette Juan! The winner of Sanctuary is…Brandy!

Pictures from the Retreat
Saturday, September 12th, 2009

I’m not the greatest photographer, and some of my subjects are reluctant, but here are a few pics from my time at the lake house. If you are viewing this blog from Facebook, then you will probably have to come to the blog to see the pics: My Blog

This was taken my first night there. I couldnt’ wait to get out on the balcony and see something. I saw more than I hoped and snapped this pic. Isn’t it romantic? What a shame that view was shared with five other travel-tired writers. 😉

The next morning, I took a cup of coffee outside and was blown away with this view. That’s Mount Rainier in the distance.
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