Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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A Gift for You! (Free Read)
Thursday, September 20th, 2018

Here’s my gift from me to you! Just click on the cover and get your copy! ~DD

Sweltering hot…
Wednesday, September 19th, 2018

I escaped my desk for most of the day today. Totally ignored my schedule. We’ve had workers underfoot replacing our furnace and AC. I skipped out to sit in my dd’s AC when I could, sat with a fan blowing across me when I had to be here. Not a productive day, and when I’m melting, I’m not particularly clever. Never mind the work crew had a couple of cuties. NOTHING could distract me from my discomfort. Tomorrow, they’ll be back in the early morning to finish up the second day of the installation, so I’m wondering if you all have any advice for how to keep cool when the AC is off!!

Also, remember yesterday’s scavenger hunt is still ongoing!! Be sure to enter! ~DD

Delilah’s Scavenger Hunt (Contest)
Tuesday, September 18th, 2018

UPDATE: The winners are…Reina Torres and Elysian Fields!

I spend a lot of time working on this website, so it only seems fair I should expect everyone to love it as much as I do, in all its nooks and crannies. For the most part, it’s up to date—except for the “For Readers: Free Stuff” page, since I haven’t been making trading cards or updated my bookmarks in forever. But the books…? Do you know I have a sh*t-ton of stories? No? Well, in the interest of acquainting some of you with what’s on my site, I’m holding a scavenger hunt!

Now, this is important. YOU CANNOT POST ANSWERS TO MY QUESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS. If you do, you’ve done the work and shared the answers with everyone else, and what’s the point? You don’t want competition for the prize do you? NO! Send your answers to me PRIVATELY at!

Scavenger Hunt

Here are the questions…

  1. What stories are currently up for pre-order on my Upcoming Books page?
  2. At the very bottom of the Upcoming Books page is a list, without cover pictures, of titles I’m thinking about/working on. Which interest you?
  3. Which series on my By Series page would you like to see more of?
  4. Which series on my By Series page has the best set of covers?
  5. Tell me which story on my Short Stories page you’d most like to read. (You might get a surprise!)

And the prize? How about a download of your choice from among my recent releases?! But, hey, everyone wins, right (see #5!)?

Genevive Chamblee: 10 Things That Sound Romantic but Aren’t as an Afterthought
Monday, September 17th, 2018

It’s been a while since I’ve done a list. Well, not really, but that’s not going to stop me from writing this one. So, with no further introduction, I’ll begin.

  1. Taking a candlelight bath together with bath oils and rose petals. The mutual bathing is romantic. Everything else is tricky. First, not all bath oils smell so hot. Be sure to select a scent your partner will enjoy. Second, be certain there is a safe place to set the candles. Sure, there will be plenty of water (not necessarily a good thing, but I’ll get to that later), but the last thing a person wants is to bump a candle over while getting busy and setting the shower curtain or a bath rug ablaze—unless arson and pyromania are the things that turn you on. (BTW, I have a half dozen Def Leppard songs in my head now.) On the flip side, one doesn’t want to prematurely douse out the flame and have to fumble out of a slippery tube in the dark. Either situation possibly could lead to a 9-1-1 call. Third, rose petals smell great but not so much when they are clogging your drain. But don’t worry. Your plumber will love you even if your wallet won’t.
  2. Going on an outdoor picnic. This can be super romantic but not if you fail to check the weather conditions first, place the blanket on a mound of fire ants, do it during lovebug mating season, forget the mosquito spray, bring an open container to a place where alcohol is prohibited, select a site that is overly crowded, or attract a bear.
  3. Calling in sick at work to spend the day with your significant other. This only works if you plan on staying in the entire day or you’re the boss. There’s always that one coworker itching to rat you out if they see you galivanting about town went you’re supposedly in bed with a fever. I know what you’re thinking. You’ll spend the day out of town. Ha! Keep these precious Disney words in mind: “It’s a small world after all”. Multiple times, I’ve been in locations over a hundred miles from work (taken off with permission) and bumped into coworkers. Once, I bumped into my supervisor, who, incidentally, had given me a hard time about approving my time off.
  4. Going skinny dipping in a public pool, sauna, hot tub, or beach. Be warned, if caught there’s a possibility of going to jail, being given a fine, or both. Worse is if your body isn’t swimsuit ready, your unintended spectators may laugh, point, heckle, and post photos/videos on social media.
  5. Cooking a romantic dinner for your partner. It’s only romantic if you do the dishes, too.
  6. Placing an inedible object in your partner’s drink or meal. All I can say is, I hope you’re up-to-date on performing CPR or your partner has a very good dental plan.
  7. Allowing your partner to sleep in. Check the calendar first to ensure you aren’t allowing your partner to miss his/her sister’s or best friend’s wedding or not being present for that important business meeting that could lead to a promotion/raise.
  8. Writing a love poem. Let me rephrase that. Taking credit for a love poem you didn’t write, especially if you plagiarize from a famous poet and your partner is a literature major.
  9. Treating you partner out for a night on the town but forgetting your wallet/purse. This also doesn’t work if you’re over the limit on all of your credit cards. Hint: Look, if you can’t afford an expensive date, plan an inexpensive one. There’s plenty of romantic activities that won’t macerate the piggy. Your partner will understand.
  10. Lip syncing a romantic song. Even if you’re tone deaf and can’t hold a single note for three seconds, your partner would prefer to hear your voice massacre a song rather than watch you lips sync. So, go ahead and belt it out.

Don’t forget to visit Creole Bayou again. New posts are made on Wednesdays. If you have any questions or suggestions about this post or any others, feel free to comment below or tweet me at @dolynesaidso. You also can follow me on Instagram at genevivechambleeauthor or search me on Goodreads or Amazon Authors.

Enjoy sports romance? Check out my new adult romance, Defending the Net, being released in November. It is the second in my hockey series and guaranteed to melt the ice. Preordering information coming soon. Crossing the line could cost the game.

Missed the first in my hockey romance series? Don’t worry. Out of the Penalty Box, an adult romance where it’s one minute in the box or a lifetime out is available at It also can be ordered on iTunes, Nook, or Kobo. For more links where to purchase or to read the blurb, please visit

Life’s Roux: Wrong Doors, my steamy romantic comedy, is available at Red Sage Publishing. To order, follow the link to or to Amazon at

Copies of all my books and stories are available in paper, eBook, and audio on Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. The links are listed in my Writing Projects page ( along with descriptions of each of my novels or stories.

NEWSLETTER! Want to get the latest information and updates about my writing projects, giveaways, contests, and reveals first? Click on and signup today.

Failure to launch…?
Sunday, September 16th, 2018

No task is a long one but the task on which one dare not start.
~Charles Baudelaire

This is just a quick post. A little gasp as I start a new project. The quote above is so true. When you start something new, all you see is EVERYTHING that stretches out in front of you. It’s daunting. Frightening. You wonder whether you have what it takes to get there. Just one more time, you think. I think.

Here goes…

Sin’s Gift, Coming October 2nd!
Saturday, September 15th, 2018

Love a good spooky tale? This one’s coming October 2nd (never mind what Kindle says). And it’s the first of two, maybe more—if you like them. It’ll be completely up to you if I write more. So, let me know…

Sin’s Gift

When police officer Sinead O’Rourke returns to duty months after being shot in an incident that claimed her partner, she knows it’s not going to be easy. Despite being cleared of any negligence, her fellow officers still wonder whether she’s responsible for his death. One more problem is that everyone knows she claims to have seen his ghost. After months of rehabilitation and lying like hell about the fact she’s not seeing spooks anymore, Sin’s determined to get back into the saddle.

Jake doesn’t want to partner with Sin. Been there, done that—couldn’t keep his hands off her the first time around. She’s too much of a distraction, and her penchant for rushing into trouble scares the heck out of him. Despite wishing she’d quit her job, he’s still deeply attracted. When an armed robbery goes down and something happens that rattles Sin to the core, he’s right there—ready to cover her back and her sweet body.

Pre-order your copy now!

There’s no place like home.

The police substation didn’t sit at the end of the rainbow or anywhere near Kansas, but for some reason that stupid phrase ran like a mantra through Sinead O’Rourke’s head as she drew a deep breath and pushed through the double-doors leading into the station house. Once inside, she kept her gaze focused straight ahead, ignoring the way conversations died away as one by one the officers on duty noticed who’d entered their midst.

So, she’d been gone a while. No doubt San Antonio’s finest whispered she looked a little different than they remembered. A few even knew she’d gone nuts for a while. But their red-headed stepchild was back.

Fuck them, anyway.

Sin headed straight to the Lieutenant’s office and knocked on his door.

“Come in.”

Relieved to escape the thick atmosphere of the open floor, she knew she’d only traded one bleeding wound for another when the patrol shift lieutenant, Clayton Kalisek, glanced up and stiffened at the sight of her. “Glad to see you made it, O’Rourke.”

“Yeah, I finally got tired of sitting on my ass,” she said with more attitude than she felt. “Only so many Dr.Phil’s a body can stand.”

“Sit down for a second while we have a talk.”

She shut the door behind her and warily took the chair in front of his desk. Just as she remembered, his set expression didn’t give away a thing he was thinking. “What’s on your mind, Lieutenant? The doctors gave me a clean bill of health.”

His narrowed gaze landed on the scar on her cheek then locked with hers again. “If you’re not ready for this, just say so.”

Some things never changed. Lieutenant Kalisek still knew just where to stick his dull knife. “I’m fine,” she said, her tone curt since she wasn’t about to bother hiding her irritation.

“Sure, you are.” But he didn’t sound convinced. He leaned back in his chair and continued to stare. “I’m putting you with Chappa, again. I know you two have a history…”

Chappa. Shit. They had plenty of history, all right. Most of it bad. “Fine,” she bit out. “Have you broken the good news to him?”

Clay’s face tightened with a pained expression. “Told him yesterday.”

“Wish you’d waited until I was in the room,” she said, a mirthless grin sliding along her lips. “Bet he was loud.”

The lieutenant’s ice blue eyes narrowed. “He’s not going to cut you any slack.”

Her chin came up. “Don’t need any.”

His nod was curt. “Very well. Get out on the street.”

That was it? Feeling a little deflated, like she’d worried about nothing, she hesitated. “You’re not going to say anything about the psych eval?”

“Doc said you’re ready—that the meds and the time off did the trick.” His expression tightened. “Should I ask you if you’re still talking to ghosts?”

A lump burned the back of her throat as she caught sight of Danny standing just behind the Lieutenant’s shoulder. “No ghosts,” she lied, ignoring the grin splitting her late partner’s face.

She shot up off the chair and turned to open the door.

“Like I said, O’Rourke. Chappa’s not gonna cut you any slack.”

She nodded over her shoulder, not daring to look back.

Min Edwards: A Typical (Not) Maine Summer
Friday, September 14th, 2018

Hi, Delilah. I’m happy to be with you today as we ease (hopefully) into fall.

Well, if I ever doubted Climate Change and Global Warming, which I never did, this summer proved that our Earth is going through some troubling times. The Rim of Fire in the Pacific is working overtime. The glaciers are melting at a shocking pace giving us an actual Northwest Passage. The super volcano at Yellowstone is starting to worry me. And here in Maine we had the summer from hell.

It started slow with a snowstorm in mid-April (the morning of my birthday on the 20th actually, what a birthday present), cold weather for our annual International Marathon in late June, and then finally in July the 80 degree temps set in and lasted for two months. Normally we get a couple of days of 80 degrees in late August early September, but this year was a scorcher. It was made worse by the fact that most homes and business in Downeast Maine don’t have air-conditioning. In fact, last night I was considering going out to my car and turning on the A/C and sleeping in the back seat!

I was so looking forward to a bumper crop of raspberries and blackberries. Spring was glorious with their blossoms. But it was so hot that most of the berries scorched on the vine. Just shriveled up like raisins.

The heat has been especially bad on our wildlife. I’ve seen no deer or moose, just some signs of coyotes and a bunny that has stayed with us visiting every morning and evening when the temps are a little cooler. I haven’t seen a single hummingbird and normally they are numerous. But a bird built a nest in the top of my propane tank and laid some eggs. One is still there, unhatched. I think it got too hot before the poor thing was ready.

But some good things came out of this strange weather. My yard turned into crispy weeds instead of lush rye grass, so a saving on my landscaping expenses. The bugs were scarce until just the last week or so because we had an almost rain-free season. Then last week the mosquitoes, and we have huge ones up here, realized that if they didn’t get busy and start biting, their summer would be wasted.

Now the weather is turning. Today the high is 63 degrees and I saw a flock of Canadian Geese beginning their yearly migration south this morning. And with the cooler temperatures, all my apples (I have many trees, wild ones) will be ripening. I’m madly searching for a recipe for crabapple jelly now. And I have several trees near my house with apples the size of cranberries. I wonder how I prepare those?

However, now that it’s autumn (almost) I’m anticipating my most productive time of the year. I’ve just received the edits from my editor for my next book, The Russian Phoenix, the prequel to the last book in my High Tide Suspense series, Precious Stone. It’s what I call a fictional memoir—the story of a young Russian girl, her turbulent life in the 20th century including the Romanov Jubilee year of 1913, and her life adapting to the changes that threaten to overcome her during the rest of the century. It will be published in just a few weeks.

I’ve also started research on my next series, Wolf Moon. I’m very excited about that. I get to use my bachelor’s degree in anthropology! The first book, and I don’t have a title yet, is about a Shoshone girl, Glory, from the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. The series begins in 1949 and each of the books in the series uses as the protagonist, one of the sons-daughters on the family tree of Glory Grey Wolf. There’s some mysticism, some politics, some adventure! Visit my Facebook page, where I’ll keep you up-to-date with my progress.

Have a perfect Autumn!

Min’s Books

A gift of thanks to a young girl from the Tsar more than 100 years ago… and now the Russians want it back.

Collee McCullough, the owner of The Bakery in Stone Bay, Maine, has a perfect life until early one morning men in suits come calling. She has something someone dangerous wants. Something that her Russian great-grandmother Natasha took when she fled Russia in 1913. Too bad great-gran never told her family what she had or where she left it.

Jake Elsmore, visiting Stone Bay to sell his mother’s house, walks into The Bakery for a cup of Earl Grey tea, but gets more. There she is. A sprite in a flour-dusted apron, stepping out from behind a big burly policeman; a lovely, fiery-haired fairy toting a shotgun while two men are laying insensate on the floor of her shop. Looks like that tea will have to wait.

Get your copy here!


Russia: 1913. A time of celebration; a time of turmoil for Russia. But for Natasha it’s a time of horror.

Natasha, a young cousin of Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova, the Empress Consort of all the Russias, is eighteen and living a life she never dreamed. The year is 1913, the 300th Jubilee Year of the Romanov rule and it has been filled with fêtes, balls, and excitement.

But the night of the last ball of the season a burgeoning love affair goes horribly wrong and she’s kidnapped and whisked out of Russia. Her adventures change her life in ways she could never imagine and take her far from home. But her travails forge her into a strong, resourceful woman of the new century.

Look for this, coming soon!


About the Author

Min Edwards is the pen name of archaeologist, former bookstore owner, and eBook designer (A Thirsty Mind Book Design), Pam Headrick. She is a life-long Texas girl who on a whim decided to leave the heat of Central Texas and move to her property on the coast of Maine. What was she thinking? Now Lubec, the most eastern town in the USA is her home. She writes from a desk near her kitchen window in an almost 200-year-old farmhouse overlooking apple trees, mating pheasants, rabbits which turn from brown to white in the winter, and the occasional moose. Just down the road is her private beach which is unfortunately not sand but shingle… small stones which have been tumbled by the surf for eons. And they sing when the 30-foot tides of the area wash over them. Her muse and constant companion is Zach, a 12-year-old black German Shepherd who offers comedic relief when she needs it… like when one of her characters is not following orders or a plot has imploded and it looks like it’s time to start over.

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