Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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15 days/15 reasons countdown begins!
Sunday, February 10th, 2008

Only 15 days remain until the release of SEDUCED BY DARKNESS! To celebrate, I’m going to give away four great prizes over the next fifteen days on my blog while I “seduce” you with snippets from the book and the reviews that are rolling in. Don’t miss the chance to win!

15 days/15 reasons to buy it now!
Sunday, February 10th, 2008

Cover for Seduced by DarknessI’m counting down! There are just 15 days to go before SEDUCED BY DARKNESS is released!!

Because I know you want to get a good deal for your money, I’m going to use the time between now and the release to convince you why you want to put this book on PRE-ORDER now!

So, here’s the first good reason.

It’s a really great book! Take a look at the sidebar on the right and see what Paranormal Romance is saying about it. Then take a look at what this Dutch review site,, had to say:

“…[With Seduced By Darkness,] I felt myself being pulled in to the author’s vision of New Orleans. From the first chapter it immediately grabbed my attention with mystery and past events. It sets the stage for an intriguing plot moreover, as soon as Nicholas and Chessa meet, their sensual nature devoured the pages and swept me along with them…The chemistry between the leading characters was amazing. With each chapter the author delivered another layer, keeping me spellbound as to how it all would work out…The plot accelerated and revealed information that stunned me – even more so intrigued me – but above all, had me flipping the pages with a hungry expectation. Apparently Delilah Devlin has bigger things in mind with this series! Every character seems to hide a mystery…I want to know how the story continues so badly that I can only hope that the author is already working on the third entry in this series. I believe there are incredible things to come for the Born, the Revenants and the Mage in New Orleans!…”

Not convinced yet? Well then, give me the next 14 days and you’ll be beating down the doors of your local bookstore! In the meantime, I’ll sweeten the pot to make sure you come back each day to read this blog.

Four times in the next 14 days, I’ll be offering prizes to people who comment on my blog. Prizes will include gift certificates for, Barnes & Noble, signed books by me, and more!

I want you to visit and browse around my new site, then tell your friends about this book. I really think you’ll be hooked.

Until tomorrow!! ~DD

countdown to release day
Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Seduced by Darkness comes out at the end of this month, and I’m getting ramped up for the release. Starting February 11th, I’ll be counting down to the release with a new posting every day on my blog, giving you all the sexy “reasons” you should go find my book in the store. I’ll be posting excerpts, snippets of reviews, and running several contests, all up until the Big Day. I hope you’ll mark your calendars and join me!

First Review!
Monday, February 4th, 2008

I’m as insecure as any writer when it comes to my “babies.” Writing a book is a very personal journey. You bare your thoughts, your fantasies, pieces of your personality to a world of strangers.

Then you sit back and wait to see whether anyone sees the world like you do. Whether they find something in you imagination that captures theirs. Reviews are death on a writer’s nerves and courage.

Well, after a long wait, the first review is in for Seduced by Darkness, and the reviewer loved it! If I get skewered with the next one, at least I’ll have this one to look back on to bolster my self esteem. 😆

Read what Romance Reader at Heart reviewer, Kay, had to say (this is just a snippet, follow the link for the full review):

“Lordy, Lordy, but it’s hot in here! I’ve just finished SEDUCED BY DARKNESS by Delilah Devlin, and I tell you, that woman writes hot!…The fact of the matter, though, is that even without the steam Delilah Devlin has an awesome story with SEDUCED BY DARKNESS. Take one vampire policewoman and an immortal intent of keeping the world safe from extraordinary evil, pit the pair against a newly awakened horror and you’ve got the gist of this story. What you haven’t got, however, is the intense plot twists, superior dialogue and so-realistic-they-jump-from-the-pages characters…SEDUCED BY DARKNESS has earned Delilah Devlin a spot on my keeper shelf!”

Head down, pages flying onto the screen…
Friday, February 1st, 2008

I love it when I’m in the groove. When ideas seem to flash like lightning bugs in a summer night.

For the past few months, writing has been work. “Work” being a four-letter word.

I trudged through the last Avon story, forced out another paranormal for Ellora’s Cave, then had to immediately dive into a three-part single title that’s due like yesterday. Really.

Good news is I think I’ve found my groove again. Pages have been coming the past few days the way they used to–complete scenes rolling like a film reel through my head, snippets of dialogue whispered into my ear by an unseen muse. I thought he’d deserted me.

Yeah, I think mine’s male. Grumpy, sometimes unmotivated and lazy. But ssssssmokin’ when he’s “on.” He was particularly horny today. Whew! Helps when he’s in the mood. I don’t have to work so hard. I just lie there…well sit here, actually…hands poised above the keys, waiting for him to come.

Afterwards, I escape outside for a cigarette, replay the scene in my head, decide if he’s too blue for Prime Time, and then head back for more. When he’s good, I’m insatiable! I think he likes cowboys–must be the big brass belt. I know I like finding what it hides when I peel open the belt, unsnap the button and slide that zipper down.

Mmm-mm. Just wrote a two-chapter love scene. Makes me edgy when I’m done. Loved sinking fingernail-deep into the long, slow ride. Maybe I’ll open up the file again and see if he’s recovered enough to go a little longer.

Blogging on Lifetime's "Romance: b(u)y the book"
Tuesday, January 29th, 2008

I’ll be hanging out today at Lifetime Channel’s blog, chatting with readers and fellow RomVet authors. RomVets is a writers group made up of romance writers who are also ex-military. So come play! You’ll be surprised at the authors who are members! Here’s the link: Romance: b(u)y the book

Spice Brief special sale going on now– and winner announced
Monday, January 28th, 2008

If you haven’t read a Spice Brief yet, or you didn’t know if you wanted to spend the bucks on a short novella, now’s the time to sample! They are ALL on sale now for $.89 apiece, including mine, INVITE ME IN. Here’s the link to look at all the sexy titles: SPICE BRIEFS


But you really wanted to know who won yesterday’s blog contest, right? Danette’s ( the winner! Dannette, send me a message so we can exchange information to get your prizes delivered!

So, what’s next? I do have a book to finish and a newsletter to get wrapped up, but I think I’ll be late on the letter. I swapped computers over the weekend, and have to retrieve the questions everyone generously provided for me to ask Angela Knight. I know y’all have been waiting on the next MIK installment, but hey, the new computer’s sooooo cool!