Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'New Orleans Nights'

Another month gone… A reminder about open contests, plus a new contest!
Thursday, April 30th, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is…flchen1!

Open Contests! Enter while you still can!

  1. Poll About Prizes & a Contest! — Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. A Reminder, a Puzzle, and Another Chance to Win! — Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Simple Delights (Contest–3 Winners!) — Win a recent release or a short story!
  4. Angela Addams: Dream Cast for Wicked Disclosure (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!

Another Month Gone

Whew! Someone on Twitter said that March seemed to last months but April lasted a day. Was it the same for you? Self-isolation, truthfully, hasn’t been so hard for my family. They’ve adjusted, and even thrived.

For me, already a hermit writer, not going out in public was barely a change. The kids, at first, felt like staying home was a vacation. However, as soon as online school and AMI packets became the daily routine, the vacation aspect ended, but they’ve been troopers. My dd took advantage of having so many home to do all kinds of domestic chores and projects. The big event in April was purchasing a pair of baby goats.

The older kids helped build the pen. Everyone has pitched in feeding them and watching them when they are put out in bigger fields to eat leaves and brush. I think the kids will have many good memories of this time.

We’ve had movie nights, special meals, game nights… And while they’ve missed their friends, they have kept in contact using FaceTime, TikTok, and phone calls. As restrictions ease this summer, we plan to keep isolating, but the kids will be allowed to have a “designated” friend come enjoy the pool, only one guest at a time, and only after we make sure their parents aren’t being stupid about safety.

I have been challenged to find time to write with so many people in the house all the time. However, I did write and publish one book, so far. Here’s just a reminder about my April release, the sequel to New Orleans Nights, and the first of a new New Orleans Nights series…

One Hot Night

🔥🔥Things get complicated in a hurry between a NOLA cop freelancing as protection for visiting dignitaries and a reporter determined to get her story…🔥🔥

I hope you have all picked up a copy. It’s very sexy, filled with action and humor. You know, something I would write. 🙂

Right now, I’m chugging away at the book that will release on May 19th! Here’s hoping I get there on time!

Hot SEAL, Decoy Bride

Click on the cover to pre-order your copy!

More fun there. Also set in New Orleans, with connections to my Montana Bounty Hunters through the RIP agency, which will have its own series beginning sometime this year.

For my sanity’s sake, I’m also plowing into some other artistic pursuits. I’m taking online watercolor classes. I’m working on the #100dayproject challenge which requires that I produce some small painting or collage every day. I’m learning a lot, which is keeping me looking forward to more days spent in isolation because if I was out and about I’d never apply myself so well!


Let me know how you guys are dealing with the lockdown and how you’re preparing for the easing of restrictions for a chance to win a $5 Amazon Gift Card!