UPDATE: The winner is…Laura Bowles!
Because of all the activity surrounding my health issues, it’s been challenging to find the fun here in the Devlin house. Swimming has been curtailed. I just hate getting into a suit that squeezes my middle, but I think I might take the plunge anyway today. I miss the water and sun on my skin, and I think it would be fun for the girls. I didn’t know they’d give up the pool if I wasn’t out there with them, but it seems it’s not as fun without me there. (It makes me feel good and sad at the same time—LOL).
Later, we’re planning on watching a movie together, likely late afternoon, so no one (me) gets too tired to enjoy it. We’ve selected the new Twisters movie.
All my hard deadlines for work on others’ books have been met. I don’t have to stress about anything other than maybe pre-posting some blogs for next week in case I feel like shit and don’t want to post daily, as is my habit. My dd is an organizer. She’s going to pack my chemo bag for Monday. I could do it myself, but she likes to take care of me, so I’ll let her. Yes, I’m spoiled for attention.
So, today’s a lazy-ish day. Tomorrow, I’ll do a little work prep for the week, but another light duty day. Next week, I’ll be winging it, and see how everything goes. I hope you’re making the most of the last days of summer! It’s my favorite season, so I’ll be damned if I’m cheated of the things I love most—family time and the pool!
Happy Saturday, everyone!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, suggest some things my family and I can do together that are low-energy, low-stress fun!