I was bleary-eyed this morning until I looked at my little desk companion here. Her arms were busy lifting up and down. Her only purpose—to make me smile. I’m not one of those who loves a clean desk, as you can see. I need clutter and little gadgets and toys. They all make my desk feel lived in and cozy. It’s a welcoming place, not a sterile one.
Which got me thinking about the things that make me happy, in general. I’ll list the first ones that pop into my head. Then I’d love for you to share yours!
Things that make me happy…. hearing the three girls giggling together, a cup of coffee on the porch with my dd, the fresh smell of a newly made bed, the wave of ladybugs from my flowery friend, a really spicy meal, reaching THE END in a story, giving one of my girls a piece of jewelry I made and seeing them wear it again and again, following a sign along the road to discover something I haven’t seen before, finding treasure at the flea market.
It’s not long. Most are simple things. Now, how about you?