UPDATE: The winner is…Keri Richards!
On Tuesday, the next story in my Montana Bounty Hunter series, HOOK, releases to the world! And I can’t be more excited! I haven’t had this much fun writing in a long, long time. If you’ve sampled my hunters, you know why.
The heroes are badasses! All of them are ex-military. They’re all super protective, can handle themselves in a fight, and when they fall for a woman, they fall fast and hard. What’s not to love? So far, I’ve written five books in the series, but I have ideas for many more as well as a spin-off series you’ll get a hint of inside Hook.
In the meantime, we’re going to do a little daily countdown and revisit the heroes I’ve introduced you to so far, beginning with the guy who started it all off, REAPER. Along the way, there will be prizes. So, be sure to check in!
Missed a book? No worries. You’ve got the weekend to catch up! Just click on a cover to find out more about these stories, read opening scenes, and find out where to get them!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, why not try your hand at brainstorming a name for some future, sexy Montana Bounty Hunter? I’m not judging your creativity. Just have fun!
Meet Reaper
Former Marine, Reaper Stenberg is a bounty hunter, running his own satellite agency of Montana Bounty Hunters, along with his partner, Jamie Burke. As a general rule, Reaper doesn’t like working with a partner, especially female partners. When chasing a bail-jumper, he prefers to keep his head down and follow the leads. He doesn’t like the “chatter” that usually accompanies working with a woman.
However, partnering with Jamie has taught him a few things. There are women who can focus on the job at hand without letting silly distractions get in the way of his concentration. Jamie is one of those rare creatures who doesn’t gossip, doesn’t get into his business, and can actually be useful when shit goes sideways and they have to get physical. Over the months since their boss, Fetch Winter, put them together, Reaper has come to admire the woman’s grit and ingenuity.
And then Jamie up and gets busy planning her wedding…
See what happens when Reaper has to deal with a ride-along author, Carly Wyatt, who—when shit goes sideways—proves his first female partner’s grit and ingenuity aren’t just lucky happenstance, and who challenges Reaper’s strict relationship rules.
**Includes a FREE short story at the end!**
Click HERE to find out where to purchase your copy and to read the opening scene!