“My family is my life, and everything else comes second as far as what’s important to me.”
~ Michael Imperioli
You remember Michael Imperioli from The Sopranos, right? I love this quote because it’s true for me, as well. And here’s another…
“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.”
~Desmond Tutu
He’s a South African cleric, if you didn’t know. And this one’s also true for me. I live in what could be a very divided house—Democrat and Republican. The past couple of years have been contentious, at times, during dinner time, but we love each other even if we sometimes don’t understand each other. I think this quote hits me because of that contention. If everything was always roses, we’d never have to learn the beauty of acceptance.
Here’s one from me, because as I approach this holiday season, I miss my grandma who passed this last February. She’s not here with us, but I thank the Powers every day that I was part of her “care team” there at the end. She knew she was loved. We knew we were loved…
“Hug ’em and tell them you love them. Every single day.
Make that what they remember most about you…”