UPDATE: The winners are…Laura and Tanya!
Is that big enough of a hint? 🙂
Yes, both here on my blog and in the informal poll I ran on FB, cowboys won! So, the next anthology will be filled with yummy cowboy goodness. Thanks to everyone who voted! I won’t overrule your voices. This time. *snickers*
So, since I’m here, and I just shared a lovely photo of a cowboy riding into the sunset, let’s play a game…
Contest — Tell me a story!
Based on the photo above, tell me a story. It can be one line. It doesn’t have to be a good story. You can have fun with it! But tell me something and you’ll be entered to win your choice from among my latest cowboy series, Cowboys on the Edge. I’ll choose two winners!

Click on the covers to learn more about the stories!
I am riding into the sunset, looking for a filly to rope, lasso and take her home.
He’s looking for that one allusive cow that likes to wander.
He sat on his horse Razor looking out over his ranch feeling proud that he had brought it this far now all he needed was a wife and family.
He fell in love with her at 16 but she was taken from him. However, she’s back and he’s determined to know where/why she left him.
The life of a cowboy is the only life that I have ever wanted. Nothing can beat the life of sitting on my horse and watching the sunrise above the rolling hills dotted with cattle. My cattle, can you believe that I made it happen?
The life of a cowboy is the only life that I have ever wanted. Nothing can beat the life of sitting on my horse and watching the sunrise above the rolling hills dotted with cattle. My cattle, can you believe that I made it happen? Now I just need someone to share it with.
He set out for the long trail only to stop at the top of the hill and stared back at the house. “F*ck, did I turn off the coffee pot?”
cowboy forgot how to lasso
He stopped at the top of the hill before heading out for a multi-day ride and stared back at his house. “Did I turn off the coffee pot?”
He cannot believe what he is seeing and is not sure if he should lasso or not.
His sister left him a note and holding the bag. Her college bestie was arriving that day for a vacation at the family ranch, but his sister wasn’t going to be there. “Take care of her, okay?”
His sister was a sadist.
She knew he had it bad for her friend. She’d teased him mercilessly about it for YEARS. And now she was making him take care of her friend.
Oh, he’d take care of her all right. He’d show the big city girl that callused hands could feel so damn good on her silken skin and how to ride like a cowgirl born for the saddle.
He looked at the land, his home and wondered if he could just up a leave it. She had to go, and he could not live without her, not even for a little while…but damn, he did not want to go.
She sped up and cut her horse in front of his. “We are only going to mother’s for the weekend. Get over yourself”.
He fiddled with his rope, praying for an escape.
“Nope” she said and took his reigns. “We going”
And they rode into the sunset…and their truck.
He’s devoted to his way of life it’s the cowboy way. He loves it, loves the excitement of being one with nature, then a loud noise breaks his solitude. Suddenly, it’s all he can do to keep his horse under control. He finally gets Diablo under control, thanks to his excellent horseman skills looks around and spies the source of that noice. It’s a woman, a very pretty woman who by the looks of it might need his help. She just crashed her car on Windy Creek Road, the road that parallels his ranch.
Thanks to everyone who played! Love your story ideas.
The winners of their choice of a story from my Cowboys on the Edge series are: Laura and Tanya! Congrats, ladies! Email me at delilah@delilahdevlin.com and let me know which story you would like!