UPDATE: The winner is…Shiduna Townsend!
Puzzlers! I chose this photo because I was looking at pictures from my favorite place to buzz into for a long weekend. I was feeling a little nostalgic. Have fun with the challenge!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle then tell me a little story about what you think is about to happen in this dark place…
Obviously it’s the post Ground Hogs day reveal party when it was revealed that there will be six more weeks of snow.
The stars have mysteriously realigned and werewolves will be on the hunt for mates to calm the unfettered lust & wildness now sweeping this new alternate land.
We are entering into a new realm, one where all things are questionable. Oh wait, nothing new. LOL
At the end of a row of graves in New Orleans. Is a haunted house. Tales say it contains a portal. No one knows where it will take you or if you will ever return.
What seems scary to someone, may look like home to another. Guess who is coming home?
People have reported that on foggy nights the image of a young woman in a flowing gown can be seen carrying a bouquet of flowers to the mausoleum. Little do they know, she’s not a ghost….
Ooh a cemetery… someone is looking for proof of ghosts and is surprisingly going to be confronted by one!
celebrity cemetery tour
3:57 a beautiful picture
All was still and quiet. Then death came creeping by.
The meeting of the Vidocq Society is about to take place in the middle of the night as they close in on the answers to a cold case …
The owl’s eerie hoots and leaves rustling in the wind, covered the sounds of footsteps. Moving tentatively, yet with purpose to the agreed upon rendezvous site.
I don’t care what it’s supposed to be, it’s beautiful
A lovely image. It’s a moment before the gathering begins.
I think the building in the back is a crematorium.
A young married couple’s car stopped working. They walked to the nearest home. Let’s do the time warp again!
Thanks everyone for playing! Hope you enjoyed the puzzle, too!
The winner of the gift card is…Shiduna Townsend!