Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for March 27th, 2022

Happy Sunday, or maybe not… (Contest–2 Winners)
Sunday, March 27th, 2022

The winner of the Amazon gift card is…Charlene Lowe!

It’s Sunday. I consider it the end of the week rather than the beginning. I reassess where I am in my “plan.” I readjust my goals—usually trying to figure out how many pages I have to write or edit to meet deadlines, what can be put on the back burner because there aren’t enough hours in the day sort of thing. Planning is my happy place (in my previous life, it was my job!), so it’s the best part of my Sunday.

I also make out my grocery list. Gah. I no longer push that off on my dd to decide what I’m going to eat because…Weight Watchers, you know (I’m down 23 pounds, by the way!). Things that are always on it are celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, lemons, bananas, apples, sweet potatoes…and then I have to think about the things that might actually make me feel full. Yeah, those are the hard decisions.

I clean up my spaces—my office, art room, and my bedroom. Blech. I can’t seem to keep my housecleaners—I’ve paid professional cleaners and my grandchildren. Everyone gets bored. I think I pay them well, and I’m easy—I don’t inspect their work with a white glove. I really, really hate housework and will do anything to avoid it. But Sunday is the “come to Jesus” time when it has to be done regardless—even if I have to do it. Monday can’t arrive with a messy workspace. I say that, and my idea of a clean desk is neat, squared piles of paper with my toys circling the stacks.

So, that’s my day and you’re probably bored as shit reading through my Sunday To Do list. So, for a chance to win a download of your choice from my backlist (I’ll choose 2 winners), tell me about your Sundays. Is Sunday your end of the week or the beginning? Is it filled with lovely walks in the forest or catching up on chores?