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Archive for November 23rd, 2022

Cynthia Sax: Grin and Bare Him and Unlikely Heroes
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022

Grin, the hero of my most recent cyborg romance release, is an architect. He designs buildings and oversees their construction. His skills are very much in demand. He enjoys his role tremendously.

His newfound heroine, Mohini, is planning an extremely dangerous mission. The participants won’t likely survive it. They will be venturing deep into enemy territory, possibly facing battle robots and armies of undead warriors. There will be explosions and shootouts and firefights in deep space.

An architect is likely not the first hero anyone would consider for such a daring assignment. (grins)

Grin isn’t a normal architect, however. He’s a cyborg and all cyborgs were trained for battle. Many of Grin’s brethren LOVE fighting. It pleases their design.

Grin doesn’t enjoy fighting. At all. His programming is different. Killing or harming beings gives him no joy.

He will fight, however, to protect the beings he cares for. Grin will do anything to keep his daring female safe, even risk capture by a past enemy and/or death.

That, I believe, makes him even MORE heroic. He is stepping forward when needed, knowing full well he isn’t the perfect candidate for the tasks he’s volunteering to complete.

I suspect you’re the same way. You’ve tackled tasks you had no experience or interest in completing because those tasks had to be done.

Maybe you took care of a child while their parents were ill, rearranging your already busy days to ensure they were tended to and happy.

Or you helped a newcomer to your town find the post office. (That is an extremely stressful task for a direction-challenged person such as myself.)

Or you loaned a much-cherished reference book to a writer, knowing the book might be damaged or you might not get it back.

Or you asked a hard question of a leader, knowing it had to be asked but the leader wouldn’t welcome it.

These are hero moves. You might not be saving the entire world but you ARE saving someone’s world. You’re making a difference in lives and in the universe.

Tell me about your moments of heroism. I want to hear how you’ve stepped forward in the past and helped when it would have been much easier for yourself not to volunteer.

Grin And Bare Him

This cyborg will be the warrior his female requires.

Cyborgs are designed to fight. That is their primary purpose and 98.2356 percent of the manufactured warriors enjoy battle. Tremendously.

Grin, a K model, is one of the rare exceptions. When he escaped his cruel creators, he set down his sword and allocated his processors to less violent pursuits. He projects he’s left his war-waging planet rotations behind him forever.

Then he meets his beautiful, beguiling female, the one being he’s destined to protect, to claim, to love for all eternity, and his plans for peace are completely decimated.

Mohini needs a ship.

She has a dangerous mission to complete and the first step in that assignment is arranging transport to an enemy-controlled planet. The vessel she has set her sights on is guarded by the sexiest cyborg she’s ever seen.

To gain access to his ship, Mohini is prepared to kiss, caress, seduce the muscular male. The mission is her focus. The pleasure she experiences will merely be a bonus.

A female has to do what a female has to do to save the universe.

Grin And Bare Him is a Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.

It features a humanoid female undertaking a dangerous mission, a cyborg intent on keeping her alive, and an enemy with enough firepower to blow up an entire sector.

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About Cynthia Sax

USA Today bestselling author Cynthia Sax writes steamy Cyborg, Alien and Contemporary Romances. Her stories have been featured on TV, in Star Magazine, and numerous top ten lists.

Sign up for her dirty-joke-filled monthly newsletter and visit her on the web at
Twitter: @CynthiaSax