Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for November 20th, 2022

Today’s Tarot + 8 Open Contests Ending Soon!
Sunday, November 20th, 2022

It’s Sunday morning, and very, very early, which is nice because it’s quiet. On Sundays, I like to start my weekly plans update by pulling a card and asking how my week will go.

This is the card. Let’s talk about the artwork here, first.

I want to ask the guy on the card where he got the gown because my daughter would love it as a nightgown—the color’s perfect for her red hair, and she loves those empire-waisted nightgowns. The grapes suggest wine, the pentacle circles look like small kegs sitting on their sides. To me, just looking at this, I’m thinking Thanksgiving is going to be fun.

The 9 of Pentacles means you’re ready to enjoy the well-deserved fruits of your labor. It depicts Daedalus—you know, Icarus’s father?—the guy who made wax wings then flew too close to the sun…? Yeah, that guy. Well, daddy was a skilled craftsman. His son might be toast, but he’s earned a good life for himself. I’m down for that! 🙂

For those celebrating Thanksgiving—here’s wishing you a wonderful holiday!

Open Contest

  1. Genevive Chamblee: Memory Keeping (Contest & Giveaway)Contest ending SOON! Win a mystery stationary gift!
  2. Saturday Puzzle Contest + Open Contests!This ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Diana Cosby: Nature’s Beauty at Fall! (Contest)This ends VERY SOON! Win a SIGNED book!
  4. Another “Books Need Bookmarks” Contest! (Three Winners) — Win a hand-painted bookmark!
  5. Flashback: Cochise (Contest–3 Winners!) — Win a FREE book!
  6. Michal Scott: The Dream and the Hope of the Slave: Mary Eliza Mahoney 1845-1926 (Contest)  — Win an Amazon gift card!
  7. Word Search: Things to do with kids during the holidays… (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  8. Early Turkey Love (Puzzle-Contest) — Win a FREE book!