Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for May 17th, 2024

What would you like to see here? (Contest)
Friday, May 17th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Pansy Petal!

It’s Friday. The kids have one more partial week of school before they’re FREE for the summer. I love summers. Not only do we spend an inordinate amount of time in the pool, my daughter is very skilled at finding things for them to do that are fun. We, of course, like to snack around the pool and cook around the pool. When the bugs aren’t horrible, we bring the outdoor projector out at night and shine a movie against the chicken coop wall (I know that sounds ridiculous, but it is fun! Imagine watching episodes of Jimmy Neutron while sitting in lounge chairs under the stars.). We try to float the river at least once during the summer. We go to the beach at the local lake. We like movie nights inside, where we snack on finger foods. We have special meals where we’re all involved with prep. Do you own a raclette grill? We bought one maybe five years ago, and we bring it out to set up in the middle of the dining table to melt cheese over meat and veggies. It’s like fondue, I guess, but everything is grilled in individual trays. Then you place your grilled bites on hard crackers or bits of bread and gobble it up. Tasty and fun! We head to the movie theater several times during the summer. We buy the refillable popcorn tubs and eat before we head out to the movies to save on expenses. And we buy tickets to the matinees as opposed to buying full-price tickets for nighttime movies. We have craft projects—painting days, for example. So many things. We head to the library. We have plans. Lots of them. But we’re always looking for fresh ideas.

I’d like to do the same here and look for fresh ideas for this blog. I talk a lot here. It’s my daily habit to open up a blank screen and word-vomit about what’s happening with books and share the space with other authors who want to be seen. We play games (do you still love the puzzles?). While contemplating clearing my bookshelves, I instituted a new contest this last week, the “Clear My Bookshelf Giveaway,” that you apparently like, at least for this first outing, because the comments have surged. Yes, I prefer giveaways of cyber-gifts because I hate going to the post office, but I also hate the thought of consigning books to the burn barrel—it seems like a crime to even consider, but I have a finite amount of space in my office, and it’s time to thin out those books.

So, there’s a point somewhere in this post. Maybe I’ll find it. My fingers are typing, but they often speed ahead of my brain. Thank goodness, otherwise I’d never write a book.

I’m pausing now, because I do need to find the point. Today’s question… What was I talking about?

Oh, yeah. New ideas. Things you’d like to see. I’m glad I put that at the top of this post in the subject line, or I’d just keep rambling. Tell me what you like seeing here in this space. What sorts of prizes do you like? I can do signed books, downloadable books, bookmarks, small pieces of art, gift cards… Gift cards are easy, but they do add up. Mailing things isn’t so easy, but I do like to change things up, and I can enlist my dd to head into town for me. Yeah, she’s going to be busy with the kids this summer, but she’s a great multi-tasker. She rarely reads this blog. I hope she doesn’t decide to do so today.

Comment for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!