Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for May 1st, 2024

Word Search: Happy Batman Day! (Contest)
Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Beverly!

Forgive the meme above. I usually have my dd make them, but in my enthusiasm for this holiday, I thought I’d give it a shot. It kind of sucks.

Today is a celebration of the Batman comic book hero! I was a huge fan of the original Batman TV series back in the day. I loved the spoofy comedy, the over-the-top plots and acting. I loved all the “Holy Batman” exhortations from Robin and the “Boom” and “Pow” words that would flash across the screen. It was just great rollicking fun. The comic books were great, too, with so many more villains than they ever tackled in the show.

For a chance to win a pen my dd and the 10-year-old made yesterday (yes, they write quite well!), solve the puzzle, then tell me whether you’ve ever been a Batman fan—whether of the OG series, the comics, or the movies. If you love the movies, who is your favorite Batman?