UPDATE: The winner is…Natalie!

- I revised four of my Delta Heat series stories and published three of them: Five Ways ‘Til Sunday, Fournicopia, A Perfect Trifecta.
- I began writing Cyrus, which is presently scheduled for release on June 25!
- I completed 6 editing projects for other authors in May.
- I found art for my upcoming, soon-to-be-revised Delta Fire series, as well as art for Secret Identities: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology, coming at the end of July.
- I saw my doctor for a checkup. The bloodwork came back with many improvements! My blood pressure is under control. I still have areas requiring attention.
- I spent half of the month with my knee still causing me problems, but it appears to have healed. Just in time for the pool!
- I am paying more attention to what I put in my mouth. (That doesn’t mean I’m making better decisions!)
- The kids are out of school, and we’ve already put dates on the calendar for activities. The 10-year-old is learning to crochet this summer and has archery classes. The 15-year-old will be taking guitar lessons. We took the entire family to see If in the theaters.
- I continued working on the #the100dayproject art challenge but more sporadically as my day job (writing/editing) got more hectic.
- I attended a two-day papermaking workshop!
- Here are some examples of art projects I completed in May:

For work-related, I plan:
- To complete writing Cyrus, the first of my new MBH in Yellowstone series, and which is scheduled for release June 25th.
- To complete 5 editing projects in June!
- To set up the pre-order and edit the stories in the upcoming collection—Secret Identities: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology!
- To finish revising and prepare for publication the last books in my erotic romance series, Delta Heat. I’ll republish two of the stories in June: Twice the Bang and Once is Never Enough.
- To find cover art and set up pre-orders for my Delta Fire series. Three books will be revised for republication and the fourth will be written in July!
For health related, I plan:
- To swim in my pool every day! (Weather permitting!) Exercise on my recumbent bike when I can’t swim.
- To start back on my Weight Watchers diet, because it’s time to get serious!
- To reduce salt and processed food, and incorporate foods good for blood pressure (spinach, broccoli, bananas) and my liver (apple cider vinegar, flax seeds, sunflower seeds).
- To take my BP every day and log it!
- To have follow-up medical appointments, routine/annual things.
For happiness-related, I plan:Â
- To finish #the100daychallenge. Just 10 pieces to go!
- To spend time with the family—movies and pool—now that school is out!
Comment on anything you’ve read in this post. Tell me what you’re doing to make yourself happier and healthier, or tell me what you plan to read in June…
Like I said, comment on anything for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!