Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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January into February (Contest)
Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary McCoy!



  1. Again, I didn’t write a single word in all of January, but that was the plan—wait until after I recovered from the last of my chemotherapy sessions. Chemo sucked away all my energy and ambition. It wasn’t until well past mid-month that the aftereffects of my last chemo session on December 30th waned. And then I dragged my feet as I started thinking about what I wanted to accomplish writing-wise this year.
  2. I completed 1 editing project for another author in January.
  3. I settled on a theme and sent out the call for submissions for the next Boys Behaving Badly AnthologyBurn!
  4. So, yeah, it was a light month of work, but I’m feeling so much better, and my brain is re-engaging!


  1. I underwent a PET scan to see how my cancer had reacted to the chemo and got the amazing news that I’m now in remission from my cancer. Further, something I didn’t think would happen because I had far too much cancer everywhere is now within reach. It may be possible to have my girlie parts removed, which would yank out the source of my cancer. Not that it might not be lurking something else, microscopically, but right now the only place where it is detectable is in my uterus. It’s got to go!
  2. After that good news, I spent the rest of the month…resting. I can finally get deep, restful sleep, so I’m catching up!


  1. My family, all of whom have been astonishingly good to me over the months of my treatment, are now expecting me to pick up some slack. LOL. I’m doing the occasional dishes and keeping my own spaces clean. It makes me feel productive, and I know my dd needs some relief.
  2. I’ve been working on organizing my art studio, going from table to table, shelf to shelf, putting things where they belong and clearing working spaces.
  3. I painted this month. Not much, but here are a few small pieces I completed:



Ignition  Built Like Mack

For work-related, I plan:

  1. To complete Ignition before the end of the month and publish it. I was able to persuade Amazon to give me back my pre-order ability (Yay!), but I’ll wait until I finish the book before I let you know it’s out there. Writing is a little elusive still, which has made me feel a little…not afraid, but hesitant to slap dates on things.
  2. To plot stories for the new year for my current series, Montana Bounty Hunters: Yellowstone, MT and We are Dead Horse.
  3. To complete 3 editing projects in February.
  4. To look at books I already have out that I might bundle together or publish in print. I’ll be assembling another Ultra collection of short stories for publication in March.
  5. To begin work on the next We Are Dead Horse book, Built Like Mack. The plan is to release it in March.

For health-related, I plan:

  1. To meet with a surgeon at UAMS to discuss the possibility of getting my girlie parts removed. The appointment has been made—it’s happening at the end of this month.
  2. To begin again watching what I eat to drop a few more pounds. I’ve rejoined WW. Now, I just need to knuckle under and do the work.
  3. To add physical activities to my daily routine so that I can regain some muscle tone. I plan to begin some daily chair yoga exercises and spend some time on the exercise bike.

For happiness-related, I plan: 

  1. To get ready for the #100dayproject, which begins on February 23rd. This will be the 5th year I’ve participated in the challenge. I can’t wait! I’ll be going through art books and Pinterest pages, looking for ideas for projects.
  2. To clean up my art room, which was a disaster!  While I was feeling like hell, I tossed supplies on table tops rather than storing them properly, eating up my workspace.
  3. I have plans to do an online oil pastels class and perhaps make some more collage fodder.
  4. To spend time with the family—more movies, meals, and flea market adventures!


Comment on anything you’ve read in this post. Tell me what you’re doing to make yourself happier and healthier, or tell me what you plan to read in February…

Like I said, comment on anything for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

19 comments to “January into February (Contest)”

  1. Brenda Rumsey
    · February 4th, 2025 at 10:59 am · Link

    I become a great grandmother for the first time in April…that makes me happy.
    Also, at the age of 71 I’ve decided it’s time to write the story of my life to pass along to my son, grandsons, and soon a great grandson. There are truths I want them to know in hopes of encouraging them and helping them when I am no longer around. That makes me happy too.

  2. Terra Oenning
    · February 4th, 2025 at 11:28 am · Link

    I love your bounty series big time and for the time being I’m taking care of my parents who just got out of the hospital both have copd,but dad’s on 02 24-7 and they both had influenza A and he had pneumonia so I’m busy taking care of them and my house .hope you are doing well.

  3. Beverly
    · February 4th, 2025 at 11:42 am · Link

    I’m so happy hearing you’re in remission and feeling better. I am looking forward to more of your Bounty Hunters & will be watching for Built Like Mack …I like that title.I’m hoping to just keep reading through the books in my TBR pile & of course, there’s always new ones being added. Take care & I’m sending good vibes to you as you go through your surgery & continue healing.

  4. Colleen C.
    · February 4th, 2025 at 12:28 pm · Link

    Beautiful artwork!
    Continued positive thoughts for your health.

  5. Theresa Privette
    · February 4th, 2025 at 1:49 pm · Link

    All I can say is you inspire me to do more. That’s it, to take care of myself mentally, physically and emotionally. Thank you

  6. cindy
    · February 4th, 2025 at 1:56 pm · Link

    I love the artwork. You give me inspiration… it is time I have trouble finding. You mentioned the 100 day project. Is that the watercolor one? Also wondered if you ever made a personal watercolor paper album for specific projects… I watched a video of that. Folded sheets in half and sewed them together with a handmade painted cover.

  7. Delilah
    · February 4th, 2025 at 2:01 pm · Link

    Brenda, congratulations on the coming birth of your grandchild! And yes, be sure to write down or record stories your family needs to know about!

    Terra! Sounds like you have your hands full taking care of your parents. I hope they get well soon! Thanks for letting me know you like the hunters!

    Beverly! Thanks for your good wishes!

  8. Delilah
    · February 4th, 2025 at 2:03 pm · Link

    Colleen! Thank you for saying that!

    Theresa! Thank you for your kind words!

    Cindy! Find something you love to do and make time–even if it’s just 15 minutes at the end of the day! The #100dayproject can be any kind of art or craft work you love to do. You just have to produce something every day. Most of mine will likely be watercolors, but I hope to complete some oil pastels, too!

  9. Anna Taylor Sweringen
    · February 4th, 2025 at 3:45 pm · Link

    I love your watercolors. Thanks for sharing them.

  10. BN
    · February 4th, 2025 at 4:06 pm · Link

    nice art

  11. Mary Preston
    · February 4th, 2025 at 4:52 pm · Link

    Wonderful to know you are in remission.

    You seem so busy.

  12. Diane Sallans
    · February 4th, 2025 at 8:42 pm · Link

    I just finished reading the 8 book Darcie Wilde Rosalind Thorned Regency mystery series and enjoyed it very much. I’ll be reading JD Robb’s newest Bonded in Death this month.

    My sister-in-law had her girlie parts removed 2 years ago after a cancer diagnosis. She had the surgery done arthroscopically which she said gives you an easier recovery, so ask about that at your appointment.

  13. kerry jo
    · February 5th, 2025 at 7:44 am · Link

    I am so glad to hear the good news on your cancer. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. You may check into Flyte Health to help with weight loss. I just recently went to work for them and they are obesity specialist. I am not sure if they are a fit but maybe.

    My goal in February is to get settled in with the new job. March is to get my health in order. I have let mine go to the side while getting my husband straight with his new diagnosis of Lupus.

    I am reading a big MC series right now that I am enjoying and I hope to get to do a reread on another MC series and keep up with all of my arc groups.

  14. Debra
    · February 5th, 2025 at 9:13 am · Link

    Beautiful work! I lost an ovary several years ago. Still have the rest though. I need to knuckle down as well and lose some weight.

  15. Jennifer Beyer
    · February 5th, 2025 at 8:29 pm · Link

    I got a back injection! I am hoping it helps me exercise and build strength! That will make me very happy.

  16. Beckie
    · February 7th, 2025 at 8:11 pm · Link

    I’m reading Destiny’s Call. From there I am not sure. Depnds on any ARC I might read. Making snowman bookmarks.

  17. flchen
    · February 8th, 2025 at 10:03 pm · Link

    Really love seeing your art (in all its forms), Delilah! Just started taking a watercolor class and it is quite the challenge!

  18. Mary McCoy
    · February 9th, 2025 at 4:28 pm · Link

    I am working on my weight and strengthening my legs

  19. Delilah
    · February 16th, 2025 at 10:15 am · Link

    Thanks to everyone who commented!!

    The winner of the GC is…Mary McCoy!

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