Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Who is your favorite Avenger?
Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

Quick brag! In addition to being the Long and Short Reviews Book of the Month, Lone Heart is also a TOP PICK at Night Owl Reviews! I’m completely thrilled! Yesterday was a very, very good day!

Okay, on to today’s topic. I told you it would be quick. 🙂 ~DD

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I live in the boonies. The nearest town is small and has NO movie theater! I have to drive at least an hour to get to one. So it takes a special movie to motivate me to see it on the big screen. Here’s one I cannot wait to see.

First, my idol, JOSS WHEDON, is directing the movie. Remember Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, and Dollhouse? Second, I need another dose of Chris Hemsworth wearing armor or nothing at all…

I already know I’ll be buying every action figure to plop into my story toy box! Watch the trailer, then vote for your favorite Avenger!

Which is your favorite Avenger character? (You can choose 2)

View Results

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P.S. Thanks to everyone who voted for me this weekend over at Long and Short Reviews. My dd is sorry she ever suggested the mailings, but I’m enjoying watching her hand cramp into a withered ball! 🙂

Guest Blogger: Myla Jackson (aka Little Sis)
Monday, March 5th, 2012

The Crazy Writer’s Life for Me!

With the fun of the new Snow White movie coming out, I can barely stand the wait. In the meantime I’m stuck…er…happily penning wildly erotic stories for the enjoyment of those waiting for the next great movie to come out. Oh, hell, you know you love the wildly erotic stories, f*** the movies. Our imaginations can be oh, so much more entertaining. With a storyline to follow, interesting characters come alive on the page to our wonder, delight and desire.

In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m in a crazily happy mood. Why, you might ask? Who knows? Perhaps it’s the fact that I recently contracted for 6 works under my other pen name (Elle James) for Harlequin. Or maybe it’s the unprecedented success (for me) of my latest Samhain cowboy book, BOOTS AND CHAPS or perhaps it’s the first draft of the incredibly hot cover for my next Samhain release BOOTS AND LEATHER coming out in August.

Truthfully, I think it’s an hysterical reaction to over commitment, with a vacation (to St. Thomas!!) coming up and too much to do in too short a time. *she laughs maniacally—bwahahaha*

Whatever the reason, I’ll ride this happy rollercoaster until it spins out of control and plummets to the earth for the few split-seconds this crazy writer slumps into the pits of hell—that dreaded place called self-doubt—only to rise again on the wave of a glorifying review from a loving fan.

Ah, the life of a writer…Who needs drugs?

Prize. Did someone say prize? I’m sure I heard someone say prize, therefore for anyone equally crazy enough to leave a comment in the spirit of insanity, I offer a chance to win a download of one of my fabulously erotic works. So please leave a comment of a purely ridiculous nature and maybe you too will catch the next round of lunacy. Come! Come! Comment!



Welcome to the Ugly Stick Saloon

She gave up stripping to go legit…until three Kiowa cowboys bring on the down-and-dirty.

Jackson Gray Wolf is turning thirty, and what does he have to show for it? A ranch. No wife, no kids, no dates. He’s had his eye on the pretty owner of the Ugly Stick Saloon, but their one accidental encounter was interrupted before he could get her out of her take-me-now red cowboy boots.

Audrey Anderson isn’t in the market for a man. Been there, done that, has the scars to prove it. She retired her pole-dancing boots after purchasing the Ugly Stick Saloon, and now manages a stable of strippers. When she winds up one stripper short for a private party, she’s forced to slip on a mask and into the role of the mysterious Kiki.

Jackson didn’t want the birthday bash his twin brothers are throwing him, but his vow to ignore the rented stripper goes awry when she shows him exactly how far she’s willing to go—for all three of them.

Audrey can’t forget the sizzling heat between her and one sexy Kiowa in particular. Jackson. Trouble is, she’s not sure if he wants the bold, brassy Kiki, or if he’s ready for the wounded woman underneath.

Latest Release and Sunday Report Card
Sunday, March 4th, 2012

Vote for Book of the Month!

Do me a favor if you have a minute…

Lone Heart is nominated for Book of the Month for February at Long and Short Reviews. Go vote! Here’s the link: Vote at LASR

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Check out my new release!

This one’s short and cheap (just $.99)—but oh so hot! And if you wouldn’t mind… Please click on the cover and head over to Amazon to “tag” and “like” the book! Every click helps! Thanks!

Afraid to spoil their friendship, Emily had been reluctant to act on her attraction to the two sexy men next door. However, when she’s caught spying on them, the men decide a little punishment is in order…

From National Bestselling Author, Delilah Devlin, comes a sexy little story sure to become one of your favorite one-handed reads!

Warning: This 6800-word short story contains elements of voyeurism, m/f/m ménage sex, oral sex, and light BDSM.

Buy at Amazon

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Two contests!

The 4x2x4 contest and Promo Ho contests continue! Check out my contest page for details!

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Sunday Report Card

Last week was crazy. So much happening between rennovations of the new house and trying to get my office organized, plus a photography class yesterday!

I did manage to do the following:
1) I added another chapter to Charmed in the Big Easy
2) I edited and uploaded Two Hot
3) I submitted two entries for a new Cleis Press call for submissions
4) I completed Soldier Girls and submitted for another Cleis Press call

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This Week’s Guests

This week, I’ll have the following ladies blogging here:
Mar 5 — Myla Jackson
Mar 7 — Melanie Atkins
Mar 9 — Christie Walker

Be sure to drop by to say hello to them. You might just find another author you have to read!

Guest Blogger: Eliza Gayle
Friday, March 2nd, 2012

Remember! The 4x2x4 Contest continues! Check yesterday’s post for details!

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Thank you so much to Delilah for having me on the blog today!

Hi, my name is Eliza, I write erotic romance and I’m obsessed with the Undead. Okay, maybe obsessed might be a tad strong but I’ll let you be the judge of that.

I think this may have all started with the midnight premiere some time ago of the movie Zombieland. Instant love. I’m not sure I’ve been the same since. While I was busy quoting the zombie rules every chance I got, along came the television show The Walking Dead. Ooh so much zombie killing and craziness. I was hooked. Next came the apocalypse books so I could read up on how to be ready for the zombies. Somehow Zombies have become a regular source of entertainment for me and most of my family. I say most because every time we get to talking about these undead creatures, my youngest teenager gives me that look. You know that look. The one where clearly she thinks I have lost my mind.

Uhm maybe I have. Nah. It’s all fun.

Until now… What could I possibly do to take this zombie love to the next level you ask? How about a zombie apocalypse 5k obstacle race. Yep, this weekend Run For Your Lives will host such an event in Atlanta, and yours truly will be there and ready to rumble. Not only will I be running this obstacle course while chased by zombies with 8,000 other runners, I’m also signed up for a shift as a zombie. Professional makeup artists will transform my family and I into the undead, and we will stumble, shuffle, and moan our way around the course hopefully scaring the beejesus out of people. *insert evil laugh here* 

If you’d like to follow this insane journey, look for my live tweets from the event (with pictures) @elizagaylebooks this Saturday, March 3rd. As long as I have cell service and no one takes my phone away, there WILL be pictures. 🙂

(Oh and if you were wondering, none of this crazy weird zombie love has a thing to do with any of my books…yet)

Happy Friday Y’all!


To learn more about my books and what I am writing, please stop by my website at: or like my facebook fan page for the latest updates and exclusive content at:

My latest release is a sexy shifter menage available exclusively at All Romance eBooks as part of their Perfect Stranger series.The eBook is available in all formats including Kindle (mobi) and Nook (epub)!

Resistance may be possible, but who are they kidding?

While on a search and rescue mission in the middle of a snowstorm, Seth and his twin Trent catch the scent of an unfamiliar shifter. Drawn to locate the source they hike deep into the woods to an abandoned cabin where they find an enticing little jaguar in the throes of heat.

Tired of being smothered by her five brothers and the pressure to mate, Daisy wanted nothing more than a week alone in the middle of freaking no where. The last thing she needed was a run in with two sexy as sin—and totally off limits—cougar shifters. Unfortunately, she’s not the kind of woman to leave them out in the cold.

Faced with the misery of unmet sexual desire or hot, no strings attached sex with two men… What’s a girl to do?

New contest and a question!
Thursday, March 1st, 2012

My daughter inventoried my stash of books yesterday, and I realize I have far too many copies of certain books to keep. Soooooo, I’m going to give away sets of two to four lucky winners!

The 4x2x4 Contest!

What can you win?
I will give away four sets of two signed books to four lucky winners—winners’ choices from among these titles:

Down in Texas
Enslaved by a Viking
Into the Darkness
Tempted by a Cowboy

Texas Men
Wild, Wild Women of the West
Wild, Wild Women of the West II

What do you have to do to win?
Post a comment on any blog posting from today until the contest ends. Each entry counts as another chance to win!

This contest ends in two weeks, March 16th!

And if I currently owe any contest mailings, bookmark mailings, etc., I will get to them this week! I tend to let them stack up before I spend an afternoon working on packaging/addressing/stamping! I know, bad author me!

Don’t forget The Promo Ho Contest

If you’re a fan, and you’ve already read some of the My Immortal Knight books, this contest is a quick win! Up for grabs? TWO $25.00 Gift Certificates! Click on this link for details: Promo Ho Contest

Today’s Question

Say someone got you drunk enough to strip in front of a crowd… 
Yeah, most of us wouldn’t, but just say…

What song would you request for your sexy striptease?

Guest Blogger: B.J. McCall
Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

Contemporary Werewolves

I’m often asked which genre is my favorite to write and my answer is paranormal. Like many of you, I love werewolves. The shifter genre has come a long way since the 1941 classic film, The Wolfman. My werewolves aren’t cursed figures that transform and stalk innocent villagers while the moon is full. My werewolves are productive citizens like cops, soldiers, reporters and pack leaders. They live in a world ruled by pack law as well as human law.

I love werewolf stories and I write books about werewolves living in contemporary times. I was fascinated by the issues of falling in love and finding the perfect alpha mate while dealing with the structure of pack law, clan life and mating rules. My stories are romances that deal with the complexities of those laws. The pack is ruled by the elders and their decisions have the impact of a supreme court. Any werewolves defying the elders and pack law must suffer the consequences of their actions.

My Claiming Moon heroine, Grace has a decision to make. She can accept the wolf her parents have approved and the elders have sanctioned as her future mate, or she can follow her heart. Grace is in love with another wolf and defies her parents and the elders, but her decision has serious ramifications. She in persona non grata with her pack and she must live in the human world.

My stories also deal with the issues of a romance between a human and a werewolf. These mixed relationships have a special set of issues. Just think about living with a shifter. As a human you can love them, but you’ll never be one of them. If the pack doesn’t approve of you, your significant other must make a difficult choice and be willing to live apart from the pack.

Take that human/wolf issue and add the problem of an inappropriate relationship between a military officer and a werewolf subordinate. In Holiday Moon that’s the dilemma for Calix, the human commander of black-ops unit of werewolves. When Sezri goes MIA, Calix must decide between the she-wolf he loves and his career.

Pack law, clan life and mating rules make for interesting twists to werewolf romances. The plots and the problems are fascinating and writing about the change from human to fur and fangs is a challenge. As a writer I must let my imagination fly and bring the wolf shifter to life.  One day I hope to see a wolf in the wild. I’m sure the sighting will inspire a character and another wolf tale.

If you love werewolves, I write them.  Moonlust will be released on March 22nd by Changeling Press.

Guest Blogger: Pepper Phillips
Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

Swamp People, a reality television show is extremely popular in Louisiana.  The Landry family is located in the Atchafalaya Basin in southern Louisiana.  Their claim to fame is hunting alligators, or as the Cajun people say, “Al-a-ma-ga-tor.”

I have my own in-house al-a-ma-gator hunter.  Oh, yes.  Every year it is the thrill of winning the ‘tags’…you must have a license to hunt the beasts, and you must put in your name for the ‘lottery.’  For some reason the dh has been winning tags for several years in a row.  Either he’s lucky or there are fewer and fewer hunters in our central Louisiana location.

This year he won five tags, so off he went with his line and chicken from Wal-Mart.  Hunting for alligators is extremely skillful.  All you need is a pond with an alligator, a line with a chicken hooked to it, and a pistol.  Throw that chicken in the pond, tie the line to an anchor and come back the next day to see if he took the bait.  The dh did that.

The next day, he tugged on the line, and sure enough, there was a hungry alligator attached to it.  Only thing was, the al-a-ma-ga-tor was huge.  So, he called his two sons.  They were at work, but could leave early to give their dad a hand.  So, they showed up in their work clothes.  Since one is a Nursing Home Administrator and the other is an Attorney, we’re not talking sneakers and jeans.  They were in dress clothes.

Fearless as they are, they held onto the line with the alligator and dragged him to the water’s edge.  One of them took the pistol and at his father’s command to “Choot ’em” (a phrase that comes from the reality show) — shot the alligator in the only place you can safely shoot, the top of the head, where there is small hole in the skull located right behind the eyes.

The alligator took offense to that bullet and did what an alligator does.  He started to roll.  Remember the two sons are holding onto the line, and as the alligator rolls, they are being pulled closer and closer into the water.  The dh is yelling to “let go of the line,” as they are being dragged forward, tangled in the line at this point, when the alligator stops and the kid with the pistol gives him two more taps in the head.

Mission accomplished.  Sort of.

They needed to get the alligator out of the water, so they tied a chain to him and drug him out with a truck.  Since he was so huge, they got a front end loader and picked him up and put him in the back of the truck.

Here’s a picture of their catch.

This beauty is approximately forty years old, 11′-9″ and weighs in at approximately 600#.

Honestly, would you want this swimming in your pond?

The property is on what we call our ‘camp’ and small kids are not free to roam the property, as you can see, it can be dangerous.  But the smiles on the hunters face is worth it.

The kid in the picture is six foot three, to give you an idea of how huge that alligator is.  He changed his clothes after he was dragged into the water.

As far as I know, I am the only woman who has to have an alligator skull as part of her living room decor.  It doesn’t look too bad with a bow on it’s head.  At least that’s what I tell myself.

Pepper Phillips
“The Devil Has Dimples”
Southern sass with a touch of heart…
Coming soon…”Unconditionally”