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Guest Bloggers: A. Catherine Noon and Rachel Wilder
Friday, February 3rd, 2012

I’m horribly behind, but wanted to stop in and say that Maria D. is the winner of the free copy of CAPTIVE HEART by Phoebe Conn! I’ll post new contest news tonight!
Maria, email me to arrange delivery of your prize! ~DD

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Be Like a Groundhog
or “What To Do After the Resolution”

I’m sure by now, the grim reality of the year has set in. The blush of New Year’s Day and its resolutions has worn off and we settle down to the drudgery of the daily round.

But should we?

Ground Hog Day tells us that if the ground hog sees its shadow when it’s sunny, another six weeks of winter are here; if he doesn’t, Spring will come early. But if you look at the calendar, there are six more weeks of winter anyway. So what does this mean for us and our resolutions?

First, if there is more than one resolution, get rid of them. Pick one. Make it your favorite, or the most important, or pick a random number out of a bag. That is your focus for the next six weeks.

Then, like the ground hog, go back to sleep.

No, I’m serious. Well, okay, don’t go right to sleep if it’s the middle of the day, but relax. Six weeks is a long time in which to accomplish a goal, and you need all the energy you can. We still have to pay the bills, go to work, do the laundry, etc.

Then, like the ground hog, just focus on your daily round. If your goal is exercise, incorporate that into your daily round. Write it in your planner, and decide when you’re going to the gym or for a walk. If your resolution is eating differently, then write a menu plan and do your grocery shopping. If it’s to write more, set your word count goal. A steady thousand words a day is achievable and can fit into a busy life, so do that: fit it in. Get up a half hour early. Use your lunch break. Write while the kids are in school or down for a nap.

And remember to rest. I think a large part of why resolutions fail is not because people are lazy, or don’t want them, but because we try too hard and can’t sustain the effort long-term. So throw all that out and do it like a ground hog.

Happy Ground Hog Day (After)

A. Catherine Noon and Rachel Wilder
Blog Website
Check out BURNING BRIGHT, available from Samhain Publishing.

Guest Blogger: Phoebe Conn (Contest)
Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

I’ve been a little overwhelmed on the home front, but didn’t want you to think I’d
forgotten about the Three Signed Books Contest. I’ll post the winner and a new contest on my blog tomorrow! ~DD

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When I meet people and mention I’m a novelist, their first question is often, “Where do you get your ideas?” I’m absolutely shameless and will scavenge for inspiration everywhere. Sometimes I happen to overhear an enticing chance remark. Other times, I’m doing research for one book and find ideas for another. I love going to movies, and a minor character might spark my imagination in a completely new direction. A poet friend and I liked to sit in outdoor cafes to watch for people who’d make intriguing characters. When we’d spot one, he’d make notes for a poem, and I’d find a way to use him/her in a book.

One night we were in a restaurant and our waiter had a thick accent we couldn’t understand. We didn’t want to insult him and did the best we could, but he made a terrific space pirate who shouted orders his crew couldn’t understand and follow. I also like to observe the way people move. Some have a distinctive walk, and whether it’s a proud posture, or a lazy slump, I use it. Colin Firth leads with his shoulders, as an example. For fun, note how your favorite actors walk.

My February Retro Romance from Samhain, CAPTIVE HEART, is a Viking adventure I wrote after traveling through Scandinavia. There are wonderful museums there with beautiful thousand-year-old artifacts that provide excellent detail for a story. There is a museum in Oslo with the Oseberg ship found in a burial mound. It’s complete down to the intricate carvings and it’s a marvelous thing to see. There’s another Viking ship museum in Roskilde, Denmark. In approximately 1070, the five ships were sunk in the harbor to protect the city from invasion. They were excavated in 1962 and are displayed in a wonderful building right on the coast. Standing beside them, I felt an eerie sensation, as though the ships were haunted by the men who’d sailed them. I couldn’t wait to get home and begin a book where my hero and heroine sailed in a proud Viking ship bound for adventure and best of all, romance.

I’ll give a print or ebook copy of CAPTIVE HEART to someone who comments. It’s one of my most popular books, and a New York Times bestseller. I love to hear from fans, please send me an or visit my website.

Sunday Report Card
Sunday, January 29th, 2012

Just a couple of reminders before I report. You’re welcome to grade me! 🙂

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Lone HeartLone Heart releases Tuesday! Here’s what it’s all about:

When temptation catches fire, saddle up and hang on for the ride.

Lone Wyatt is a long way from his Colorado home. After his brother married the woman they both loved, he figured it’d be best if he was out of the way. He’d like to have his own one-and-only, but he’s in no rush. Until he saunters into a small Oklahoma town and spots Charli Kudrow. One wary glance from her haunted eyes, and he knows there’s hidden fire inside her just waiting to erupt. And he’s ready to tear through every objection she can think up.

Charli intends to slip out of Shooters unnoticed as soon as she’s done pinning a help wanted notice to the bulletin board. But there’s a cowboy at the bar with a killer smile who seems hell-bent on seducing her. And she feels something she hasn’t felt in five long years of widowhood—a spark of attraction. Thinking she’ll never see him again, she succumbs to temptation, only to discover that little “spark” is more like a raging wildfire.

One weekend is all he asks. One weekend to prove there’s more between them than just blazing hot sex…

Warning: Sometimes, love happens in an instant, but it takes a lot of sexin’ up to make one stubborn woman a believer.

Read an excerpt
Pre-order your copy now!

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Three Signed Books Contest

Remember it? Well, it ends Tuesday! If you want to know more, click on my contest link: Contest

All you have to do to enter is post a comment sometime between now and January 31st! And the more days you drop by and say hello, the more entries you have!

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My Report Card

Enough dawdling now. I do have news to report!
1) I finished up a short story, entitled “Marmalade.” It’s about a married woman whose husband gives her the okay to have some fun with the boss’s wife. Very delicious!
2) I wrote my way through chapter four of the dragon story. I have only a few pages left to wrap it up, but first want to spend some time revising to make sure I close all the dangling threads. That one’s heading straight to Kindle, so you won’t have to wait long!
3) I recieved and read through my first two submissions for the anthology project, Wild at Heart! All you writers out there, be sure to check out the details. Stories must be submitted by April 1st! Find details here
4) We started another round of critiques with the Rose’s Colored Glasses critique group. I have to finish mine today. Why, oh why, do I always wait until the last minute? 🙁
5) I continued leading, along with my sister, the Rose’s Plotting Bootcamp.

This week, I plan to:
1) Finish the final read-thru/revision of “Marmalade” and ship it the editor;
2) Revise and complete the dragon story and ship it to the editor;
3) Begin the sequel to Bitten in the Big Easy;
4) And lastly, write another short story for another collection—this one with a paranormal bent.

I hope to do all that with two children underfoot while their mother takes a trip. Eeek! I may be a little overambitious.

TGIF and the polls are now closed!
Friday, January 27th, 2012

The polls are now closed. You have spoken-spokenspoken—hear that ominous echo?

For the erotic short story series, you have chosen:
A firefighter series, featuring a single fire station and the firefighters’ off-duty playmates

For the longer, more romantic project, you chose:
Recently dragged from Hell, a powerful godlike dragon seeks to steal his old lover from the vampire king

Some of y’all even recognized that story as the next one in the Dark Realm series. If I’d mentioned that I already had 100 pages written on the disgraced ex-cop story, would that have made a difference? grumble-grumble

A few of you even offered ideas for titles for the firefighter stories. I had some really funny ones from “The Real Max”—funny story there too about how he and I first met…

Anyway, I have my marching orders, now I have to plot the firefighter series. If you have any suggestions for the types of stories you’d like to see, you know I’m always open.

Lone HeartFor the next few days, I’m going to be talking about Lone Heart, my next Samhain book, which releases next Tuesday. It’s available for pre-order now if you want to go ahead and start the buzz!

After that, there’s nothing on the schedule for release until the Cleis collections begin to roll out this summer. I have to get writing to keep you hungry mamas fed! Next up? Here’s a list of what’s on my plate right now:

1) A dragon wooing his virgin sacrifice with the help of a knight
2) The next book in the lesbian vampire series, Femme Noir, for Ellora’s Cave
3) The next Lone Star Lovers story, Two Wild. That title is evolving. It begs the question, for what?

While I work on these projects, I’ll be working on your menu selections. Y’all have a wonderful weekend! TGIF!

One last poll–come on, tell me what you want!
Thursday, January 26th, 2012

You have spoken. My series of erotic shorts for Kindle will center around the hotties in a firehouse! Looks like I have some research to do! And I’ll be back for help with a series title. How do you like the title “Drinking from a Long Hose” for the first installment? Too crass? Makes me smile!

In the meantime, help me choose my first long project for Kindle. This time, you get just one choice!

What flavor of ROMANTIC fiction do you prefer me write for my next longer Kindle project?

  • Recently dragged from Hell, a powerful godlike dragon seeks to steal his old lover from the vampire king (43%, 24 Votes)
  • A teller implicated in a bank robbery seeks sanctuary from the small-town sweetheart she left behind who happens to be the new sheriff in town (39%, 22 Votes)
  • A disgraced female ex-cop seeks help from two former lovers, her ex-partner and a powerful sorcerer, to stop a murderous demon (20%, 11 Votes)

Total Voters: 56

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Guest Blogger: Jenna Bayley-Burke (Contest)
Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

Remember! The Three Signed Books Contest continues. Find the details here! ~DD

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The Reading Rush

My Mommy Wine Club friends think I must read very fast. It’s funny for me because to my online circle of avid romance readers a book a week is a crawling pace. It’s all about perspective.

I learned to speed read in high school, and it did make college textbooks easier to plow through. I still like the technique for non-fiction, but I like to enjoy my novels. I like to read them slow, chapter by chapter, a small sip of loveliness before I fall asleep each night.

Which, as any romance reader will tell you, is not always the best idea because there are some stories that you literally cannot put down and the next thing you know, the clock has hit single digits and you’d rather drink a pot of coffee tomorrow than set the story aside tonight.

In my latest book, For Kicks, the heroine learns to speed read at the beginning of an extended business trip and winds up using her time in airports, planes, and hotel rooms to explore interests she never had time for. Astrology, diet, knitting, Tarot, origami, reflexology…if you can find it in an airport bookstore, she’s liable to pick it up. My former expense account and I plead the fifth on where the idea for this little habit came from.

For a chance to win a $5 e-gift card to Amazon or B&N (which you can use to buy own copy of For Kicks)…tell me, what have you always wanted to learn about? Why don’t you do something to learn more about it today?

Catch up with Jenna on her website, blog, Twitter (@jennabb), or Facebook.

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If the shoe fits…run with it!

Breeze Cohen senses something is missing from her life, but her career doesn’t leave time for anything but retail business strategy—particularly the upcoming product launch for her cornerstone client, Nitrous.

No way is she going to let live-for-the-moment Logan Chandler tarnish her professional reputation. Even if the ex-athlete poster boy for Nitrous makes her heart pound like she’s run a marathon.

After surviving a near-fatal accident, Logan doesn’t want to waste a minute of life. It’s meant to be lived, ravished, enjoyed—and there’s no one he’d like to ravish more than Breeze. There’s a deep pool of mutual desire beneath her icy façade. He can feel it every time they touch.

When a training snafu at Nitrous launches Breeze into damage control, Logan is ready and waiting to lace up and take her for a run on the wilder side—if he can catch her.

Warning: Side effects may include a desire to melt chocolate with body heat, spontaneous phone sex, and an intense drive to find loopholes in your workplace fraternization policy.

Tell me what you want…
Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

I’m currently busy finishing up stories I’ve already committed to write, but I’m also makin’ plans for what’s next. Yes, more Lone Star Lovers and even a new My Immortal Knight are in the near future, but I’d also love to write a continuing series of short erotic stories—fast lunchbreak reads—that I could put up on Kindle in a hurry when you get hungry for a quickie. I have ideas, but would like for you to tell me what you’d love most. These may or may not be romances and would definitely lean more toward erotica. Don’t worry, I have a romance poll coming in a couple of days too!

Take a look at this list. You can choose up to three. The one with the most votes will be the first I write.

What flavor of short erotica stories would you prefer to see from me?

  • A firefighter series, featuring a single fire station and the firefighters' off-duty playmates (32%, 22 Votes)
  • A cowboy series, featuring the same lucky lady and a group of sexy cowboys (25%, 17 Votes)
  • A Victorian series, featuring Dr. Mullaley and Nurse Percy (continuing their story from STROKES) (16%, 11 Votes)
  • A "Sexy Secretary" series, featuring an administrative assistant and her Dom boss (14%, 10 Votes)
  • A sex club, featuring different D/s couplings and groupings (13%, 9 Votes)

Total Voters: 37

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