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Archive for 'movies'

Report Card & Open Contests!
Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Yesterday was fantastic! It was such a cool girls’ day out to celebrate the oldest hitting 20! We had lunch at Red Lobster (do you know how hard it is to count Weight Watchers points there?!), we did some light shopping at Ulta, TJ Maxx, and Bath & Body Works, and then we went to see Inside Out 2! We loved the movie, BTW. When we got home, we all jumped into the pool for an hour, dancing to hip-hop and Gypsy Kings in the water! Lovely day! I slept like a baby last night.

I hope you’re finding ways to enjoy your summer! We do our best to beat the heat or plan our time outside for the morning or late afternoon. The electric bill for last month nearly choked me, but that’s the price of living in the South. 🙁

You all take care and have a great week! Be sure to check out the multitude of contests listed below! ~DD

Report Card

Last week…

  • I began plugging away in earnest at writing the book due out later this month!
  • I worked on one editing job for another author.
  • I continued working on editing the Secret Identities short stories for the anthology.
  • We finally got the pool chemicals balanced and started swimming!
  • I began Weight Watchers and have lost 4.2 pounds!

This next week…

  • I’ll continue to work on Cyrus!
  • I will finish an editing job for another author!
  • I’ll finish editing stories in the Secret Identities anthology.
  • I’ll begin working on my short story for SI!
  • I have an imaging appointment on Monday.
  • I’ll continue swimming and counting those points on Weight Watchers!

Open Contests

On the Delilah’s Collections website!

  1. GETTING TO KNOW CAMERON ALLIE (CONTEST + 2 FREE READS!) — Last day to enter! 10 winners! Win a FREE book + Everyone gets 2 FREE books!
  2. GETTING TO KNOW REINA TORRES (CONTEST) — This one ends soon! Win a FREE book!
  3. GETTING TO KNOW DARAH LACE (CONTEST) — This one ends soon! Win a FREE book!

Here, on this site!

  1. Clear My Bookshelf Giveaway (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win a SIGNED book + some hand painted (by me!) goodies!
  2. Anna Taylor Sweringen/Michal Scott: Harriet Ann Jacobs – Setting and Keeping the Record Straight on Slavery (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. What’s Coming Soon & the Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Orange you glad you stopped by? — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. June into July (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Gabbi Grey: Puppies and kiddos (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  6. Sliding Puzzle: Happy Independence Day! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  7. Reina Torres! My New Military Romance Series! (Contest–Two Winners!) — Win a FREE book!
  8. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: At the movies… — Win an Amazon gift card!
Saturday Puzzle-Contest: At the movies…
Saturday, July 6th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallans!

Secret Identities: A Boys Behaving Badly AnthologyBefore we get into the contest… 

I just wanted to remind everyone, that we’re doing a “Getting to Know You” thing on the Collections website. We’re running contests and giveaways. You’ll meet authors who might be new to you! Be sure to follow this link to check it out. The posts will continue until the release of Secret Identities at the end of this month!

Now, onto today’s little ramble…

The 19-year-old turns twenty today! Our little college girl/pom squad member/school ambassador/future teacher. We’re so proud of her. So, her mom, I, and the 10-year-old are taking her to the city for a meal and a movie—Inside Out 2. We all love a good animated picture. 🙂

So, I’ll be away from my desk for most of the day. Today will be the one break I’ll give myself until I finish the book due out later this month! I hope everyone has a wonderful day, too. Be sure to catch up on the contests still open here and on the Collections website. Enjoy the puzzle!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether you are a fan of animated movies. Do you have a favorite? Any recent favorites? The 10-year-old and I adore Moana and probably watch it once a month together just because. 🙂

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Shark Movies are Summertime Fun!
Saturday, June 15th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Beth!

Do you sometimes wake up with a goal you can’t shake?

I watched a trailer for a movie yesterday and got so excited about it that I messaged the link to my daughter for her to watch. She never replied. So, I take that as she’s not excited about the idea. But how can she not be?! A giant shark in the Seine, IN PARIS?! It’s going to be epic!

Okay, so it’s not as over-the-top as the Sharknado movies (has there ever been anything as gonzo?!), but I can see the possibility of a fun movie night. When the Sharknado films came out every summer for all those years, we made the releases a big event. We’d binge-watch the preceding movies and hunker down with finger-foods and popcorn, our attention glued to the screen. They weren’t meant to be great art, and they weren’t, but oh what fun they were. I have the same reverence for The Meg movies. I just love shark movies and Shark Week. Summer isn’t summer without watching some new shark-disaster movie.

So, this morning, I awoke determined to watch the new movie tonight. I’m pretty sure I can talk the 15-year-old and the 10-year-old into watching with me. We’ll get a huge tub of popcorn and dim the lights. Under Paris will be watched!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether you love shark movies like I do. Have you watched Jaws, the Sharknado movies…Shark Tale?

P.S. While I was searching for an image for Under Paris, I found another shark movie I have to put on the list! It’s Shark Lake with Dolph Lundgren! It sounds perfectly awful, which means it’s right up my alley. 🙂

Saturday Puzzle Contest: On this day…Ghostbusters released!
Saturday, June 8th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Anne Marie Flamini!

Okay, so you’re probably thinking my topic is kind of weird, but hear me out.

Coming up with topics on a daily basis isn’t always easy. Yes, I can talk about books, but doing that every day…? Boring. I have guests, so that changes things up. When I’m reaching for a topic, I love to check the calendar for weird holidays because I love an excuse to celebrate. Today’s holiday was VCR Day, and I thought about it, but got nothin’. So, I moved on. Then I thought about the History Channel’s website. Every day, they have a “This Day in History” post, so I headed on over to steal some ideas.

Some of today’s offerings were…

  • Muhammed died (632)
  • Robert F. Kennedy was buried (1968)
  • Apache chief Cochise died (1874)

Those are sacred dates, so I know better than to have fun with them. Then another one popped up.

I remember when the movie came out. I think I was pregnant/giving birth at the time, so I didn’t see it in the theaters, but back in the day, we had HBO and a new-fangled way of watching movies we wanted, whenever we wanted, called a VCR (see how I worked that holiday into here?!). Ghostbusters was one of the recordings we made so we could enjoy it whenever we wanted. When my family went with me to Germany for my second tour there, all those taped movies we’d made were sooooo important! Remember, that was before streaming, and sometimes, we only had one channel, AFN (Armed Forces Network) to watch. The library on post had a ton of classic movies (most in B&W) to check out, and I attribute my love of classic movies to that period. However, it was our library of movies recorded off of HBO that saved our sanity. There were many, many kids’ movies among them…

Anyway, Ghostbusters it is, and I did manage to find an image I could use without getting into trouble with a copyright, so enjoy the puzzle!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what classic movies you might have seeing made into a puzzle.

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Undersea Fantasy (Contest)
Saturday, December 30th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Pamela Reveal!

All of the family is heading to the movie theater today—after we walk all the dogs, feed and water the chickens, geese, guineas, goats and horse. It’s rare we all head out very far away because of the animals and everyone’s schedules, but we’re heading to see the new Aquaman movie! And yes, I could care less about the middling reviews. It’s Jason Momoa!

So, while we’re heading to eat a quick meal at a pizza buffet, followed by the movie, I’ll leave you with a puzzle! Something to share my excitement.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, and then tell me what movie you’d love to see on the big screen!

Krysten Lindsay Hager, YA Author:  Best Cozy Christmas Movies to Relax
Wednesday, December 6th, 2023

I write young adult clean and wholesome romances and love cute movies that give you a cozy feeling. There’s no better way to take the edge off a rough day than escaping into a sweet holiday setting with a feel-good vibe. Some of these have romance and one is laugh out loud funny. Hope you enjoy my picks. Would love to hear your favorites in the comments.

Christmas Flow: If you liked my pop star romance Cecily Taylor Series, you might enjoy this one with a rapper and writer who embark on a fake relationship after a mishap. They’re complete opposites with him getting in trouble for misogynist lyrics and her working for a feminist blog. It’s a unique take on the opposites attract trope. The lead actress in this was great.

Muppet Christmas Carol: I will forever love this one and watch it every single year. I’m also incapable of saying the word, “mittens,” without singing the line from the movie. Every single song in it is a banger and Rizzo is a national treasure. I like the Dickens story, but this version is the best.

All I Want for Christmas: This one is from the 90s and has Lauren Bacall as the grandmother. Ethan Embry is the lead character who is a kid wishing his divorced parents would get back together. If you love Christmas movies set in the city, then you’ll love this one. It’s set in New York City and has a magical feel.

Christmas in the Wild: Kristen Davis is amazing in this sweet romance about a divorced woman going to Africa on what should have been a trip with her husband only to rediscover herself and her love for animals. Davis does a great job of making you root for her happiness and want to adopt an elephant. Seriously, I was afraid of elephants before this movie and now I’d lay down my life for a baby elephant.

A Castle for Christmas: Brooke Shields is a well-known author who winds up in Scotland after a meltdown during a TV interview. She finds a castle her grandfather used to work in and wants to buy it and there’s a cute enemies- to- lovers trope with the castle owner. This one is worth watching for the cute inn she stays in and overall cozy feel. This one appeals to the romance writer in me. It’s the perfect movie to watch with a hot chocolate and blankie.

A Heavenly Christmas: Kristin Davis again, but this time she’s in limbo (literally) after an accident and she has to work with an angel to bring happiness to a man who is raising his niece after his sister dies. You just want these two to get together so badly and living happily ever after.

Here’s a Christmas party scene from my young adult novel, Cecily in the City, where my main character, Cecily, goes to her pop star boyfriend’s wealthy family’s Christmas party where she feels like a fish out of water and encounters his exes. Cecily in the City won the 2023 Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal Award for Young Adult Romance:

On the day of the party, I was a nervous wreck. I went downstairs and asked my parents if they’d let me take the car to the party.

“I’ll drive you. Partly because I’m nosy and want to see their house up close.” Dad rubbed his hands together.

We headed over to Andrew’s parents’ house. My dad drove me up the circular driveway and I gasped. Andrew’s parents hadn’t just decorated a few trees in the yard—every single evergreen on their lot was lit up and there was a display of cartoon carolers that looked to be six feet tall standing in front of the house.

“Wow, no inflatable snowmen for these guys.” Dad peered out the window. “Cecily, look! Santa is answering the candy door.”

“They have a doorman?”

“No, I mean over in the life-sized gingerbread house. There’s an actual guy over there opening a candy door. It looked like he’s serving hot chocolate. Should I get a to-go cup?” he asked squinting.

“Please don’t. I’m already afraid that security guard over there will ask if I’m lost.”

Dad laughed and told me to call him when I needed a ride home. “And see if they provide doggie bags with tiny quiches and those weird pointy toast things,” he said as I got out of the car.

I took a deep breath as I walked up to the door and said a prayer before ringing the doorbell. A woman answered the door and offered to take my coat. I handed it to her and immediately wanted to grab it back to cover myself because all the women were dressed identically. They all had long turtleneck sweaters that were made of some material way fancier than mine. Meanwhile I was standing there in a V-neck I bought on the clearance rack and that was after I borrowed cash from my mom. And forget regular pants—there were all in velvet or something with tall boots that looked like something out of a horse-riding movie. Oh crap. They all shopped at the same place. My dad’s car payment wasn’t as much as those boots. Actually, our house payment wasn’t either. How did some people have that kind of money to spend on boots?

“Cecily, love, you’re here,” his grandmother said coming over in a wave of perfume. “Now our party is complete. And you brought a gift for the kids. How thoughtful.”

She took the package from me and I explained it was an art set that would be good for a kid between eight to ten.

“It is so important to support the arts,” she said as she placed the box under the world’s biggest Christmas tree. I followed her into the main room expecting to see another big eight-foot tree. Nope, it was even bigger and it was aqua. Where did they even find an aqua colored tree? I was overwhelmed by the expensive leather couches and larger mahogany armoire placed next to a huge stone fireplace.

“Hey Cecily.” Andrew came up and hugged me. “Sorry I didn’t see you come in. One of the little kids spilled their milk and was crying, so I wanted to make sure she was okay.”

So thoughtful. No wonder those girls online attacked me out of jealousy in comments section for being his soulmate in his video. Well, that and the fact he looked like a cologne ad model.

“I feel a bit underdressed,” I said smoothing my hair back.

“Why? You’re wearing the same thing as everyone else,” he said.

Yes, except my outfit was the bargain-basement version. Sort of like how magazines did those stories where they showed two similar outfits and had you guess which one cost twenty-five dollars, and which cost two-thousand dollars and it was always obvious which was which.

“I just feel a bit…out of place.”

“You look amazing as always,” he said and from the way he was smiling at me, I almost believed it. His mother walked over and he introduced me.

“Cecily, what would you like to drink?” she asked. “We have hot chocolate, spiced cider, and—what on earth is she wearing?”

I jumped, but then realized she was staring at someone walking in. Following her gaze, I saw Jeff’s girlfriend, Isla King, walk in wearing a short white leather miniskirt with a tight sparkly red off the shoulder sweater and a Santa hat. She had matching white leather high heeled boots on and you could see the butterfly tattoo on her stomach.

Mrs. Holiday gave a tight smile and smoothed her hair with her hands. “Forgive me, I’m not used to the way you kids dress today.”

“Andrew, be a love and make sure she doesn’t end up in the center when we take a group photo,” she said. She looked over at me. “Was I offering you punch or something? The last few minutes have been a blur.”

I giggled. “I’d love a hot chocolate.”

“There’s my future granddaughter-in-law,” Rev. Holiday said in his booming voice as he walked over to me with Andrew’s father.

Mr. Holiday shook my hand. “Nice to meet you. So happy you could join us, Cecily. It wouldn’t be the same without you.”

The way he focused on me when he said it made me feel like he meant it.

“And now you get to meet the girl he’s always talking about,” his grandpa said.

“Grandpa, you’re embarrassing her,” Andrew said.

“Well, Andy, I want to get this locked down because think of how adorable she’d look on the family Christmas card.” Rev. Holiday laughed. “Cecily, we all wear matching sweaters on it each year, and you’d fit right into the family photo.”

“Oh, am I included in that?” Isla asked coming over with her sister, Danielle, who was always trying to Andrew’s attention.

Mr. Holiday’s smile dimmed a few watts. “Hello Isla. Merry Christmas.”

“Cecily’s still around? Wow, good thing I didn’t take bets on that. I would have lost big time,” Danielle said quietly to Isla as if I wasn’t there. Isla’s eyes widened and she mouthed, “Sorry,” at me.

His dad got called away and I was starting to feel more relaxed as Andrew led me into the den. There was a girl sitting in the corner with perfect bouncy brown hair and luminous skin.

Andrew whispered that was his ex, Suki, and I felt my adrenaline spike. She smiled as we walked in, but her eyes didn’t reflect it. The worst part was that she was sitting there like she belonged and I was the outsider. Andrew introduced us and she nodded as she gave me the once-over.

“Andrew, didn’t you get Cecily anything to drink?” Suki asked in a way that implied he didn’t care enough to make sure I didn’t dehydrate and die.

“My mom’s getting her something.”

“Always passing the responsibility—as usual,” she said kicking him lightly with her expensive looking high-heeled boot.

I knew the, “as usual,” part was to show she had known him longer than me. Being around someone’s ex is always an uncomfortable situation, but it was extra cringe-y now that I knew how close they had been. Mrs. Holiday came in with my hot chocolate, and I wanted to ask her how she could expect me to stay in the same room as his ex, but of course, I just thanked her and sipped at it while trying not to get whipped cream all over my face.

“What did Andrew get you for Christmas, Cecily?” Suki asked.

Way to get right to it.

“We haven’t exchanged gifts yet, nosy,” he said.

“Just wanted to see if you recycle gift ideas,” she said smirking. “Last year he got me an initial necklace.”

I gave a disinterested nod and pretended my hot chocolate cup was the most fascinating thing in the room.

“With his initial on it,” she said with big smile.

It took everything in me not to toss my hot chocolate on her blue-gray cashmere sweater that perfectly matched her eyes. She probably put that necklace around a tiny Andrew doll at her house with candles around it and a bunch of photos of him tacked to the wall like a creepy stalker.

Find the book here. It’s free in Kindle Unlimited:
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Amazon CAN:
Amazon AUS:

About the Author

Krysten Lindsay Hager is a bestselling author of YA romances that make you laugh, cry, and swoon.


Oscars Hangover (Contest)
Monday, March 13th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Kandi Candelas!

For the first time in a long time, I was very excited about watching the Oscars. It used to be a thing when my daughter was young. We’d plan finger foods and I’d let her stay up on a Sunday night while we watched awards show. In advance, we’d try to watch as many of the nominated movies as we could so we could feel invested in the awards.

That tradition fell away. Life happened, but also movies didn’t grab us the same way they used to. Something changed or maybe we just got older and the magic faded. Last night’s Oscars was something I was invested in because of one movie.

My family and I watched this together. When the credits rolled at the end, I turned around to my family excited as I hadn’t been in a long time and asked them what they thought. “Mom, it’s weird.” “Hot dog fingers?” “Good acting, but too many things going on.” Ever since that first experience, I’ve been the silent super-fan, stalking the awards shows (Golden Globes, SAG) because I knew this one was special. Hot dog fingers? Why not? Weird? Hell, yeah. A gazillion threads all stitched together to make a movie that reveals something new to me in every scene every time I watch it. I bought a DVD copy so I could rewatch it whenever I want. And you need a big screen to catch the details, the clues they laid about what was coming.

So, last night, I watched the red carpet with my dd, critiquing the dresses and drooling over the hotties (did you see Idris?!).  When the Oscars was set to come on, my cable went from ABC to something else. Nooooo! To watch it live, I would have to pay $69 for a month of the service. I retreated to Twitter and found one streaming link after another that showed me bits and minutes and I texted my dd throughout the night as my fave, EEAAO, racked up well-deserved praise and awards. By the time the night was over, it had won in every major category—Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Script, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Editing! I was so joyful. Not because I was right (which I was), but because I sooooo want more movies like this. Ones that make me think, that give me a visual orgasm, that have characters I can love, and a story that’s real and relatable while my fantasy-loving heart is taken on a wild ride.

This morning, I feel like I have a hangover. After last night’s high, and the time change, I am dragging butt. But I’m still excited and happy, and now I think I need to buy an EEAAO movie poster to tape to my door like I used to do.

So, my question to you today, for a chance to win a download of one of my books, is…

Is there a movie you’ve watched that got you that excited? Did you follow it and the cast, hoping everyone else jumped on the bandwagon to make it a success?