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Archive for July 7th, 2009

It's not pony sex
Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

Progress on HALTERED

That big-ass contest widget is finally gone from my blog! Tomorrow, I’ll name the winners of the contest—and start another contest to celebrate the release of Stone’s Embrace!

So, today I’m just playing catch-up.

I updated my website yesterday. Swam twice. Started a new online class (I’m leading it with my sister), but didn’t write a single, solitary word.

The hero of my latest work is an asshole, and he’s just one in a string of assholes I’ve been writing. Says something about my personal life, I think. Maybe it’s time for some changes there so I can write a nicer guy.

And I hate that title—HALTERED. I already published Saddled, and just turned in BRIDLED. I wanted another one-word title, but HALTERED isn’t doing anything for me. It reminds me of pony sex and that’s not where this story’s going. 😆

Do you have any great title suggestions for me?

See you tomorrow with the names of the winners and the start of the new contest!