Finally, I can say I finished the rough of the last December 1st deadlined book.
Two weeks late. But what the hell? To say I wasn’t as inspired by this one as the other two would be a gross understatement.
So all you writers out there, when an opportunity to write something for a publisher you have courted for a long time comes, make sure the story is something you love. I just couldn’t love this one, hence all the trouble finishing it. Maybe my emotions were involved because I was seriously exhausted. Maybe I was simply annoyed that I didn’t get as much say in the premise of the story as I would have liked. I now know I can’t write to someone else’s specs. Not, and love it.
Anyway. Those 3000 words were the only ones I wrote all week. This week I have to get my head back in the game. Now, why is that High School Musical song playing in my mind? Ack!
Coffee is heating up. My workspace will be wrestled back into shape. Why is it that I can get so easily distracted with all the clutter that has accumulated over the past couple of months?
Last night I took a sleeping pill and got over eight hours of rest—uninterrupted. Huge accomplishment since I haven’t had that much in over a month. I’ll do the same tonight. I have kid issues coming back Tuesday, but I hope I can set some limits for myself and be a little better organized. Sleep has to make it onto my To Do List.
Christmas is creeping ever closer. I have to get cards out this week—if I’m going to do them at all. I have to get any online buying done. I wish you luck with the countdown as well!