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Archive for December, 2011
Saturday, December 31st, 2011
The year’s a wrap! In case you missed it, these are the releases I’ve added this year:
1. 01/04/11 – RAVISHED BY A VIKING (Berkley Heat)
2. 01/04/11 – TRUE HEART (Samhain)
3. 04/01/11 – THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN, Lesbian Cops (Cleis Press)
4. 04/06/11 – HANDY MEN (Ellora’s Cave)
5. 05/01/11 – TIME RAIDERS: THE WARRIOR’S TOUCH (Harlequin Nocturne)
6. 05/01/11 – DR. MULLALEY’S CURE, Carnal Machines anthology (Cleis Press)
7. 05/01/11 – DREAMING BY THE SEA, Dream Lovers anthology (Cleis Press)
8. 05/13/11 – BEGGING FOR IT (Ellora’s Cave)
9. 05/27/11 – HER SOUL TO KEEP (Kindle/Smashwords)
10. 06/14/11 – UNDENIABLE (Samhain)
11. 08/23/11 – HOT OUT HERE, The Mammoth Book of Hot Romance (Running Press)
12. 09/13/11 – GIRLS WHO BITE (Cleis Press)
13. 09/14/11 – A FOUR-GONE CONCUSION, Lone Star Lovers sequel (Samhain)
14. 09/20/11 – B IS FOR BONDAGE (Ellora’s Cave)
15. 09/21/11 – GILDED CAGE, Bitten in the Big Easy anthology (Ellora’s Cave)
16. 10/04/11 – ENSLAVED BY A VIKING (Berkley Heat)
17. 11/22/11 – FIVE WAYS ‘TIL SUNDAY, Delta Heat series (Samhain)
18. 12/06/11 – RED HOT WINTER anthology (Samhain)
19. 12/13/11 – DRIVE ME CRAZY, Best Erotic Romance of 2012 (Cleis Press)
Posted in General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: tammy ramey - Delilah -
Saturday, December 31st, 2011

I don’t usually hop around a book as I write it. The story unfolds for me just like it does for the reader, from start to finish. However, when my sister and I wrote Jacq’s Warlord, we only had the opening of the story done before I had the final scene complete inside my head. Endings can be as important as beginnings. I hope you enjoy the ending of our one and only time-travel novel. It always makes me cry. 🙂
“…Set in the time and in the battles fought as Henry takes the English throne, the combination of battle action and sexy romance makes this story a standout.”
5 Stars, Just Erotic Romance
“…if you are looking for a book full of action, adventure and lots of humor I recommend that you suspend your disbelief and find yourself drawn into the vibrantly portrayed world of JACQ’S WARLORD…”
4 Crystals, Erotic Escapades
With proportions that would make Xena weep, Jacqueline Frazier despairs of ever finding a lover she can’t intimidate. Until the day she ignores an itty-bitty warning regarding the use of a family heirloom, and finds herself swept off her feet by a knight in not so shining armor, back to the twelfth century. Forced to accept the protection and sexual attentions of the overbearing, beast of a man, Rufus of Rathburn, Jacq struggles to find her place in the past while searching for a way back to the future. In the meantime, she aids Rufus’s war cause with a little 21st century ingenuity. Nothing like shaking up the warlord with lessons in bomb-making, guerilla tactics, and the Joys of Sex.
At first unwilling, and downright ungrateful, Rufus begins to see merit in Jacq’s odd ways. Through Jacq’s eccentricities and willfulness, Rufus learns she is a woman to be reckoned with, not to mention she is a lusty handful in bed. Will his admiration of her cunning, strength and uninhibited sexuality grow into a love that breaks the barriers of time? And will their love be strong enough for Jacq to plot a different future in the past?
Tom Frazier moved restlessly through the rooms of the two-story house he’d shared with his daughter. The past week had been the longest of his life—even more terrible than the time he’d returned to the States to bury his wife. Jacq’s dramatic abduction and ultimate disappearance had made national news. Despite all the hype, not a single viable clue surfaced leading to her whereabouts. Worse, it was anyone’s guess whether she was still alive.
In his heart, Tom believed Jacq’s spirit was invincible. While investigators began to lose hope of finding her, Tom’s conviction grew stronger. Patience and consideration of even the tiniest lead would bring her back.
If only he hadn’t arrived late at the Faire. If only he’d been there for Jacq. The sea of emergency vehicles and news vans had been his first clue something was terribly wrong. All entrances and exits to the fairgrounds had been sealed off by the police who were interviewing as many witnesses as they could before they scattered.
Tom had been turned away, but the need to assure himself Jacq was unharmed led him around the perimeter to the workers’ entrance, an area not as closely observed. He’d slipped through the fence and run to the storyteller’s stage. Yellow crime scene tape confirmed the sick feeling growing inside him even before he heard the details from the young officer standing guard over the area.
Tom’s nightmare grew grimmer as witnesses were released to go home and the last of the forensics team packed their tools and left the grounds. Tom himself had spoken to many of Jacq’s friends, but they couldn’t shed any more light on the mystery. Everyone shared the same disbelieving horror. How could something like this happen to one of them?
How could a rider dressed in full armor, carrying a struggling woman, disappear so completely? But beyond the spectators who had watched the performance and, at first, had believed the abduction was just a part of the act, no one had seen them anywhere else within or outside the fairgrounds. Witnesses’ reports had become more exaggerated with each telling. Many claimed they had simply vanished into the fog that had suddenly enveloped the stage.
Even more odd was the ancient artifact found at the foot of the stage. Spectators said the man in armor threw down a blood-encrusted shield before whisking Jacq from the stage. It appeared to be an authentic relic from the Middle Ages. The FBI had sent it to their lab for a more analysis of its origins.
Beyond posting a reward for information leading to her return and papering Atlanta with Jacq’s picture, Tom could do little more than wait by the telephone. He wandered aimlessly into the living room and sat down on the edge of the sofa. The house was so still, almost like it too was waiting for Jacq to breeze through the door.
In his mind he saw her everywhere, and he drove himself crazy thinking that sometimes, if he just listened close enough, he could almost hear her speaking.
A wave of despair swept over him and he leaned forward unable to hold back the sobs. His body shook with the force of his grief, his eyes streaming. When he ran out of tears, he clasped his hands together and did something he thought he’d forgotten how to do. He prayed. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: excerpt Posted in About books... | 9 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Becky Ward - Melissa Porter - tammy ramey - Rhonda - Betty Hamilton -
Friday, December 30th, 2011
I’m asking a question today, not because I’m lazy, but because I love the answers you give me. As for the following question, forget about what it might cost or how impossible it might be. Have fun.
If you were asked to create the ultimate vacation destination,
where would it be located and what would it be like?
Posted in General | 10 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: melissa porter - Diane - tammy ramey - ELF - angie -
Thursday, December 29th, 2011
Remember, there are still two contests running…
1) Cynthia D’Alba’s free copy of Texas Two Step (ending December 31st)
2) The Fairy Trinket Box Contest (ending January 3rd)
* * * * *
When my sister accused me of being a hoarder, she referred to my ever-growing clutter of dragons, gargoyles, and fairies. She didn’t mention anything about what I have hanging on my walls. I hoard paintings, too. I love color all around me, and an empty space invites a special treasure, right?
I love going to museums as much as I love combing through galleries. I’ll say right now, I don’t “get” a lot of modern art. Cubism, splatters of paint—they just don’t appeal. I’ve been to some of the best art museums in the world, so I know what fine art is, but I have my own peculiar tastes. Sometimes, pieces appeal to my sense of whimsy. A few months ago, I went to an art show in an old bath house in Hot Springs. I found a lot that left me cold, but several that made me smile. Take a look at my faves.

From a distance, you think—nice. When you get closer, you wonder whether he left his mother’s flatware alone. And how did he get all that weight balanced on one foot? Now that’s something I’d love to have in my front yard.
Here’s another:

From a distance, the colors are just right for my office and bedroom. I love warm colors—yellows, reds, along with splashes of green and blue. But get closer, and you see the ship behind her isn’t sailing on the sea. It has wheels. And the woman’s hat is topped by a fish. I wish you could see all the clever, kookie details of the painting, but this one made me smile.
So, what’s the point of today’s post? I don’t have one. I woke up with my mind a total blank. Maybe you can think of topics you’d rather I talk about tomorrow. In the meantime you can wonder about the things I have hanging on my walls, or better yet, you can tell me what treasures you have hanging on yours!
Posted in General | 11 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah - Kala Goriup - Ilona - Becky Ward - angie -
Wednesday, December 28th, 2011
Hi y’all. I’m Cynthia D’Alba. Delilah has kindly offered up her blog to let me ramble for the next couple of minutes. I want to talk about the future.
It’s almost the end of 2011 and beginning of a fresh new year with all its potential and possibilities. 2012 will be an interesting year for me personally.
• I have my first book (Texas Two Step) coming out on February 28, 2012. (YAY!)
• I’m going on my first blog whore tour (which I BEG you to follow and comment. I’ll try to be interesting every day! And I’ll give away lots of stuff as bribes, er prizes.) Click HERE for dates and locations. A complete list of prizes will be posted in January.
• It’s an election year. My hubby and I are political junkies so this year will be like catnip to a kitty!
Notice I’m not asking for New Year resolutions. The ONLY New Year’s resolution I ever kept is not to make any. 🙂 So I’m not looking for yours. But I’d love to know… What are you looking forward to in 2012?
Mega-thanks to Delilah for having me here today. I know she has a loyal following of fans and to them I say…you have great taste in reading material!
I’ve included a small except from my upcoming debut from Samhain Publishing, Texas Two Step. I chose it especially for DD’s readers.
He wanted her. Even if he hadn’t told her, she’d known. Even if he only wanted her for tonight, then tonight it would be. For the first time in years, she was alive and sexy and desirable.
Jerking her mouth from his, she kissed his neck, using her lips, teeth and tongue to caress his salty skin.
“Wrap your legs around me,” he said in a strained voice.
She locked her ankles around his waist and thrust her aching center against the bulge behind his zipper. They were as physically close as two clothed people could be. His large hands scorched her bottom as he dug his fingers into her flesh, cupping her through her panties, holding her in place, rocking her against him. She groaned at the torture of being close but not close enough. He was driving her insane with desire.
He locked his mouth to hers, carried her across the room and kicked open a door. The door banged against the wall. He laid her on his turned-down bed, the satiny sheet cool to her heated flesh.
“Don’t move,” he growled. “I want to enjoy the view.”
Instead, she rolled to her side and rested her head in her hand. “I don’t think so. I think it’s time I had a turn looking.”
His lips curved into a slow, sexy smile.
“As you demand.” He toed off black cowboy boots and kicked them toward a closet door. He unfastened his slacks and pulled the zipper slowly down.
Interested? Want to read a copy of Texas Two Step? Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in General | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Becky Ward - Julie - REGINA ROSS - ELF - Heather Coulter -
Tuesday, December 27th, 2011
Yes, today I’ll name two winners, but just not yet. Don’t you know patience is a virtue?
I had some very nice news on Christmas day, an extra present I didn’t expect. Ravished is nominated for The Romance Studio’s CAPA awards for best historical novel… Okay, so any of you who have read that particular book know it’s “Vikings in Space”, not historical, but I’m okay with that. A nom is a nom! Squee!
* * * * *
Since two contests are winding down, I have to get something else off my hoarding shelf. (See that, sis? Can too bear to part with treasures!)
The Fairy Trinket Box Contest

What do you have to do to win?
Post a comment—here or on my Facebook FAN page. And post every day the contest runs for additional chances to win!
This contest lasts until January 3rd, so there are plenty of chances to enter!
For those of you who will no doubt ask, the box comes from Christi’s Gifts & Consignments, 870-230-1877. And yes, she can order more!
How about a question to start you off?
What DON’T women want?
* * * * *
So back to those winners…
Thanks so much to everyone who participated in both contests.
The winner of the Baby Dragon Incense Burner is…Julie Swaney!
The winner of the Promo Ho contest and the $25.00 gift certificate is…Michelle Bauer!
Congratulations, ladies! Thanks for playing. Be sure to send me an email
to arrange delivery of your prizes.
Posted in Contests!, General | 21 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Terri - Linda Womack - Becky Ward - angie - kimmyL -
Monday, December 26th, 2011
Please remember, two contests end tomorrow. Check here for details:
*Win The Baby Dragon Incense Burner Contest (ends Dec 27th)
*Win a $25.00 Amazon.com certificate (ends Dec 27th)
* * * * *
Getting Graded
Having my book reviewed reminds me of my school days and getting graded by my teacher. The educator reads your paper, evaluates it and gives it a mark.
Reviewers do the same for books, but most of the reviewers for romance websites don’t get paid. They’re book lovers who give their precious time to read my book and write up an opinion.
I love getting reviews of my books. Reviewers tell me what they liked about the characters and plot and sometimes they tell me what they dislike. I see reviews as validation that I wrote a good book and as a critique. If reviewers are willing to give their time to publish their comments, I need to pay attention. I can learn and I can improve.
Electronic publishing has increased the numbers of publishers, writers and books on the market and the choices for readers are ever expanding. Given this explosion of available books, I feel fortunate to receive a review. I have books that never been reviewed and that disappointments me. I really like the feedback.
I’d like to share a couple of comments that a reviewer wrote about one of my werewolf tales, Mark of the Moon.
“Occasionally the sentences were a bit stilted.”
“Mark of the Moon is a page turner, gripping the reader from the first page and not letting go.”
I love this kind of feedback, and if I could I’d ask that reviewer to point out every sentence she found stilted. That isn’t possible, but I’ve written a few more books since Mark of the Moon and her comment has stayed with me.
This year I was very fortunate. My book, Mirror Mirror: Nightwing was nominated by The Romance Reviews (TRR) for Best Erotic Paranormal Angels and Demons book for 2011. I was stunned. Short books like Nightwing are rarely nominated for awards. The nominees are selected by the TRR reviewers. I didn’t win, but I was thrilled that my book was remembered and nominated.
So whether the reviewers grade with stars, tombstones, lips or hearts I’m want to thank these wonderful people for all the reviews I have received over the years and the ones I hope to receive in 2012.
I’m looking forward to a great new year and getting good grades.
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Becky Ward - ELF -