It’s Written In The Stars
Have you ever heard that line? Or, how about one of these…
Star-crossed lovers
Born under an unlucky star
Thank your lucky stars
As authors, we create stories around these themes every day.
Everyone has heard of astrology, but often people equate it with a sun sign column in a magazine or newspaper, or on a website. We ask, ‘what’s your sign?’ at a party as a social icebreaker even though we don’t know much about what it means to have your Sun in Leo or Libra.
This sun sign type of astrology is the tip of a vast iceberg. There are countless forms of astrology, many of which originated in ancient Eurasia, India, China and Egypt. In the western world, Tropical Astrology is the system most commonly used nowadays.
Long ago, astronomy and astrology were considered two aspects of one sacred science, the study of stars and planets, and their effects on humanity and earthly events. Johannes Kepler, Benjamin Franklin, and Aristotle are just a few famous names. It is rarely mentioned that they were astrologers. In more recent times, J.P. Morgan had a personal astrologer, as did Nancy and Ronald Reagan.
Along came the dark ages, and suddenly astrology was treated as unworthy of being considered a science. It was relegated to the questionable category of fortune-telling and was discouraged by many in both church and government.
Astrology empowers us. It is a science built on symmetry, geometry and precision. It is a snapshot in time of where the planets and fixed stars were at the time and place we were born. It helps us understand our personal cycles. Just think of the power at our fingertips from just knowing our strengths and weaknesses by knowing our cycles. We can know when to tap into our cycles of good fortune and when it’s best to lie low during times of turbulence.
Each planet has a cycle for one full revolution around the sun. Take Saturn, for instance. It takes 29 ½ years for Saturn to circle the sun. So, when a person is 29 or 30 years old, one Saturn cycle is complete. Saturn represents responsibility, discipline, and learning life lessons. We evaluate our lives at this time. If the decisions we have made are working well, it can be a smooth transition to the next thirty year cycle. If we are no longer in synch with our choices, this is the time we will change course. This cycle breaks down further into quarters; we are affected by Saturn every 7 years. Might this be tied in with the common saying, “seven year itch”?
I’m currently writing a fantasy paranormal romance where the heroine uses astrology to solve the dilemma she is in. I have recently outlined a line of mysteries where astrology features as a major tool for solving murders.
In my novella, The Sheikh’s Spy, there is a beautiful scene where Arabella and Adnan gaze at a beautiful fixed star constellation from an isolated desert landscape.
Have you ever had your astrology charted drawn up and interpreted by an astrologer? Do you have a sun-sign story to share with us?
GEMMA JULIANA is a multi-published author who lives in an enchanted cottage in north Texas with her handsome hero, teen son and a comical dog. She loves making new friends and hearing from readers. Exotic coffee and chocolate fuel her creativity. You can buy Gemma’s books on Amazon.
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