Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for July 8th, 2018

How to support your favorite author… (cough, cough)
Sunday, July 8th, 2018

NOTE: I closed out three recent contests. Be sure to scroll down to see if you won! Names are at the tops of the pages and instructions are in the comments!

So, I’ve been pondering a problem. Reviews. And by that, I mean, reviews of books on places like AMAZON. How do I get them? I would think that if I write a book someone enjoys, posting a comment, like “Great story!” wouldn’t be a big deal, but while I know I’ve sold plenty of copies of Reaper, Dagger, and Cochise, only a few folks have posted reviews. It’s confusing. And important. Maybe, if you knew why…

At this moment, I’m especially needing reviews of Reaper, the first book in the MBH series, so I can maybe qualify for some special promotions to get the word out to more readers about this series. So, if you’ve read my story, I’d appreciate the support. Thank you! ~DD