UPDATE: The winner is…Debra Guyette!
I woke to thunder showers today, so no morning pool time. And, yes, I am that spoiled. However, in my defense, I live in Arkansas. Without a pool, summers would be unlivable. The weather’s so muggy it’s like living in a sweaty armpit.
Sooooo, here I am at my desk, trying to procrastinate so I don’t have to start working again on another editing project. I’m cool once I’m “in”, but I have to drag myself to open the document, kicking and screaming. Not that I don’t love the story. So far, I do.
Back to the procrastinating thing. I spend a lot of time working on this website, so it only seems fair I should expect everyone to love it as much as I do, in all its nooks and crannies. For the most part, it’s up to date—except for the “For Readers: Free Stuff” page, since I haven’t been making trading cards or updated my bookmarks in forever. But the books…? You have plenty to peruse. So, in the interest of acquainting some of you with what’s on my site, I’m holding a scavenger hunt!
Now, this is important. YOU CANNOT POST ANSWERS TO MY QUESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS. If you do, you’ve done the work and shared the answers with everyone else, and what’s the point? You don’t want competition for the prize do you? NO! Send your answers to me PRIVATELY at Delilah@delilahdevlin.com!
Scavenger Hunt
Here are the questions…
- What titles do I already have listed for pre-order on my Upcoming Books page?
- Which of the future projects at the bottom of the Upcoming Books page interest you?
- How many Standalone western titles do I have listed?
- Which series on my By Series page would you like to see more of?
- Tell me which story on my Short Stories page you’d most like to read. (You might get a surprise!)
- How many people “Follow My Blog”—meaning, how many people get it sent to their email inbox!?
And the prize? How about a signed, printed ARC of Stepbrothers Stepping Out: Ultimate Collection!