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Elizabeth Andrews: Birthday Party! (Contest–2 Winners)
Thursday, July 28th, 2022

UPDATE: The winners are…Lynn Danilowicz and Christine Cushing!

Hi, everyone! I want to start today by thanking my hostess Delilah for letting me come play in her space again. It’s always a lot of fun hanging out here with you all.

Today is my birthday, but I have gifts for some of you and will tell you about that just a little later.

While today is the day, we’re not doing birthday dinner and cake until the weekend, because of family work schedules. Not mine—I took today and tomorrow off so I have a four-day birthday weekend. But it means I have two days to do almost anything I want. The question is, what will that be?

Reading is on the list for sure. There’s a little cooking on the to-do list, because I am prepping my birthday dinner for Saturday, plus the regular weekend chores, but there is still a whole lot of open time. I’m thinking about an hour on the massage table on Friday—I haven’t done that in a while, and an hour of total relaxation on a long weekend seems a good idea. But I still have a lot of time to fill in those four days.

Heck, as I’m writing this, I still haven’t decided on what kind of cake I want to have with dinner on Saturday. I really have to figure that out, since the cake is the most important part of the birthday dinner menu, at least on my birthday. Layer cake with icing? Cheesecake? Fancy cupcakes? Decisions, decisions…

I am sure of one thing, though—there will also be writing time. Hopefully a lot of it (we won’t talk about how far behind I am on this year’s writing goals.), because tonight happens to be my regular monthly writing group night. Every month a group of us meet for dinner and writing time. Some months we’re all there, sometimes only a couple of us make it. Some months we get a lot of writing done, some months we do more talking than writing, depending on what’s happening in our worlds or in the world in general. But we all look forward to the evening—so much so that we’ve added a second night several months recently—because it’s a chance to hang out with people we enjoy spending time with while also doing something we all love. Also, there are usually cookies. It’s not birthday cake, but it’ll do until Saturday. Kind of like having two birthday dinners.

Aside from writing this weekend, I have some revisions waiting for me as well, on the third book in my Medusa’s Daughters trilogy, which has a beautiful cover waiting already and which I wanted to have out in the world long before now. Hm, this weekend’s schedule might be taking better shape now. Reading, writing, revisions, massage, two birthday dinners, weekend chores. That might be enough for four days, especially since the reading/writing/rewriting will take a large chunk of time, or should. What do you think?

When I was a kid, deciding on birthday dinner and cake was fairly easy, as was how I wanted to spend the day—lots of years, it meant a sleepover with a best friend, and always family around the table. Plus I didn’t have to do any of the dinner prep myself.

If you could design the perfect way to spend your birthday, what would it look like? Who would you be with? What kind of cake would you have? I will do a drawing on Sunday morning, July 31, 2022 and pull two names from all of the responses for an ebook giveaway—winners’ choice from my three romances. My birthday = presents for you!

About the Author

Lifelong book addict Elizabeth Andrews fell in love with romance novels at an early age, a love that carried into adulthood, and for a while, she worked in a bookstore, where she got to share that love with other readers. Now she writes her own, full of sexy heroes and strong heroines. Her stories range from paranormal to contemporary, to who knows what her imagination might come up with along the way, but happy endings are a guarantee!

She’s a married mother of two, who’s got a room overflowing with her book collection and a garden full of herbs and veggies that need occasional attention between writing and reading binges.

You can find her at

About Her Books

Light the Way Home: Single dad Nate Baxter has his hands full with his son and his haunted lighthouse. He doesn’t have time to spend with a woman…especially one who won’t stick around, like his ex-wife.

But Lucie Russo’s not like other women Nate’s met. She’s sweet and sexy, and his mouth waters every time he’s around her.

Will a family emergency cause him to break his relationship rules? And if he does, will his heart be broken too?


Hunting Medusa, Medusa’s Daughters Book 1: When Kallan Tassos tracks down the current Medusa, he expects to find a monster. Instead he finds a wary, beautiful woman, shielded by a complicated web of spells that foils his plans for a quick kill and retrieval of her protective amulet.

Andrea Rosakis expects the handsome Harvester to go for the kill. Instead, his attempt to take the amulet imprinted on her skin without harming her takes her completely by surprise. And ends with the two of them in a magical bind—together. But Kallan isn’t the only Harvester on Andi’s trail…


Protecting Medusa, Medusa’s Daughters Book 2: Being the Medusa will put a real crimp in a woman’s social life. Lucky for Philomena Gregory, she gave up on men long before Athena’s curse landed on her head. Not even the naked man in the bathroom will change her mind.

Ryder Ware has waited six years to meet Mena in person. Flirting on the phone and via email is no substitute for face to face when a man is so intrigued. But now that Athena’s Harvesters have found her, Mena has no choice but to let him keep her safe—and close, very close.

17 comments to “Elizabeth Andrews: Birthday Party! (Contest–2 Winners)”

  1. Christine Cushing
    · July 28th, 2022 at 8:45 am · Link

    My favorite birthday would be to eat in a restaurant with my boyfriend. Either fried chicken or steak, lima beans, and mac and cheese.
    Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

  2. Christine Cushing
    · July 28th, 2022 at 8:48 am · Link

    My favorite birthday would include eating out in a restaurant with my boyfriend.
    Either fried chicken or steak, lima beans, and mac and cheese.
    Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting

  3. Elizabeth Andrews
    · July 28th, 2022 at 8:50 am · Link

    Thanks again, Delilah, for letting me hang out with you!

  4. Vicky Burkholder
    · July 28th, 2022 at 8:54 am · Link

    Happy birthday! And congratulations on the books. They look great!

  5. bn100
    · July 28th, 2022 at 12:23 pm · Link

    Happy birthday! Ice cream cake with family and friends

  6. Elizabeth Andrews
    · July 28th, 2022 at 1:37 pm · Link

    Mm, chocolate cake sounds delicious, Christine!

  7. Elizabeth Andrews
    · July 28th, 2022 at 1:37 pm · Link

    Thank you, Vicky! đŸ™‚

  8. Elizabeth Andrews
    · July 28th, 2022 at 1:38 pm · Link

    Oh, ice cream cake sounds good too, especially since we’re a couple weeks into regular 90 degree temps here with no end in sight, bn100!

  9. Lynn Danilowicz
    · July 28th, 2022 at 2:54 pm · Link

    Made-from scratch German Chocolate cake. Yum! Celebrating with my husband at our favorite restaurant in Cape May.

  10. Lynn Danilowicz
    · July 28th, 2022 at 2:57 pm · Link

    Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday cake is either made from scratch German Chocolate cake or made from scratch brownies. Favorite way to celebrate is a dinner out with my husband.

  11. Elizabeth Andrews
    · July 28th, 2022 at 9:03 pm · Link

    Oh, that sounds so good, Lynn! My mom used to make German chocolate cake when I was a kid, and I don’t think I’ve had it since. And dinner at the beach sounds perfect!

  12. ButtonsMom2003
    · July 29th, 2022 at 1:29 am · Link

    I’d want either an ice cream cake or molasses/ginger cookies (ok they’re not a cake but they are a favorite).

    Lazing around the house reading or listening to a book is just about my favorite thing to do but I also enjoy going to the movies and dinner with family and friends.

  13. Elizabeth Andrews
    · July 29th, 2022 at 6:46 am · Link

    Hm, ice cream cake again. It combines two of my favorite things, ice cream and cake. lol Reading is always a good way to spend the day, ButtonsMom2003!

  14. K. Campos
    · July 29th, 2022 at 6:57 pm · Link

    I’d want a chocolate lava cake with vanilla ice cream. The heat from the cake and the coolness from the ice cream just makes it melt in your mouth. My favorite way to celebrate is having dinner out with my family and spending time alone with my partner and watching movies together.

  15. Elizabeth Andrews
    · July 29th, 2022 at 10:21 pm · Link

    Yum, lava cake and ice cream. So many good options for the cake portion! Family time is good, too, K. Campos!

  16. Elizabeth Andrews
    · July 31st, 2022 at 7:33 am · Link

    Happy Sunday, everyone!

    I just hopped over to to do the drawing, and the winners are Lynn Danilowicz and Christine Cushing! Congrats!

    Please drop me an email at elizabethandrewswrites @ (without the spaces), so I can find out what book you’d like and how to get it to you!

    And thank you again, Delilah, for letting me come play. đŸ™‚

  17. Delilah
    · August 2nd, 2022 at 8:08 am · Link

    Congratulations to Lynn and Christine!

    And thanks, Elizabeth, for being a great guest!

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