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Ava Cuvay: TIN TOY — Brand New Release! (Contest)
Thursday, December 15th, 2022

UPDATE: The winners are…Julie Andrade, Colleen C, and Debra Guyette!

IGNORE the “Pre-Order” message — it’s LIVE now!

Thank you, Delilah, for letting me come here today! Over a year ago, I was here whining, er, I mean, blogging about the saggy middle of my book “Tin Toy” (click here to read that blog post:

At the time, I was struggling with the storyline and the characters… Nothing seemed to click in spite of my repeated attempts to outline a general direction for it all. I’d re-written the first five chapters half a dozen times; I’d re-outlined the story the same number of times (no small feat for someone who leans more toward pantsing than plotting).

I couldn’t pants this book. Not entirely. It’s the second book in my Silver Cyborg Series, so I couldn’t just let it wander toward an HEA for my two characters and be content. The overarching story from Book One had to continue and advance and get to a point Book Three can take it in for a goal (weak sports-reference here ;-).

Apparently, I couldn’t plot the book, either. So was mired and stagnant.

BUT, then everything finally clicked. The muse hit, the planets aligned…something happened. Honestly, I credit the savage approach I took to the story over this past summer. I shredded the thing. Mercilessly. I switched things around. I cut tens of thousands of words. I turned entire chapters into alternate POVs. I was ruthless: if it didn’t move the story or characters forward, no matter how pretty my prose, I dumped it.

The experience was a lot like a plumbing blockage, to use a crude analogy. Over a year of plugging away (plunging away) to get something moving rather than merely swirling and churning, but I now have a brand new, shiny book. Tin Toy is LIVE TODAY (tosses confetti and blows party horns)!! And I’m already a few chapters into the third book in this series, Tin Soldier. In fact, I have a prelude to Tin Soldier as an entry in Delilah’s upcoming anthology: Boys Behaving Badly: Silver Soldiers. And I’m also working on my second dragon shifter story.

Whatever blockage had my writing stuck, it’s gone, and my writing is finally flowing (and in the right direction)! I gotta admit: I’m very relieved. 😉


Since I have a brand now shiny book today, I’m giving away three Kindle versions of Tin Toy to random winners that I’ll choose on Monday, December 19th. Comment with something you struggled with that finally went right for you this past year.

15 comments to “Ava Cuvay: TIN TOY — Brand New Release! (Contest)”

  1. rita
    · December 15th, 2022 at 10:04 am · Link

    The core question is something I struggled with that finally went right.

    Honestly, this year has been a struggle to just survive. Way too many things/events/situations that I’ve struggled with that have had cumulatative consequence.

    The hope is the end result of it finally going right? That the year ends on a high note and 2023 will not be a repeat.

    Happy holidays and I’m so planning to grab as it’s right up my alley.

    Thanks Delilah for hosting this new to me author and book.

  2. Julie Andrade
    · December 15th, 2022 at 11:06 am · Link

    I’ve been struggling with letting go emotionally of my granddaughter that has been living with me for 4 years that decided to move out after she just graduated from high school this year. I knew eventually she would want to move out, but I wasn’t expecting right after she graduated. It broke my heart, but I have excepted and now I have more time for myself and enjoying the freedom my husband and I now have.

  3. Ava Cuvay
    · December 15th, 2022 at 11:41 am · Link

    Rita – Sending you positive vibes for a better 2023! I think a lot of us are still struggling, and it can be overwhelming. Best wishes to you!

  4. Ava Cuvay
    · December 15th, 2022 at 11:46 am · Link

    Julie— Ugh, I don’t want to contemplate high school graduation yet… I feel for you! Even when the teens frustrate me, I can’t imagine them *not* being at home. Best wishes to you!

  5. Colleen C.
    · December 15th, 2022 at 12:37 pm · Link

    What I have been struggling with is seeing my sister go through chemo… seeing her good and bad days… things are looking up and I am happy she has been doing so well through this process. She is still as witty and sarcastic as ever.

  6. Ava Cuvay
    · December 15th, 2022 at 3:40 pm · Link

    Colleen- watching a loved one battle cancer is so hard… you can’t take their pain or will them better 🙁 I’m glad your sister has kept her fun attitude, and wish you all the best!

  7. bn100
    · December 15th, 2022 at 7:17 pm · Link

    can’t think of anything

  8. Ava Cuvay
    · December 15th, 2022 at 7:28 pm · Link

    That’s good, right? 🙂

  9. Anna Taylor Sweringen
    · December 15th, 2022 at 9:08 pm · Link

    I struggle with forgiveness, but using the insights from Eckhardt Tolle’s The Power of Now I’ve begun to make headway with letting go of grudges.

  10. Debra Guyette
    · December 16th, 2022 at 5:59 am · Link

    I struggle with patience. I overcome it but when tired not so much

  11. Ava Cuvay
    · December 16th, 2022 at 10:10 am · Link

    Anna – That’s wonderful!

  12. Ava Cuvay
    · December 16th, 2022 at 10:13 am · Link

    Debra – I like to consider myself a patient person… but my reaction last night to the computer acting up is evidence to the contrary! Lol! Happy Holidays to you 🙂

  13. Stacey Kinzebach
    · December 18th, 2022 at 11:17 am · Link

    Interviewing. I’m looking for a new job and have dreaded interviewing. Got a new job.

  14. Ava Cuvay
    · December 18th, 2022 at 7:28 pm · Link

    Stacey – Congrats!! A job search (and the interviews that go with it) can be daunting. Great job over-coming it!

  15. Delilah
    · December 19th, 2022 at 9:20 am · Link

    Ava’s winners are…Julie Andrade, Colleen C, and Debra Guyette! She’ll be in touch shortly!

    Thanks to everyone who commented, and thanks to Ava for being a great guest! Good luck with the new release! Everyone, go get a copy!

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